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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

In America money grows in printing press. For Israel, America has unlimited money. If we haven't learned this in the last 75 years, we have learned nothing.

Printing presses are yesterday’s technology. Today they just need to enter the numbers 1,000,000,000 in a computer and voila they have another trillion dollars US.
So last night in the Republican Presidential Nomination Debate, the Indian-American candidate Vivek Ramaswami called Zelensky something like 'Clown in Cargo Pants' and Nikki Haley as 'Dick Cheney in 3" High Heels'.
Hahahahah!!! I am beginning to like Vivek!!

BTW, Vivek and Kamala could never be as low as the good old white-boys like Biden and Trump when it comes to supporting Israel; the two hoagies are racist, closet-Zionists, and still stuck in the Cold War mindset.

Here is Vivek in another video.

Vivek is a dangerous fascist. Don't let his corny theatrics and childish name-calling inspire you to vote for him.
ashok kumar

THIS IS HUGE! All major Indian trade unions, CITU, AITUC, INTUC and HMS representing over 100m workers, have called on Indian government to scrap agreements with Israel, appealing to workers to boycott Israeli products and to refuse to handle Israeli cargo
It is like watching an infant take their first steps. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing the perennial Indian arse-kissers start to develop a sense of dignity.
Mu'mineen are not going to lose their hope in Allah(SWT) and his victory. What this genocide showed us is there is many hypocrites who came out openly amongst us that are very merciful towards Jews but extremely hateful to Muslims and wishing defeat on their own brothers and sisters.

This is not just Gaza's fight. This is a war on Islam directed by the Jewish people. And the Jewish people and Satan will not prevail. This has been going on for a long time and it will still go on. They have not won anything. Carpet bombing tiny and impoverished Gaza with US and Israeli warplanes is not impressive nor should make Muslims think they're weak. Hamas stood up to the US/Israel for over a month of genocidal carpet bombing and deliberate starvation and targeting of Palestinian civilians. Arab nations lost a war in 6 days meanwhile.

Now people are losing hope and blaming Hamas. You cannot lose hope during times like this. Dajjal will initially besiege and starve the believers. For over a year long period. Then the victory comes from Allah(SWT). The actual believers out there. Do not lose hope. And do not end your activism.
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