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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

As even NY Times reported on its front page a few days ago, Israelis and their supporters are trying to find 'solace' in the few remaining pro Israel sites like Fox News. Here is a comment to one of the Fox's pro Israel videos.
Oh how the mighties have fallen!!


israel should accept 2 state solution now or else his own existence becomes questionable very soon.
Exactly. Israeli's are acting like they fought a superpower. The people of Gaza and the West Bank will be remembered as heroes that struggled against Apartheid and Nazi Jewish terror. We outside of occupied Palestine are stronger than the poor Palestinians in those concentration camps and can teach these Nazis a lesson that will scar them for decades to come.
Exactly. Israeli's are acting like they fought a superpower. The people of Gaza and the West Bank will be remembered as heroes that struggled against Apartheid and Nazi Jewish terror. We outside of occupied Palestine are stronger than the poor Palestinians in those concentration camps and can teach these Nazis a lesson that will scar them for decades to come.
Palestinians showed the whole world the whole humanity what real imaan and real faith in Allah swt is. This is same as David vs Goliath, Hazreti Musa vs Pharao and his army, Even if the whole world unites whoever have real faith in Allah cant be defeated.

The jews along history couldnt maintain their state for too long. It always breaks up either to 2 states or some country invades them and take them as prisoners.

I dont think nowadays israel gonna survive for the next 10 years.
J’s are not able to manage states. They are good with companies, trade and making money but state and military is different they are not a people who can manage this.

Please don't spin my post. It's all relative. You and that other guy I referenced continue to bring up casualties from the previous wars, trying to say what's happening in Gaza is not so high casualties. Firstly, you should take into consideration Gaza's MUCH smaller population than those countries' casualties. Secondly, yes, modern world's sensibilities AND intense media focus on anything do with the 'Holy Land' makes it harder to exact the casualties like in the wars of other regions, whether of present or past.
It is all relative otherwise why not start comparing with the piles of skulls in Genghis Khan's conquests??
Then why is the 'world' unable to resolve conflicts in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen after all these years? I get a feeling that the 'world' has given up on these conflicts as intractable problems. Why are they less "Holy" than Gaza? They hold invaluable historical and archeological artifacts.
I dont think nowadays israel gonna survive for the next 10 years.

Israeli survival is EXTREMELY tied with its Lobby in America. The moment some American President decides to act for the American interests and allow a UNSC Resolution to pass through, which would declare a State of Palestine within the 1967 borders, Israeli presence in the West Bank would become officially illegal with a 'mandate' to comply or else! And you can count on the poodles in the UK and France to NOT Veto that Resolution. But Biden is a self-proclaimed 'Zionist' so don't expect anything from him.
Israeli survival is EXTREMELY tied with its Lobby in America. The moment some American President decides to act for the American interests and allow a UNSC Resolution to pass through, which would declare a State of Palestine within the 1967 borders, Israeli presence in the West Bank would become officially illegal with a 'mandate' to comply or else! And you can count on the poodles in the UK and France to NOT Veto that Resolution. But Biden is a self-proclaimed 'Zionist' so don't expect anything from him.
True but the moment an american president decide that, I dont think he would live for too long.
Then why is the 'world' unable to resolve conflicts in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen after all these years? I get a feeling that the 'world' has given up on these conflicts as intractable problems. Why are they less "Holy" than Gaza? They hold invaluable historical and archeological artifacts.

Because Jerusalem is a unique place for a large part of humanity. Even with cursory knowledge of human history, you'd know that. And Gaza is an inalienable part of the history surrounding Jerusalem.
PS. The conflicts in the Middle East WILL resolve once distant powers don't have their attack dog / dagger poking in and out. But that's for another topic.
Then why is the 'world' unable to resolve conflicts in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen after all these years? I get a feeling that the 'world' has given up on these conflicts as intractable problems. Why are they less "Holy" than Gaza? They hold invaluable historical and archeological artifacts.
Because thats what israel wants. Unstable weak countries on its borders.
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