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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Well in general conscription soldiers are less capable.
But Israel also seem to have a lot of young, party going type of soldiers/women soldiers who have not really seen battle??
The weak resistance and the large amount of surrendering soldiers definately dents Israel supersoldier image.
It’s a logistics heavy army and from what I have observed, armies of occupation are only expected to perform paramilitary/police level of duties. They don’t expect to be on high alert most of the time or engage in frequent engagements/gun battles. It’s the elite infantry units and regular armor units that go offensive backed by indirect fire; artillery, air power, naval bombardment, drone operators, etc.

What occupation armies and colonizers lack in the fighting ability of conscripts they make up for in brutality of collective punishment and atrocities.
At this moment those freedom fighter can go all the way to Tel Aviv and killed Netanyahu and have his head on a pickup by next week and parade thru the entire Palestinian land. Just how strong that probability was is the matter of issue here.

I mean sure, if everything goes HAMAS way then they can literally take Israel out of Gaza and probably even claim it back, but how likely it could be is another matter. All I am saying is Netanyahu is going to have this big war he wanted since 2010 and, now it can goes completely sideway, but as per previous data suggest, the one that's going to end up a bloody nose is going to be HAMAS and most likely the Palestinian themselves, as I said, I don't have affinity on either side, HAMAS can win or Israel can win for all I care, I comment on fact and figure and historical data, that's what Military Analyst do, I am not going to stop you to think otherwise.
They are always in war with their own citizens, that is nothing new, if they want to increase intensity and resources let them do it but outcome is unpredictable, at least recent wars tought us that lesson.
Please don´t forget they are day after day in the edge of Bankrupt. US are sealing their destiny as the Hegemon.
US economy is way too big to fail like this. Don't be fooled by American debt - it is of very different nature and character (revenue generation streams). Russian economy is peanuts in comparison.

American economy continues to grow and speculators are RED FACED.

Speculators want your money to fund their stupid experiments.
US economy is way too big to fail like this. Don't be fooled by American debt - it is of very different nature and character. Russian economy is peanuts in comparison.

American economy continues to grow and speculators are RED FACED.

Speculators want your money to fund their stupid experiments.
it's actually incredible it's still growing. You don't tend to see such growth in developed countries.
There is only one solution to this problem. A single state and that's Palestine.

That was my point.

I have seen video of it. 2 F-16s being moved by trucks. Not sure if the video is recent or the circumstances behind it.

Yeah I think that was from at least 2 or 3 days ago. Unless they were sabotaged on the ground by Palestinians. But they weren't shot down like that original post suggested.
If Hezbollah "enters" the war - then "if" Syria was "stronger" they could take advantage of this opportunity and reclaim their Golan Heights. Timing is not on Syria's side as they are weak from the on going war in Syria ...

Question is, if you tie together the Abraham Accords, Saudia-Israeli normalisation, the Syrian War, Iraq War, the overthrow of Imran Khan, is there a coherent multi-stage stategy at play here ? Has Al Aqsa-Flood put a pause on this strategy ? Is that why the Americans have green light he genocide of Gaza because they are upset their strategy may be falling apart and a decades worth of work may go up in smoke ?

What are all the dots ? Are there indeed, descrete dots, which on their own look random - but are somehow are joined up ?? Am i suggesting a conspiracy where there is none ?
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US economy is way too big to fail like this. Don't be fooled by American debt - it is of very different nature and character. Russian economy is peanuts in comparison.

American economy continues to grow and speculators are RED FACED.

Speculators want your money to fund their stupid experiments.
You just check the last agreement in the US Senate. Russia only needs to interrupt the US Aid for some weeks to definetively make a turning point.
So you are saying Iran supply those weapon to HAMAS so they can lose a war?
I didn't say this either. I simply responded to your incorrect statement that Iran cannot supply Hamas and Russia at the same time.
On the other hand, even without that, it's naive to think Iran can outbuild the Israeli in term of military equipment. I just don't see the data that favor Iran, especially so when they are already knee deep in Russia with Ukraine.
Dude, your perception of Iranian exports to Russia is totally wrong. Selling a few thousand Shahed-136 drones produced in a few facilities is a tiny fraction of the Iranian MIC. Iran is making huge profits with these exports.

This is like me saying Israel cannot supply the IDF with enough equipment to fight Palestinian militants in Gaza because it exports drones and missiles to Azerbaijan. It makes no sense.
I don't know, maybe if you can show me how or why Iran can outbuild the Israeli, and I may reconsider, otherwise my view is not going to change because of someone said something unsubstantiable
Iran is a much larger country with a much larger population for starters, and has embarked on a policy of self-sufficiency since the end of the war with Iraq in the 80s. We can go into more detail elsewhere, this thread isn't the suitable forum to debate Iran MIC vs Israel MIC.
it's actually incredible it's still growing. You don't tend to see such growth in developed countries.
Check this:

These idiots have failed to understand that FED has learned lessons from 2008 speculation-driven recession. FED is ready for these idiots.
US economy is way too big to fail like this. Don't be fooled by American debt - it is of very different nature and character. Russian economy is peanuts in comparison.

American economy continues to grow and speculators are RED FACED.

Speculators want your money to fund their stupid experiments.
Also there is a lot of waste in how money is spend by all levels of government in the US. As long as the US dollar is the reserve currency of the world, it basically has a free pass to spend approx. $800 billion a year at the world’s expense (like an investor that own’s a share of everyone else’s economy). By comparison look at the UK. The pound was once the global reserve currency and now that they don’t have it, they are vulnerable to economic trends like any other nation.
Man I have to say, compared to videos l've seen before some of Hamas' troops seem really professional in their breaching tactics.
Who been training them, and how coordinated it was? The world is a such a shitshow right now. This has the potential to spiral out into something that cannot be controlled.

From what I know (was call by my think tank (Not this PDF think tank) to fill in for Middle Eastern Desk because the ladies who work this is on maternal leave. Bear in mind the source I have in the middle east is not really gear toward Israeli and Hamas (or any one country near Israeli), it's more like Iraq and Turkey.)

What is known at this point is a group of HAMAS, numbered around 1000, some are already embedded within those settlement and have been activated yesterday and carry out this attack. This is a classic infiltration attack, the closest I can think of is Tet Offensive when the Vietcong did surprise the US and launch that attack, the two are similar in nature.

And from what I think, this attack has been drilled, planned in months, if not years and resource extensive, probably is to instigate something bigger. Israel, from what I know is not used to these type of attack, as I said before, there are tell tale sign big things was coming. But Israel failed to response. This attack also resemble a center of gravity attack which mean the attacker go for strategic target first and dislodge the opposition and then exploit the damage.

This is not specifically a well organise attack, anyone with any sort of middle-tier military training or even advance law enforcement training may be able to pull it off. I mean those are all basic military strategy, the reason why you think it's grandiose is because HAMAS are not synonymous with using military strategy. It's like asking Taliban to launch a set piece with NATO or having Carthage to fight the Roman on open ground.....
You just check the last agreement in the US Senate. Russia only needs to interrupt the US Aid for some weeks to definetively make a turning point.

If you are doing something good - do not stop it. This is a lesson that Americans, particularly Republicans, need to learn.

Republicans are welcome.

Things have changed. People learn.

Only a fool would put all eggs in one basket.

Ukrainians are not incompetent people - these people have fought in World Wars and were at the forefront of the Soviet side of conflict. These people will figure out how to teach Russia further lesson.

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