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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

In my alternate world, how about Arabs really turn into Russia and China who will make deals between Iran and Arabs to avoid harming each other and their interest? Where does West will stand in such a scenario?

The entire assumption that the West would come for the backing of Arab monarchs is relevant as long as Iran is a threat to Arabs. If Iran openly declares Arabs are not their rivals, then the need for Arabs to depend on West is done.
It's one thing to shift dependence from the west and the other thing to go after the west, you need the latter, not former if you want to help Hamas or Palestinian and swat down Israel, because the West will most likely back Israel no matter what.

So either Arab world would need the West not to intervene, which in itself hard to do, or have to deal with the West backing, which is even harder, even dealing with Israel alone that really didn't have a good track record for the Arab. So the question would become, if Arab world have what it takes to take down western back Israel, or the other question would be, "Can Arab world stop the west from supporting Israel"

Otherwise nothing is going to happen
You have seen how quickly land can be captured. I dont think it's worth the civilian casualties. I would order an evacuation and migration to EU. But obviously the Palestinians will allow these people to lose tens of thousands or civilians. For me, just not worth it. Learn from Azerbaijan. What if Azerbaijan let 1 million Azeris live under Armenian terror for 30 years. Just not worth it. They got their land back despite Russia backing Armenia like USA backs Israel.

I get what your saying, but this isnt the same, allowing the Jews to steal the land after 75 years of oppression isn't a option

Muslims have faith and we have a history of soaking up punishment from a enemy until we can resolve the situation in our favour

And Al Aqsa and Palestine is worth fighting for
You are too short sighted and not imaginative enough. Who could imagine in 1975 that iran would look like this today. Would could imagine in 1989 that russia would look like this.

Muslims don't need to defeat the west to defeat Israel. Although it would help. But its not necessary. Only increase the cost. Some things are just not worth it. I dont know exactly how things will play out. but the map of Middle East will not remotely resemble the one today in the medium to long term.
No, I am not short sighted, but rather, you don't really know how Israeli feel. And you need to care about that if you want to make a solution acceptable to all.

If you ask me, would 2 states solution works. Yes, why not, it seems fair everyone got what they wanted, but then I don't live in Israel, s that would not be the same case, if you ask the Israeli. Especially with these kinds of attacks going on. They are in the same position as the Palestinian, they can't go anywhere, and they aren't going anywhere, so to have them accept a 2-state solution, they would need to think what happened 3 days ago would not happens again, or who would have to be this stupid to think they should give a base to people who hate us and let them attack us at will? Nobody will think like that.

And you can't really deplete Israel, not with the west backing, and it's naive to think you can do so.
I think i can post this scene from the video , I choose the most non bloody scene lol
bye bye israeli bases ... one by one.
eye for an eye


With the pace of technological advancement, the balance of power can quickly shift. We are witnessing this right now as a weak non state actor has decisively given Israel a black eye. Even though the Gazans will be cruelly murdered, Israel's weaknesses and sense of invincibility has been exposed.

Just imagine what changes the next 20 years will bring. The gap between Israel and its neighbors will continue to disappear and when one day the US is no longer able to protect Israel, the knives will probably come out.
That's exactly what we are witnessing right now, with cheap and innovative tech, even occupied regions can cause damage to occupiers making their occupation harder to manage, which forces more innovation on their side or it causes them to be more brutal which hurts their PR reputation.

And like you said, as the Arab states develop, build their own tech especially militarily, their reliance on the west will decrease and they'll help Palestinians even more.

Only saviour in that scenario would be something like direct US intervention
civilized world lol more like LGBT world or fags or faggots etc.

Funny you mentioned that.
As last night I was reading NY Times comments last night to the major story about this, one of the most Recommended Comments was like 'Israel is the only country in the Middle East where open LGBTQ lifestyle is tolerated'.
And I thought, WTH?? Do these people even think before they write? Do these supposedly 'educated' and 'liberal' people not realize what's going in Palestine? Do they not realize that Hamas is not much different from the Palestinians in Fatah but unlike the Palestinians in the W.B, Hamas is determined to make a stand and Hamas is fortunate enough be supplied somehow--probably with tacit support of Egypt and that's why Hamas is fighting.
But one pro Palestinian Comment did say something like I have said above: The Palestinians are either going to be mass deported, or become Israeli subjugates, or gain their Rights.
It is up to the Palestinians to decide what to do. the 'keyboard warriors' here can only point out the dire 'choices' they have.
To be fair, I don't really care whether Palestinian or Israel get along, I am neither a jew or a friend of a jew, or a Muslim or a fan of a Muslim to have my view supporting either side. There can be 2 states solution or Israel or Palestinian can take all. I don't care.

I am just comment the way it's realistic pragmatic way, I don't believe in holy land, or whose's right is this or who settle there first, I look at a problem and I comment on what I think about the issue, I mean if Palestinian want to kills Israeli, go nuts, the same I will say for any Israeli wanting to kill Palestinian.

P.S. I don't really shred tears over this, I don't cry over either side. I mean, sure it's hard to watch the video, but most likely I will move on to do something else in a week or so time and forgot about all these just like everybody else.
If you don't care why are keeping hanging here like a beaten wife?
any truth to this or just playing

According to the Jerusalem Post, Saudi Arabia has decided to end negotiations on normalizing relations with Israel.The Saudis, Egypt, Iran, Russia and China began to act in a single logic on the Palestinian issue.If the Saudis throw their weight behind this, the pressure on Israel will increase in every sense.

If assad and his clan gang goes out of the power i would support that deal
Why should they go, so that headchoppers enter? So that netanyahu, biden, erdogan celebrate together? That will not happen. Multi party system is possible within the framework of a nationalist based constitution based on a united Syria with all parties and ideologies who were assisted by nato or mossad being banned and punishable.

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