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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

no way to help unless jordan lebanon syria etc get involved and theres a corridor to send help
The West Bank is already very much under IDF control. Especially in East Quds, the situation is so dire that we still don't realize it.

The crisis now is in Gaza. 3 million people in concentration camp are on the brink of extinction. The Atlanticist plan is to deport these 3 million people to Egypt. In other words, an ethnic cleansing will be carried out and the territorial waters of the drowned area will be important for the US global energy policies and Egypt will be put under a terrible cost economically and sociopolitically.

I would have expected Pakistan, KSA, Iran, Turkiye, Iraq, Kazakhistan, Indonesia, all of them, regardless of sect or nation, to put aside their daily power struggles for a moment and go to Cairo without any buts, without even waiting for an invitation, and offer Egypt all the political power they can. Unfortunately, we have become so used to inaction that even in a historic crisis like this, they act in a very lethargic way.
I don't want to get off topic, all three Abrahamic faiths believe in the exodus, but in the entirety of Egyptian antiquity, there is very little evidence to support this. There is recorded evidence of some Semitic speaking people moving in and out of Egypt, but not on the scale of an "exodus". Abrahamic accounts fail to mention who the pharaoh was for example, or any reference to the period in time, or dynasty of pharaohs. Let's just say, there is what we know in the archeological record, and then there are the "stories" in the Torah, bible, and Quran.
If you go that route applying historical standards to faiths, I am afraid the whole building will collapse. Where do you even start: Garden of Eden, Forbidden Fruit, Seduction by Serpent, Parting of the Sea, Noah's Ark, Immaculate Conception, Resurrection ..... That is why faith requires suspension of disbelief.

If there's anyone who would understand the struggles of living under an apartheid state, it's that man right there.

Chinese channel CGTN's woman reporter in tears from a Gaza hospital. She said she actually saw decapitated children due to Israel bombing. A very sad video!

With all the brutal things we've seen in the past 8 days, this has to be one of the most powerful of them all. The way her voice was crackling and borderline crying was very profound. And the chaos in the background while she's explaining why that one baby was being taken somewhere else than the makeshift hospital because he's dead! These are the videos that need to be driven hard and constantly on SM to makeup for all the lies and con jobs being perpetrated. Unbelievable.

I saw the news and thought I’d share it ASAP. If they are reporting it, it must mean it’s agreed but the Egyptian gov doesn’t know how or when to break the news to the people. Probably waiting for something Teri el to happen to make it look like they had to do it and therefore they are doing something heroic as oppose to breaking the blockade to deliver humanitarian aid which would be actually heroic.

That's a rather cynical point of view. Image is not the priority here. There are serious conditions that dictate the need to keep the border secure, including Egypt's sovereignty. Certain conditions must be met first before opening the flood gates to anyone, such as guarantees that the Palestinians can return and that Gaza isn't annexed by the zionists.

They're also negotiating the evacuation of foreign nationals only if the aid and medicals are allowed in first. Those are the delays and not the hesitation of breaking the news to the people.
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