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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Yes, but this is also a matter of culture and habits. Islam puts strong emphasis on cleanliness as well.
Those Muslim countries that are rich, their cities are also very clean, the poor ones are too messed up in other things to focus on making their cities clean and planned.
1208Z: Iranian FM: Iran cannot remain a spectator to this situation
I hope people would realize there is no forceful solution to this conflict. Not a humanly moral acceptable one anyway,

How much more blood need to be spilled till people realize that.

the time for peace was yesterday.

Given all that happened, Somehow you're not in the rampage mode here and showing resemblances of logic which is odd to me.
Breaking: The Iraqi parliament has called for the activation of the Arab Defence Treaty in response to ongoing Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip.

Formally know as that "Treaty of Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation Between the States of the Arab League, June 17, 1950"

In view of the desire of the above-mentioned Governments to consolidate relations between the States of the Arab League; to maintain their independence and their mutual heritage; in accordance with the desire of their peoples, to cooperate for the realization of mutual defense and the maintenance of security and peace according to the principles of both the Arab League Pact and the United Nations Charter, together with the aims of the said Pacts; and to consolidate stability and security and provide means of welfare and development in the countries.

The following government delegates of . . ., having been duly accredited and fully authorized by their respective governments, approve the following:

Article 1​

The Contracting States, in an effort to maintain and stabilize peace and security, hereby confirm their desire to settle their international disputes by peaceful means, whether such disputes concern relations among themselves or with other Powers.

Article 2​

The Contracting States consider any [act of] armed aggression made against any one or more of them or their armed forces, to be directed against them all. Therefore, in accordance with the right of self-defense, individually and collectively, they undertake to go without delay to the aid of the State or States against which such an act of aggression is made, and immediately to take, individually and collectively, all steps available, including the use of armed force, to repel the aggression and restore security and peace. In conformity with Article 6 of the Arab League Pact and Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, the Arab League Council and U. N. Security Council shall be notified of such act of aggression and the means and procedure taken to check it.

Article 3​

At the invitation of any one of the signatories of this Treaty the Contracting States shall hold consultations whenever there are reasonable grounds for the belief that the territorial integrity, independence, or security of any one of the parties is threatened. In the event of the threat of war or the existence of an international emergency, the Contracting States shall immediately proceed to unify their plans and defensive measures, as the situation may demand.

Article 4​

The Contracting States, desiring to implement fully the above obligations and effectively carry them out, shall cooperate in consolidating and coordinating their armed forces, and shall participate according to their resources and needs in preparing individual and collective means of defense to repulse the said armed aggression.

Article 5​

A Permanent Military Commission composed of representatives of the General Staffs of the armies of the Contracting States shall be formed to draw up plans of joint defense and their implementation. The duties of the Permanent Military Commission which are set forth in an Annex attached to this Treaty, include the drafting of necessary reports on the method of cooperation and participation mentioned in Article 4. The Permanent Military Commission shall submit to the Joint Defense Council, provided hereunder in Article 6, reports dealing with questions within its province.

Article 6​

A Joint Defense Council under the supervision of the Arab League Council shall be formed to deal with all matters concerning the implementation of the provisions of Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 of this Treaty. It shall be assisted in the performance of its task by the Permanent Military Commission referred to in Article 5. The Joint Defense Council shall consist of the Foreign Ministers and the Defense Ministers of the Contracting States or their representatives. Decisions taken by a two-thirds majority shall be binding on all the Contracting States.

Article 7​

The Contracting States, in order to fulfill the aims of this Treaty, and to bring about security and prosperity in the Arab countries, and in an effort to raise the standard of living in them, undertake to cooperate in the development of their economies and the exploitation of their natural resources; to facilitate the exchange of their respective agricultural and industrial products; and generally to organize and coordinate their economic activities and to conclude the necessary inter-Arab agreements to realize such aims.

Article 8​

An Economic Council consisting of the Ministers in charge of economic affairs, or their representatives if necessary, shall be formed by the Contracting States to submit recommendations for the realization of all such aims as are set forth in the previous article. The Council may, in the performance of its duties, seek the cooperation of the Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs referred to in Article 4 of the Arab League Pact.

Article 9​

The Annex to this Treaty shall be considered an integral and indivisible part of it.

Article 10​

The Contracting States undertake to conclude no international agreements which may be contradictory to the provisions of this Treaty, nor to act, in their international relations, in a way which may be contrary to the aims of this Treaty.

Article 11​

No provision of this Treaty shall in any way affect, or is intended to affect, any of the rights or obligations devolving upon the Contracting States from the United Nations Charter or the responsibilities borne by the United Nations Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security.

Article 12​

After a lapse of 10 years from the date of the ratification of this Treaty, any one of the Contracting States may withdraw from it, providing 12 months' notice is previously given to the Secretariat-General of the Arab League. The Secretariat-General of the League shall inform the other Contracting States of such notice.

Article 13​

This Treaty shall be ratified by each Contracting State according to the constitutional procedure of its own government. The Treaty shall come into force for the ratifying States 15 days after the receipt by the Secretariat-General of the instruments of ratification from at least four States. This Treaty is drafted in Arabic in Cairo on April 13, 1950. One signed copy shall be deposited with the Secreariat-General of the Arab League; equally authentic copies shall be transmitted to each of the Contracting States.

Military Annex​

1. The Permanent Military Commission provided for in Article 5 of the Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation Treaty between the States of the Arab League, shall undertake the following:

(a) in cooperation with the Joint Defense Council, to prepare plans to deal with all anticipated dangers or armed aggression that may be launched against one or more of the Contracting States or their armed forces, such plans to be based on the principles determined by the Joint Defense Council;

(b) to submit proposals for the organization of the forces of the Contracting States, stipulating the minimum force for each in accordance with military exigencies and the potentialities of each State;

(c) to submit proposals for increasing the effectiveness of the forces of the Contracting States in so far as their equipment, organization, and training are concerned; so that they may keep pace with modern military methods and development; and for the unification and coordination of all such forces;

(d) to submit proposals for the exploitation of natural, agricultural, industrial, and other resources of all Contracting States in favor of the inter-Arab military effort and joint defense;

(e) to organize the exchange of training missions between the Contracting States for the preparation of plans, participation in military exercises and maneuvers and the study of their results, recommendations for the improvement of methods to ensure close cooperation in the field, and for the general improvement of the forces of all the Contracting States;

(f) to prepare the necessary data on the resources and military potentialities of each of the Contracting States and the part to be played by the forces of each in the joint military effort;

(g) to discuss the facilities and various contributions which each of the Contracting States, in conformity with the provisions of this Treaty, might be asked to provide, during a state of war, on behalf of the armies of such other Contracting States as might be operating on its territory.

2. The Permanent Military Commission may form temporizer or permanent subcommittees from among its own members to deal with . any of the matters falling within its jurisdiction. It may also seek the advice of any experts whose views on certain questions are deemed necessary.

3. The Permanent Military Commission shall submit detailed reports on the results of its activities and studies to the Joint Defense Council provided for in Article 6 of this Treaty, as well as an annual report giving full particulars of its work and studies during the year

4. The Permanent Military Commission shall establish its head quarters in Cairo but may hold meetings in any other place the Commission may specify. The Commission shall elect its Chairman for two years; he may be reelected. Candidates for the Chairmanship shall hold at least the rank of a high commanding officer. Each member of the Commission must have as his original nationality that of the Contracting State he represents.

5. In the event of war, the supreme command of the joint forces shall be entrusted to the Contracting State possessing the largest military force taking actual part in field operations, unless, by unanimous agreement, the Commander-in-Chief is selected otherwise. The Commander-in-Chief shall be assisted in directing military operations by a Joint Staff.

(1) League of Arab States Treaty Series. Agreements and Conventions Concluded between Member States With in the Framework of the Arab League, p. 10. Instruments of ratification deposited by Syria, Oct. 31, 1951, by Egypt, Rev. 22, 1951; by Jordan, Mar. 31, 1952, by Iraq, Aug. 7, 1952, by Saudi Arabia, Aug. 19, 1952; by Lebanon, Dee. 24, 1952; and by Yemen, Oct. 11, 1953; entered into force Aug. 22, 1952. Back
Well you may live in Australia but I live in the US and over here if someone shoots at you then you put 10 times the bullets in him and it is justifiable under law. But what is not justifiable under to is aid and abett criminals and crime and to supply armaments with the intent to help commit murder. I believe that is also true in Australia or maybe not as racist Australians are doing the same thing to the Aborigines.

Well, if you abuse your wife, you wife shot you when you are doing the deed, yes, that's justifiable.

If you are sleeping, doing nothing to your wife, your wife shoots you dead in your sleep, even if you are an abuser, that is a sad story and people may sympathize with your wife, but she is going to jail regardless. \

And this is what Hamas did to Israeli this time. You can argue how Israel oppress Palestinian, it doesn't really work when this going out of hedge out of nowhere, and they aren't targeting those people who oppress them, they are targeting the people, that make Hamas the same as whatever they were accusing the Israeli to do, and that's worse because that's the definition of Hypocrite.

This is not about Racist, nor whether or not I live in the US, and I lived in the US probably longer, a lot longer than you had, if you are going that way then this is where we part way.

FM Jilani equates Israeli strikes, blockade of Gaza to genocide against Palestinians

Dawn.com | Published October 15, 2023 | Updated about 4 hours ago

As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continued to rage on, Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani on Sunday equated Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza and the siege of the territory to conducting genocide against the people of Palestine.

The statement comes after Israel imposed a “total siege” to stop food and fuel from reaching the enclave of 2.3 million people, many poor and dependent on aid in response to a surprise Hamas offensive last week that left 1,300 Israelis dead, according to officials.

In retaliatory air and artillery strikes, Israeli forces have flattened entire neighbourhoods, hospitals and schools in Gaza. Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip since last week have killed at least 2,215 people, including 724 children, the Palestinian territory’s Hamas-controlled health ministry said on Saturday.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, the minister noted that the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation had called an emergency meeting of its executive committee in Jeddah on October 18, adding that he would be in attendance.

“Certainly, Palestine is a very, very, important issue for us. We will certainly discuss the ongoing situation. There is absolutely no doubt that Israel has committed aggression. They have conducted airstrikes on the civilian population which has resulted in the death of several innocent men, women and children,” he said, adding that Pakistan also condemned the “siege of Gaza”.

Jilani noted that the residents of Gaza did not have access to food, water or health facilities. “This is a situation that can be equated with genocide. Matter of fact it is a genocide being conducted by Israel against the poor people of Palestine.”

He said that Pakistan’s position was that Israel must respect United Nations resolutions which recognised the right of self-determination. “We also feel that this is also the result of seven decades of illegal occupation of […] Palestinian territories.”

He also said that “any attempt to equate Israel, which is an aggressor, with the Palestinian struggle, is unacceptable for Pakistan.” He said that Pakistan demanded that the Palestinian right to self-determination be respected.

He called for recognising Palestine as a separate state with pre-1967 borders and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. “That remains Pakistan’s consistent position with regards to this particular issue,” he said.

Responding to a question from a reporter, he said that Pakistan was in touch with UN agencies and international organisations to provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians.

“Our missions in Geneva and New York are also in touch with the UN agencies concerned. But unfortunately, so far there is a complete siege as far as Gaza is concerned,” he said.

He said that Pakistan was ready to provide immediate aid and was also in touch with Egyptian authorities. “We have been told only this morning that Israel is not allowing any assistance as of now. But this is something that we, along with OIC member countries and the international community, would make a very forceful case for the early provision of humanitarian assistance to the people of Palestine,” he said.

Responding to another question, Jilani said there was “absolutely no change in Pakistan’s position with regard to Israel”. He said that Pakistan’s position would continue until the people of Palestine were given the right of self-determination.
Prior to this conflict, until June of this year - 28 Palestinian children were killed by IDF, without the presence of an active conflict like now. I am not even listing total Palestinian civilian deaths. Did we ever hear any outrage from the developed world? The so called champions of democracy and human rights.

We can put all the blame on Hamas for attacking civilians. But the fact is simple - Israel always had and always will have the blank cheque to murder Palestinians and get away with it without any repercussions.

Even if Hamas only attacked military installations, the narrative on the mainstream media would have been exactly same. There would still be widespread propaganda and false accusations like 40 beheaded babies.

So let's not fool ourselves into thinking that it would have been any different.
Well, all I can say is what you say may happen, but the fact remain, this is not how the situation goes.

As I said, screw government for a moment, they are going to do what they are going to do regardless, you can't deny this act dropped Palestinian support in the world (Not just in the west) to a low point. And that is undeniable too, and if it's like you said western government is going to do whatever they are going to do, then popular support of Palestinian Independence movement is then even more important because without that, there are virtually no chance to achieve what they want to achieve, if it was not hard enough already.

Also, handing the western government exactly what they wanted is not going to help either.
Lots of British Aircraft now in the region:

1. RAF Eurofighter Callsign RRR9961 escorting an RAF Voyager Air Refueler Callsign: RRR9960
2. RAF Rivet Joint Surveillance Aircraft Callsign RRR7215
The constant "supply" of weapons is weird. The Israelis already have a big defence industry and I'm sure they have A LOT of ammunition and spare parts stored as well. It doesn't make any sense. Why would they need a constant supply of weapons and ammo,when they are only fighting Hamas?

The Jews had the the best RCWS in the world in the late 90s and early 2000s, they didn't upraded their M113 with them to have something like an IFV "light".
They had even better armoured packages for their M113s, it made them safe against 25-30mm frontally and 23mm on the sides.
They didn't upgraded them with these. Not because of more problems. They did solve drivetrains and engine output.
They haven't really the money to even get all their own stuff.

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