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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

It's end game
Apart from small Gaza ghetto nothing is left to Palestine

So I don't know what to make of it

Palestinians best hope was the weird trump plan but I think next thing for them is to simply accept a isrealis state ??

I mean for all practical purposes that is the case. No Palestine exists today and no one so going to help them simply because no one cares

Now don't tell me they can't. Muslims of Arabs have very strong strength but that's not in priority

This is the place where your so-called OIC should play a big role. Your entire Muslim ummah just using Palestine people as canon fodder to show their crocodile tears. What is the point in showing solidarity when on the ground, every layman knows that Israel will react in a disproportionate manner that will create a genocide? Why can not all these Muslim countries declare war to stand for the safety of people??

What is the point in making the ummah concept when no one really stands with you on the ground in the time of need?
Or may be West simply has a dual face when dealing with White/West vs Non-West. They can adopt to the policy that suits their narrative.
Yes,no surprises there of course,just more good old (bad old) western hypocrisy,unfortunately.
But sadly when it comes to the middle east it seems to be of a particularly (literally) bloodthirsty kind.
1. Hamas might have some anti tank drones and missiles from Iran. Gaza is going to be Bakhmut of Israel. Close range fight.

Remains to be seen. But Israelis did say it will be costly. So let’s see.

2. Involvement of Lebanon from north.

It may well be. But was it part of the plan, Or they hoped it will happen. And again, were they better off building capability, capacity and deterrence over longer run allowing for multiple smaller scale operations and increase the scale as the deterrence increases or just spent the whole thing along with the well-being of Gazans in one hung ho operation.

3. Using hostages as tool for negotiation and shield against invasion.

For sure, but you don’t kill 1000 people if that was the end game they had in mind. They had to keep it proportional for it to be an acceptable option.
I don't care about you. The world doesn't either. I only care about Allah.

Same holds true for me.

You know, what he's trying to explain to you is dead on the bull's eye.

Muslims have this habit of quoting Quranic verses and aiats but not moving a fcking muscle because in the end that verse will deliver them to some sort of fantastic victory or heal their many - mostly self-inflicted wounds.

Just how Hindus have a habit of over simping to women hence getting repulsive and in matter of world theater, simping for Israel and the likes and barely getting any attention :omghaha:
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