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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

We also need to factor that one dead Israeli means the end of the world for Israelis. The amount if dead that we have seen thus far is unprecedented for Israel.
Why should they go, so that headchoppers enter? So that netanyahu, biden, erdogan celebrate together? That will not happen. Multi party system is possible within the framework of a nationalist based constitution based on a united Syria with all parties and ideologies who were assisted by nato or mossad being banned and punishable.
Let's not forget that Hamas cheered as barbarians were beheading people in Syria. Assad,whether some people like it or not,is the only guarantee for a safe Shia,Alawite,Orthodox and Syriac/Assyrian community in that country.
That's exactly what we are witnessing right now, with cheap and innovative tech, even occupied regions can cause damage to occupiers making their occupation harder to manage, which forces more innovation on their side or it causes them to be more brutal which hurts their PR reputation.

And like you said, as the Arab states develop, build their own tech especially militarily, their reliance on the west will decrease and they'll help Palestinians even more.

Only saviour in that scenario would be something like direct US intervention

Also, I have to add that Israel can at best only achieve a pyrrhic victory here. Because although the Arab governments, fearing US military punishment, will not intervene on behalf of the Palestinians, the more that Israel brutalizes and murders the Gazans, the more hostile its immediate neighborhood will be.

Let's remember that Israel is a tiny nation on a strip of land and there are at best 5-6 million Jews in it. They are going to feel even more besieged as their neighborhood will only become more hostile and the Arab publics will not allow any reconciliation between their governments and Israel if Israel goes full throttle in murdering Palestinian civilians, which it undoubtedly will.

So this is a lose lose proposition at best.
The "civilised world" doesn't care if Israel imposes collective punishment on 2 millions people living in Gaza because a terrorist group with maximum of 5,000 members committed attacks against Israelis?

Doesn't sound very civilised to me.
In a 'civilized world', people go to police and courts. War is uncivilized. Hamas is not fighting per Vienna conventions; they started the war by slaughtering youngsters at a music program and kidnapping children and old people. If Israel doesn't do what it plans to do, which is raise the cost of Hamas' war to unacceptable level, Hamas will come back in a few months and repeat it all over again. It is important to note that the UNSC did not suggest a cease fire. Not even Russia or China are asking Israel to stop the retaliation. They will call for cessation once they are satisfied deterrence has been established.
Funny you mentioned that.
As last night I was reading NY Times comments last night to the major story about this, one of the most Recommended Comments was like 'Israel is the only country in the Middle East where open LGBTQ lifestyle is tolerated'.
And I thought, WTH?? Do these people even think before they write? Do these supposedly 'educated' and 'liberal' people not realize what's going in Palestine? Do they not realize that Hamas is not much different from the Palestinians in Fatah but unlike the Palestinians in the W.B, Hamas is determined to make a stand and Hamas is fortunate enough be supplied somehow--probably with tacit support of Egypt and that's why Hamas is fighting.
But one pro Palestinian Comment did say something like I have said above: The Palestinians are either going to be mass deported, or become Israeli subjugates, or gain their Rights.
It is up to the Palestinians to decide what to do. the 'keyboard warriors' here can only point out the dire 'choices' they have.
to be honest , Egyptian tunnels did help hamas but iran also played a big role to supply them.
BREAKING: Israel's central bank is set to sell $30 billion of US Dollars to support the Israeli shekel

Wow. Just wow.

any truth to this or just playing

According to the Jerusalem Post, Saudi Arabia has decided to end negotiations on normalizing relations with Israel.The Saudis, Egypt, Iran, Russia and China began to act in a single logic on the Palestinian issue.If the Saudis throw their weight behind this, the pressure on Israel will increase in every sense.

Crap. Huge if true. That would make the Yanks furious. Pedo Biden's work gone to waste.
I think i can post this scene from the video , I choose the most non bloody scene lol
bye bye israeli bases ... one by one.
eye for an eye

View attachment 959773

Brother you should delete this. Or blur them. Such images can get you in trouble with the moderation team.

In a 'civilized world', people go to police and courts. War is uncivilized. Hamas is not fighting per Vienna conventions; they started the war by slaughtering youngsters at a music program and kidnapping children and old people. If Israel doesn't do what it plans to do, which is raise the cost of Hamas' war to unacceptable level, Hamas will come back in a few months and repeat it all over again. It is important to note that the UNSC did not suggest a cease fire. Not even Russia or China are asking Israel to stop the retaliation. They will call for cessation once they are satisfied deterrence has been established.
UNSC cannot suggest a ceasefire because the West would block/veto it, idiot. Russia and China already called for de-escalation.

In a civilised world, you adhere to the Geneva Convention and international humanitarian law even in war against your enemies. Do not speak of civilisation when you try to justify the collective punishment of 2 million Palestinian civilians.
The best solution would be for the people in Gaza to leave for Egypt and for Israel to take over Gaza, demolish it and establish new settlements in that area. This would be the only proper and fair solution for all parties involved. The people in Gaza would have a better life in Egypt, while Israel and Palestine could finally reach a peace agreement.
The best solution for Ukraine conflict would be for the people in Ukraine to leave for Europe and for Russia to take over Kiev, demolish it and establish new settlements in that area. This would be the only proper and fair solution for all parties involved. The people in Ukraine would have a better life in Europe, while Russia and Ukraine could finally reach a peace agreement.
Israel needs this to restore its honor, appease its people's anger and deter its enemies.

If they do nothing
, the world will view Israel as weak and cowardly, the Israeli people will be dissatisfied with the government, and Hamas will continue to carry out similar terrorist campaigns in the future.
Israel doesn't care for 'honor'. What is wants to tell Hamas or anyone is the cost your actions are very high. That is deterrence. That is whatever action needed to prevent a future action by Hamas.

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