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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

And i am still waiting for you to explain what is Hamas and people like you solution to this conflict , since you reject the two state piece solution and have nothing to offer the region but more blood shed.



Their is no Hamas in the west bank and the Jews have increased settlement activity, the oppression and occupation has become worse

Hamas is just a excuse for the jews
This war is nothing but genocide of Palestine and many are speculating at atleast a month long campaign .
The first thing Hezbollah should do (if they have the Intel) is knock out all radar stations in Israel with precision strikes. Israel without radars for its defence systems is like a naked country.
The US will absolutely pound Lebanon, Syria to oblivion I feel personally if there is another front opened currently.
No water ,No food ,No electricity ,No medicines, regular air strikes along with Ground invasion ,Israel will effectively throw gaza into the stone age.

That is insane. Hamas is any way terrorist group. But Israel should have some sanity while doing this operation.
or Dresden.
My friend those people lost any semblance of dignity. 300 of them gathered in a railway station, people who identify as dogs, and barked for an hour.
This guy should fix his own nation. They have nothing to contribute. I bet my bottom dollar. If German people of old can wake up from their graves , they would piss on today's Germans. They would feel closer to us then him. Cucks
With what? Hezbollah has anti ship assets. Syria has Russian airforce. What else you need?

There is nothing any of these of these nations have that can deal with American air power. I mean we are all gutted at the war crimes the IDF is committing but let's not get deluded like its a video game. Russia is no position to challenge Azeris, never mind US airforce. This is the same Syria who gets hammered by airstrikes from the IDF every single month.
No water ,No food ,No electricity ,No medicines, regular air strikes along with Ground invasion ,Israel will effectively throw gaza into the stone age.

Don't you get really tired of repeating this.. We heard this in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021 and now 2023. Hamas ain't going anywhere nor does the Palestinian. Some buildings got destroyed nothing big deal boo woo
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