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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

But I saw Greeks in general supportive of artsakh separatists region blockaded by Azerbaijan as inhuman and genocide Gaza is hundred times worse than than at least Azerbaijan targeted separatists and finished war quickly Israelis is a real apartheid state brutalizing Palestinian for 70 years now
That's why Greeks had always supported the Palestinians as well. We've always had good relations. That doesn't mean we don't have relations with Israel,but a big part of the Greek people have been pro-Palestinian for decades. And not just the leftists.
Plenty of videos now on Social Media of IDAF levelling high rise buildings in Gaza with maybe hundreds or thousands of Palestinian civilians dead. Well, hope the cheerleaders on this thread who were running in joy at the death of Israeli civilians will be happy that war is in full swing. The ground operations haven't even started yet, Israeli Tanks and Artillery strikes will level Gaza.

We have too many kids on this forum playing Call of Duty. This is not going to be a fight of equals, this will be a Palestinian slaughter.
That has been happening before too. Atleast they aren't "Beghairats". They have already dispatched hundreds of Israelis to hell, destroyed the once invincible "Merkava" and if rumours are true, 4 Apache Gunships. Glorious!

Another X on one of my friend's rifle, and minus one monkey
This rule applies to civilians NOT colonizers.
And how do you know she is a colonizer? How do you know she doesn't come from a long family of local Jews?

And even if she was a settler...look at what you're saying...a woman with her baby? Are you guys that cold-hearted? Have you lost your mind? Don't you constantly try to convince other people that Islam is a religion of peace?
With what lol. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya are destroyed, 3 of those nations supported Palestinians. The Saudia, Uae, Kuwait, Bahrain are Israeli puppets, Egypt and Turkey have signed peace deals with Israel. So who will fight? The arabs states should be at the front fighting for their land, then other Muslims will follow them. Instead the GCC conspire with Israel to destroy Muslim States. You must get your own house in order first.

Let me remind you. It were always these same Arabs historically that fvcked up at critical moments.
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