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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Televised holocaust while world watches endorsed by USA

I think now only Imam Mehdi will bring the world back to justice

and then Prophet Issa the son of Mary

the Ummah has died no matter how bad it gets the human continuous will not be activated into making any reaction to help the people of Gaza

every red line has been crossed and even Non-Muslims are fighting Israelis

but the Muslim leaders are dead and will not wake up no matter how bad it gets and it cant get worse

if they were to wake up it would have happened when the firs hospital was bombed

no scene will prompt any emotion from anyone of the muslim leaders

dead deep in the heart
Televised holocaust while world watches endorsed by USA

I think now only Imam Mehdi will bring the world back to justice

and then Prophet Issa the son of Mary

the Ummah has died no matter how bad it gets the human continuous will not be activated into making any reaction to help the people of Gaza

every red line has been crossed and even Non-Muslims are fighting Israelis

but the Muslim leaders are dead and will not wake up no matter how bad it gets and it cant get worse

if they were to wake up it would have happened when the firs hospital was bombed

no scene will prompt any emotion from anyone of the muslim leaders

dead deep in the heart
You are 100% correct.

Look: More proof of war crimes, citizens fleeing the north were targeted and killed:

Do you think a down graded f-16s with no amraam or even good radar or the down graded abrams tanks or the down graded fremm or rafales can do anything? You are dreaming.

Egypt should not compromise on their defence, they can buy fighter jets from China or Russia with advanced weaponry. Spending billions on a downgraded Rafale or f16s should be a big no.
Hezbollah drone attack on Israeli terrorist forces

Lebanon's Hezbollah published scenes of targeting the Yeftah Qaddish barracks and the gathering place of the Zionist enemy's vehicles near the town of Ramot Naftali.






Its over, trust me.

It sure looks like that, Israel has already overtook Jerusalem and has 1000s of settlements in West Bank, now will overtake Gaza so where will the Palestinian state be? From the beginning Israel wanted to overtake all the land, and in many years or decades they will create a new threat and then capture more territory in to Egypt, Lebanon or Jordan.
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fu$k the Taliban

fu$k the TTP

fu$k the ISIS

fu$k the ISIL

fu$k the Al Aqeda

fu$k the every group who has killed Muslims and never even touched Israel with a spec of dust

these are the real Mujahideen

never killed any Muslims and ensure all efforts are put into fighting Israel


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