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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

LOL!!,well said.
Theres actually a hilariously over the top description of the post messiah world in the last book of the utterly loony left behind series.
Lets just say that it isnt much fun for anyone who isnt a born again christian,,,,
Tho somewhat bizarrely its the satanists who come across as the most reasonable and open minded of people.
The story ain't any different from the Jewish Messiah, these Indians who are kissing Israel's *** ask a Orthodox Jews what will happen to Pagans once their Messiah return, Look I have no issues with Crazy Christians/Jews/Muslims all waiting for their Messiah but indiscriminate bombing of civilians, break all UN laws of War while the world champion of Human rights (WEST) not just stand and watch but actively take part in it, now what credibility they have left to criticize China over Uighurs or Russians over Ukraine ?
But what happen to USA Govt ? how can they be so blood thirsty ? dude majority of Muslim Country officially condemn 9/11 Attacks in strongest possible words, but right now USA is not even calling for Israel to calm the fcuk down while they are breaking every single UN law, this is fcuked up. Does USA or west have any face left to say anything to Russia now? bro even India and Pakistan fought 4 wars and yet they never bomb each other civilians populations to this magnitude, I never thought I would say this but despite the pathetic Indians are at least they are not as psychopaths as Western Whites.

It is a holy war for both Jews and the Christian west. They want to go to any extent to win this holy war. All that façade of human rights is now no more. The gazans and muslims are the common enemy for them

As for Indians or simply hindus. They are worst of all human race. Only issue is that they never had the kind of freedom to commit crimes like Israel had. Obviously pajeets are after all brown and not God's "chosen people"

WHO warns hospitals in besieged Gaza Strip are at ‘breaking point’​

United Nations health agency calls for immediate action to establish a humanitarian corridor amid Israeli bombing.
All the kids present in this pictured martyred

But what happen to USA Govt ? how can they be so blood thirsty ? dude majority of Muslim Country officially condemn 9/11 Attacks in strongest possible words, but right now USA is not even calling for Israel to calm the fcuk down while they are breaking every single UN law, this is fcuked up. Does USA or west have any face left to say anything to Russia now? bro even India and Pakistan fought 4 wars and yet they never bomb each other civilians populations to this magnitude, I never thought I would say this but despite the pathetic Indians are at least they are not as psychopaths as Western Whites.
Not just USA or West, there is nary a peep from the world. There was a lot of antiwar sentiment prior to and during Iraq war. Lot of antiwar politics with Vietnam war. But this time, everyone has pressed snooze and gone to sleep. My guess is Hamas did such a bang-up job that world has turned stone cold.
It is a holy war for both Jews and the Christian west. They want to go to any extent to win this holy war. All that façade of human rights is now no more. The gazans and muslims are the common enemy for them

As for Indians or simply hindus. They are worst of all human race. Only issue is that they never had the kind of freedom to commit crimes like Israel had. Obviously pajeets are after all brown and not God's "chosen people"
But USA does not have a state religions, religion and state are kept separate while US accept Jewish claim of the Holy land given to them by God (which itself is a Religious claim) how come a secular Govt where more than half the population is Atheist or Agnostic are rally behind a religious claim from the old testament ? so if someone produce old document and claim that Their God given this land to them so they have the right to take that land by force while the world stand and watch ? Heck even India claim more than half of Asia, or lets make our own claim shall we, Allah has given us whole World so now we should just start invading countries based on that ? Coming that from USA Govt who consider itself to be separate Church and state is crazy, and its saddening.
Not just USA or West, there is nary a peep from the world. There was a lot of antiwar sentiment prior to and during Iraq war. Lot of antiwar politics with Vietnam war. But this time, everyone has pressed snooze and gone to sleep. My guess is Hamas did such a bang-up job that world has turned stone cold.
Or maybe the world has no idea what is happening, the entire West and its machinery is busy in propagating for one side, remember the power of propaganda during the world war 2 ? No offense but Western people and their Hypocrisy is out in the open for the people who have iota of humanity in them, as I mentioned many times we have fought 3 wars with Indians and even they or we never bomb each other civilians targets.
Still, we won't learn a thing. I guess that is the way it is meant to be.
Its heart breaking, that is true. Point is, Zionists cannot fight Hamas and PIJ warriors man to man and face to face. Therefore they kill innocent families and then blame Hamas and PIJ for it.

We can form an army of millions of volunteers. Someone has to start it. We will surely follow and join. We are people of faith, what is the point of life if our families in Gaza are being massacred in that way? Fk that, i will join without a second thought.
Well what useful toys Russia has that can be transported to Gaza? The ones that can be sent to Gaza, Iran already has equivalent of those.
Much easier to reach then irainain ones and in larger numbers
But USA does not have a state religions, religion and state are kept separate while US accept Jewish claim of the Holy land given to them by God (which itself is a Religious claim) how come a secular Govt where more than half the population is Atheist or Agnostic are rally behind a religious claim from the old testament ? so if someone produce old document and claim that Their God given this land to them so they have the right to take that land by force while the world stand and watch ? Heck even India claim more than half of Asia, or lets make our own claim shall we, Allah has given us whole World so now we should just start invading countries based on that ? Coming that from USA Govt who consider itself to be separate Church and state is crazy, and its saddening.

All those façade of secularism and atheism are just like that. A façade. A façade to fool Muslims and rest of the world. I won't be surprised if same countries start persecuting Muslim populations and start sending them to concentration camps

We Muslims have been fooled for a long time on the name of secularism, liberalism etc while the west continues to do everything to occupy and expand every each of the "holy land"
May Allah grant the Palestinian Mujahideen victory and strengthen them with his power, Oh Allah , grant the shuhada in Al-Aqsa and all Palestine highest paradise of firdaws, and join us with them and do not deprive us life of struggling in the way of defence for Al-Aqsa Ameen suma Ameen.
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But USA does not have a state religions, religion and state are kept separate while US accept Jewish claim of the Holy land given to them by God (which itself is a Religious claim) how come a secular Govt where more than half the population is Atheist or Agnostic are rally behind a religious claim from the old testament ? so if someone produce old document and claim that Their God given this land to them so they have the right to take that land by force while the world stand and watch ? Heck even India claim more than half of Asia, or lets make our own claim shall we, Allah has given us whole World so now we should just start invading countries based on that ? Coming that from USA Govt who consider itself to be separate Church and state is crazy, and its saddening.
I think it has nothing to do with religion but national psychology. 9/11 has affected us so deeply that any act of terror, especially as gory as we saw with the videos showing women being carried away and mass murder has caused us to completely log off. So, if Gaza has to be vaporized to neutralize Hamas, that is the cost of war. Last such psychology was during WW2 when U.S. first firebombed Dresden and Tokyo and later atom bombed Japan.

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