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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


Pakistan issues a threat to Israel.
Others issue a threat to Pakistan in return.

What shall WE do now? Solution?

Hamas wants to settle this matter in the battlefield, by all means. Do it. Nobody is stopping Hamas.

Threat? IK would have lambasted these fuckers in international media for war crimes… that would have been more than enough. Whiskey general hasn’t even woken up from his drunken stupor of 4 days yet.
Have you come across any Indians identifying themselves as Israelis, even though India hosts a Jewish community for centuries that has integrated with the Indian culture? Remarkably, despite the Jewish presence in India, no Indian typically asserts to be Israeli. On the contrary, Pakistanis, despite not having Arabs residing in Pakistan and frequently facing derogatory remarks from Arabs, tend to identify themselves as Arabs. Interestingly, I have not encountered a single Punjabi Muslim with a Punjabi name; instead, they predominantly bear Arab names.
Arabification and worship of arab culture is a common cancer in muslim countries.

That is why probably trial balloons like corridor to Egypt or tent cities is being broached. They would like Gazans to live in a glass house, if they want to live in Gaza at all. They had enough with tunnels.
There's simply not enough space in Gaza for all those people to live in tents.
Threat? IK would have lambasted these fuckers in international media for war crimes… that would have been more than enough. Whiskey general hasn’t even woken up from his drunken stupor of 4 days yet.
These are dirty fights with dirt on both sides.

Pakistan will unnecessarily draw attention towards it. Even China is not issuing big statements on the issue.

The best time to address a conflict is when the situation is calm. But all were sleeping.

What kind of strings Pakistan can pull around the world to make a change where so many are not able to?
I speak out against the tyranny of Hamas am I doing it correctly?

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Yeah but I think that one you quoted is real lol

Israelis are using their own civilians as human shields. It’s a very popular tactic by them.

You can hand a woman a gun, but do you really think females are made for fighting?

It was just like those Kurdish YPJ bitches they were going crazy about on the media, till they got smoked by ISIS.
These are dirty fights with dirt on both sides.

Pakistan will unnecessarily draw attention towards it. Even China is not issuing big statements on the issue.

The best time to address a conflict is when the situation is calm. But all were sleeping.

What kind of strings Pakistan can pull around the world to make a change where so many are not able to?

nothing will happen to Israel, but your economy would definitely take a hit.

Israelis are using their own civilians as human shields. It’s a very popular tactic by them.

You can hand a woman a gun, but do you really think females are made for fighting?

It was just like those Kurdish YJP bitches they were going crazy about on the media, till they got smoked by ISIS.
Even if what you said was true it wouldn't justify desecrating their corpses

NOTHING justifies or explains what happened.
This is beautiful. Bro, many in current times are not even remotely close to understanding wisdom of Holy Prophet (PBUH).

WE have hot heads running around expecting to bring others to their knees will big boasts. PanIslamic world needs reforms on so many levels.
what have we done to the religion that was given to us, he lay the foundation for us and speak on almost every issue from building a society, handling oppression, dealing with hypocrites, fighting war, taking captives, treating war prisoners, rules of engagement, justice, forgiveness, how to treat your family/son/daughter/wife/relatives. The point of not speaking against a injustice or calling western countries and their one sided support out will not bring peace to my soul, I have firm believe that one day i will face Allah, and despite my life full of sins of not doing what he commands me to, I will not stand with my head down when he ask me did you raise your voice at least when you saw your brothers and sisters were slaughtered and laughed upon, nope not gonna happen. The fact that we and the world has always told to no speak against the Israel and look where we have now, the world called Hamas Savages for killing innocent civilians but goes on to slaughter civilians themselves, not only that they have cut off basic supply for Gazan which itself is against UN laws, all of that while the world does not dare to speak because America/EU stands behind them.

I am certain that Palestinians will not get any justice in this world, neither from UN or any country but the justice will be done by Allah and Allah SWT alone... Of course we all will be dead and if my faith is true, than I bet Those innocent civilians from both Israeli/Palestinian side will have the last laugh, and those who kill in the name of Islam or Self defense will face the torment.
I love how you dismiss the Su-35 simply because the opponent is a self-proclaimed invincible entity. Maybe against the US with just the current Iranian inventory they would have a hard time. But equipped with Su-35s they'd be very dangerous.

Iranians are known to have excellent fighter pilots just like Pakistani ones, proven by the air war against Iraq and its allies during the 8-year Iran/Iraq war.

Su-35s equipped with R-74s for short-range & off-boresight missiles, R-77-1s for medium range BVR and R-37Ms for long-range BVR are super lethal machines. With the IRBIS-E and long-range ground Resonance-NE radars and Iran's AWACs and ground command & control can detect, target and pick off incoming threats from over 100 kms away with the R-37s. That's precisely why those same exact Su-35s in Egypt freaked the zionists out and went crying to the US telling them they'd preferred the EAF have F-15s instead. Can't be so simplistically dismissive because they're Russian vs US made AC or whatever your reason is. They are lethal platforms and in the right hands with the right training could give the best of the best a brutally hard lesson.

That was an incredible eye-opening interview.

Russian avionics and radar tech is no match for American fighter aircraft. Even against an F-18, F-15 it will be an uphill battle for SU-35s, forget about F-22 and F-35.

nothing will happen to Israel, but your economy would definitely take a hit.

Even if what you said was true it wouldn't justify desecrating their corpses

NOTHING justifies or explains what happened.

What corpses have been desecrated?

You showed a picture of 2 girls and a grandma.

First girl was an IDF soldier and she got picked up for a prisoner swap. You think Israelis don’t pick up Palestinian women and jail them? LoL

Second girl was caught in crossfire due to Israelis firing from within rave party. They took her corpse as a bargaining chip to exchange so the Israelis could bury her.

Miscalculation though, because apparently Israelis don’t give a **** about the hostages. They’ve killed several through their bombing campaign .

Third picture was a grandma. The Hamas fighter made a video of her literally saying no harm will come to them because they don’t attack women and kids.
If palestinians wanted Turkish protection, they shouldn't have betrayed the Ottoman Empire.

You want to be independent, but you want daddy Turkey to come help you whenever 😂
So it's okay and it's not Turkey's business.

You only love yourself
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