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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Settlement are illegal under international law.

I see , so evryone that breaks the law it is allowed to put a bullet in his head, children included or do they get to go off with only a a warnning ?

Those towns and settlements are all regonied by onternational law so kinly get your facts straight .

This is kibbutz beeri where 112 people where murdered :

I can say the same thing about Israel, Israel's sole purpose is to destroy the identity of Palestinians and wipe out Arabs from Israel, so ? I expect America to play the role of mediator cause it holds influence of both parties. America if its not a slave of Jewish lobby can force Tiny Israel to start talks and use Arab regional powers to bring Hamas to the table, we have see Americans and Taliban sit in Qatar and made a deal with Mediation, Americans used to use same language for Taliban, Terrorists/Savages/never negotiate with Terrorists/Taliban hate our freedom/BLAH BLAH, but in the end they both sit together and now America has ended its longest war, now no American soldier will die in Afghanistan, but problem here is that Jewish Lobby in USA are mostly consist of Radical right wing Zionist who holds US entire Political system hostage, not only that they control most of major media and publications. And they (European Jews) are racists more than KKK and in violence they are on level of ISIS and NAZI's if not more, problem is that USA has become a slave for Israel and have no independent opinion on this matter, every American politician or Journalists were given a script to read from with same old statements like " Israel have the right to self-defense " blah blah, Hamas bad blah blah, Israel Good blah blah.

America is far from being a proper mediator; Lindsey Graham's rant is all one needs to hear and put their role (self-given, I might add) to rest. The Native Americans say the white man talks with a forked tongue shows.
I see , so evryone that breaks the law it is allowed to put a bullet in his head, children included or do they get to go off with only a a warnning ?

Those towns and settlements are all regonied by onternational law so kinly get your facts straight .

This is kibbutz beeri where 112 people where murdered :


Every darn living soul has figured it out by now. You guys are NEVER going to find peace. NEVER. This cycle of violence will go on for an eternity.

You can build walls. Protect your houses with iron dome batteries. You can humiliate the other side day and night. You can steal their land, food and water. You can dehumanise and vilify the other side. No matter what you do, at the end of the day it will impact you. Today it is Hamas. Tomorrow it is X, Y and Z. Your arguments have no weight until you seriously resolve the root cause.
It is going to be ugly. As ugly as Iraq or Afghanistan but within a tiny area, so the intensity will be revolting.
For a urban guerilla style cqb ghaza has the perfect space....with the amount of rubble being created by the isreali bombing....if handled properly ghaza could be Israels waterloo......all the ghazans need is atgm/rpg n if possible shoulder fired sam.
Wo pochna tha kay kidhar gaya wo khasi atomic power 😂 moo tak nahi khol sakta... They should shove those warheads up hafiz saabs ___
how did you conclude that from my post at first place?
which western/israel tech could not be replaced by alternative?

umm, almost nothing big that can live past a reasonable lifespan. That has rigorous quality control, patches, improvements, and updates, and even then like I said, your alternative can build a partnership or straight deny you access in the future. It's ludicrous really.
Yep. Indians at it again.
I'm not engaging in posting fake tweets from deceptive accounts where Pakistanis pose as Jews and Indians to create conflict. Instead, I'm sharing genuine videos, whether they feature Pakistanis claiming to be Arabs or, as in this case, an Israeli soldier applying pork fat to bullets.
I'm not engaging in posting fake tweets from deceptive accounts where Pakistanis pose as Jews and Indians to create conflict. Instead, I'm sharing genuine videos, whether they feature Pakistanis claiming to be Arabs or, as in this case, an Israeli soldier applying pork fat to bullets.
That's not a israeli soldier, fuctard Hindu.
any fighter who saw this will laugh to the bottom of his lungs.

umm, almost nothing big that can live past a reasonable lifespan. That has rigorous quality control, patches, improvements, and updates, and even then like I said, your alternative can build a partnership or straight deny you access in the future. It's ludicrous really.
chinese branda have all that, only political restrictions and protection measures stopped them to overrun in overall western brands on their on markets.
yea, but chinese are more honest in bussiness they will teach you how to fish also.
Very interesting analysis:

Israel ‘wants to injure Hamas but it doesn’t want to destroy Hamas’

Analysts have told Al Jazeera that Israel has no intention of destroying Hamas and that the continuing bombardment of Gaza will change nothing in the long term.

This may have been true a week ago , but not any more.

In the past there was a thought that we can somehow improve things in Gaza , allow workers from Gaza into Israel , allow money transfer from Qatar to Hamas and somehow there would be less violence.

The whole strategy was defensive, instead of entering and removing those rockets we built Iron dome and allowed missiles to be fired into our cities . When Hamas started building underground tunnels and sent terrosrists , we build an underground wall.

They thought that if Hamas was removed a worse group like daesh would come in and take over Gaza.

Now people are saying , we already have Hamas entering on trucks murdering people , what could possibly be worse ? How diffrent is that from Daesh ?

Now the demand in Israel that the whole situation change from the base, people want to be sure that something like that would never happen again.

I'm not engaging in posting fake tweets from deceptive accounts where Pakistanis pose as Jews and Indians to create conflict. Instead, I'm sharing genuine videos, whether they feature Pakistanis claiming to be Arabs or, as in this case, an Israeli soldier applying pork fat to bullets.
You are ignorant, Jew's can also not eat or use pork
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