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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Don't take me the wrong way, but when the f*ck US cared about Egyptian or Arab opinion. This conflict just shattered the Arab global image as worthless beings. The largest ethnic group in the world was reduced to a plaything.

Note: Pakistan is no different either.
They will if Egypt shows it's serious. In my opinion, if Israel actually tries taking over all of Gaza and forcing people out into Egypt, it will start a war with Egypt. Not like 1973, a different kind.
What surprise, every protest of any kind is plenty of people who get paid money to make the clown in the streets, welcome to real world.

Do you think that thousands Lebanese who gathered to listen Nasralah boring speeches are there for free?

I've joined many protests in my life and have never seen a rally where I was offered money or have I seen people been offered to join a rally or a protest simply for monetary reasons.

Besides, no one was paid to watch the speech of Hassan Nasrallah. He is a religious and a resistance leader. In a war time, people would stop what they're doing and would listen to him.

And this brings me to my next point: The Israeli supporters are focusing on college kids because they know those kids need the money. So they're saying any kid who needs money, here is $250 dollar you can earn if you join our protests. Their goal is to get a big rally and show it in their Zionist-led lamestream media that "look many people support Israel's genocidal campaign against Palestinians". This is no different than the fake videos that they were manufacturing and were attributing to Hamas.
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Don't take me the wrong way, but when the f*ck US cared about Egyptian or Arab opinion. This conflict just shattered the Arab global image as worthless beings. The largest ethnic group in the world was reduced to a plaything.

Note: Pakistan is no different either.
Largest ethnic group is Han Chinese.
What surprise, every protest of any kind is plenty of people who get paid money to make the clown in the streets, welcome to real world.

Do you think that thousands Lebanese who gathered to listen Nasralah boring speeches are there for free?

This technique is often utilized by our great Islamic Republic in order to bolster the ranks of those who attend rallies and government demonstrations. Though I despise the zionist Ashkenaz-ra"el"i regime, I must say despite their virulent racism, their implementation of our time-honored tactic shows a hint of respect and intelligence, making them a formidable foe indeed. It always makes me smile to myself to see the people of the world adopt our Aryan ways. The Aryan intellect indeed has great reach. For it was our people who made Islam the powerhouse it became.
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I've joined many protests in my life and have never seen a rally where I was offered money or have I seen people been offered to join a rally or a protest simply for monetary reasons.

Besides, no one was paid to watch the speech of Hassan Nasrallah. He is a religious and a resistance leader. In a war time, people would stop what they're doing and would listen to him.
Likely they have jobs in Hezbollah network or relatives who had, it's the same thing, money talks, and money matters, and ideology is the excuse to get money.
Likely they have jobs in Hezbollah network or relatives who had, it's the same thing, money talks, and money matters, and ideology is the excuse to get money.

Frankly, this is the first time that I've ever seen people being offered to be paid if they join a rally in America. Countries are different, but in Murica, protests are held for people expressing their views, not earning money. Goodness grief!

They will if Egypt shows it's serious. In my opinion, if Israel actually tries taking over all of Gaza and forcing people out into Egypt, it will start a war with Egypt. Not like 1973, a different kind.
No it won't

Most of Arabs Palestinians will be pushed into Jordan, Syria, turkey Europe and America
Others will live as second class civilians

As I said eygptians are scared and ill prepared

The 1960s really killed the Spirit in them to fight

May be the new generation will reignite the spirit but I don't hope anything form the old generation
Israel carpet bombed this location and the festival goers were shot by Israel. There is even a video of Hamas forces interrogating one of the Arab festival goers asking him where are the soldiers. The Israeli soldiers had fled their bases in this area. Hamas targeted the Gaza division and every honest and objective person knows this:

Israel The enemy's scorched earth tactics seem insane and you wonder why then Netenyahu is a war criminal responsible for the deaths of 52 zionism Israel Zionis imprisoned by Gaza. Alas, an now the zioniss fascist narcissistic Jews will strafe run his own people and will cry to Christian evangelists oh how Horrid Hamas tear God child jewsis arse of IDF.
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