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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

These terrorists are looking at a assault on a hospital like some kind of military victory. They want to render non-functional to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza. There is nothing but a military solution to the Israeli terror state and it's racist and fascist population. This is all with the backing of the US which is due to the Jewish-American terrorist community which holds full responsibility for this genocide.

Yedioth correspondent: Golani forces surround Al-Shifa Hospital from all directions


I know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . . . but still , if you are looking for pictures of Isreali female soldiers , I can post them for you.


Russian's will also
I know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . . . but still , if you are looking for pictures of Isreali female soldiers , I can post them for you.

Expand the front into Saudi Arabia. Jordan will allow transit.
I know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . . . but still , if you are looking for pictures of Isreali female soldiers , I can post them for you.


Women should not be in war. I know there are Indonesian women army and police as well, but we never use them for real war like in our war against separatists or terrorists.
Like I said and I have always been saying. The focus needs to be on the Jewish-American terrorist community. Don't protest in random blocks. Anti-genocide activists need to protest in the US where Jewish people are. Across their synagogues, holocaust centers, business, neighborhoods, etc.... The key to end the genocide is put pressure on the terrorist Jewish-American community. If the terrorist Jewish-American community continues to feel untouchable,then the genocide will not stop.
Like I said and I have always been saying. The focus needs to be on the Jewish-American terrorist community. Don't protest in random blocks. Anti-genocide activists need to protest in the US where Jewish people are. Across their synagogues, holocaust centers, business, neighborhoods, etc.... The key to end the genocide is put pressure on the terrorist Jewish-American community. If the terrorist Jewish-American community continues to feel untouchable,then the genocide will not stop.
Also the AIPAC headquarters. It needs to be stormed by tens of thousands of people.
I know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . . . but still , if you are looking for pictures of Isreali female soldiers , I can post them for you.



For me, character is important. When I fap, I like to fap knowing I'm not fapping to racist murderers. Unlike you, I have to respect the people I wank to. By the way, each of them is a European convert, and has no right to be in Palestine.
Jewish ISIS are making up lies to try getting justification for genocide. Like I said. Genocide will be met with genocide.

I support the two state peace solution as the only way to end this conflict , and allow the two nations to live in dignity.

I dont realy care about the details or where exactly the borders would pass. As long as the agreemnt end this conflict once and for all.

And what do you support Sir ?

For years i watched you preach the destruction of my country here .

I can accept critisism on Israel level of using force , no one like to see sivilians suffer.

But YOU ? ? ?

You have lost the right to whine and complain long ago . As far as you are concerned , you are just eating exactly what you coocked.

Also the AIPAC headquarters. It needs to be stormed by tens of thousands of people.
There needs to be protest outside this terrorist headquarters. If you are from this area or know anyone from here try to get them to organize a demonstration.

251 H St NW, Washington, DC 20001
You have lost the right to whine and complain long ago . As far as you are concerned , you are just eating exactly what you coocked.

Bullshit. Israel is a made up country. Only Judea is historical. The borders are asinine and designed by whitoids to cause as much trouble as possible. I've never seen ancient greeks or anyone mention it, btw.
I support the two state peace solution as the only way to end this conflict , and allow the two nations to live in dignity.

I dont realy care about the details or where exactly the borders would pass. As long as the agreemnt end this conflict once and for all.

And what do you support Sir ?

For years i watched you preach the destruction of my country here .

I can accept critisism on Israel level of using force , no one like to see sivilians suffer.

But YOU ? ? ?

You have lost the right to whine and complain long ago . As far as you are concerned , you are just eating exactly what you coocked.

I notice you particularly go after the Palestinian guy here with relish but shy away from pissing off the Pakistanis and Iranians. This is a cultural characteristic; Isra"el" is a society of bullies, picking on the weak and feeling proud of themselves for it. And yet at the same time they turn around and shriek that said weak victim is committing a Holocaust on them.

You should stop harassing him, his people are getting slaughtered. This is one of the most tragic and traumatic things a Palestinian can experience. Imagine you were a Jew living in the UK in 1944, daily receiving news that the Jews, including your relatives, are being reduced to ashes in the crematoria of Auschwitz and Treblinka. And then imagine some racist arsehole harasses you every day for it. Grow a moral compass you Mosaic filth. I know the god of the Torah was a sociopath and the Talmud is comparable to OJ Simpson's "How I Would Do It" in terms of morality, but try your best.

'Antisemitism' or whatever that is needs to sky rocket up by 1,000,000% in order to save the planet. And then the term needs to be thrown out of the dictionary as the Jewish-American terrorist community are not semites and never were.

My brother, I cannot begin to imagine how you feel. Almost all of us in this forum are in great pain seeing what is being done to your people. But do not let filth like "sammuel" and the goons of the Lie-DF bring you down to their level. The Palestinian people are showing us how to live and how to have dignity. Never forget that. Don't make comments like these, even though every centimeter of your body compels you to. Instead, go pray, and keep your mind occupied with friends. Leave the hate-filled maggots here to their own racist ideas. You are better, your people are better.
'Antisemitism' or whatever that is needs to sky rocket up by 1,000,000% in order to save the planet. And then the term needs to be thrown out of the dictionary as the Jewish-American terrorist community are not semites and never were.

The rate at which Israelis are terrorising Palestinians with impunity, there might come a day when the subsequent generations of European and Americans turn on the Zionists.

The Zionist deceit and guilt tripping the West with their Holocaust narrative won’t sustain any longer.
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