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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israeli arrogance always surprise us hahaha. Even Allah showed us how arrogant are the Bani Israel. Before Yom Kippur War, literally all western intelligent services warned about the possibility that Egypt will attack but Israel said that we didn't have the capabilites to do it. Now Mossad Shin Bet knew that there is a chance that Hamas will attack due Hamas was training intensively.
Show it to Mulana's of Pakistan
Muslims always remember biggest enemies of PROPHET were ARABs.
Many munafiqeen described in Holy verses of Holy Quran are Arabs...
Remember that .....
If they don't get their act right then
We have Sunnah of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) and that good old fashioned beating as these Arabs got before they became Muslims by the hands of Muslims...
They have to remember Islam is what made Arabs honorable not the other way around...... Remember Jews were chosen people... Still Allah didn't care when Allah scattered them away....
So hopefully Saudi's and UAE get their act right... Because last time we checked they ain't no Quraish or nowhere near related to Quraish .. so respect my foot....
So remember that sharif mecca is direct decendent of the prophet

He screwed and rebelled against the ottoman depsite the ottoman not daring to change the 1000 years old rule of sharif mecca family on Makkah.

What happened next is Saudi family rebelled, against the modern tie skirt wearing sharif of mecca, result, he ran away to England and was given Iraq and Jordan two countries created out of thin air

Iraq well we all know what happened their to hai family

Still sitting in Jordan marrying every Christian he can find and interestingly able to do so only because Pakistanis fucked yasar arrafat and destroyed his attempts to topple the Jordan govt

History is indeed interesting

But Arabs don't know how to hold a gun

I mean Israel smacked a 20x military is no joke taking Sinai without even sneezing

A military much more well equipped and advanced

Since 1967 if we say Israel..Arabs pee and shit in their pants

Don't believe me just go say israel in front of any Arab ..they will piss immediately

What Arabs need is moral boasting may be they can give weapons to hezobullah or Hamas ..ops wait..both are terrorists along with all people of Gaza per Arab league
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Where is all the proof and all the bodies.
Let the media reach there and the news come out. If the amount of ordinance fallen on 4 mile wide and 25miles long strip is more than 15k tonnes, then for sure there must have been thousands of deaths.
bombs were made to kill bad people

here bombs are being used to blow the boys of small children

children are so fragile a small trip can hurt them

and here 5,000 bunker busters are smashing small children to pieces

in war there is laws and rules

where are the laws and rules here
What a coward army. As soon as they get in armed clash they run and hide and call air support to carpet bomb the area. Any other army let's their ground forces fight and their ground forces are actually capable of achieving objectives on the ground. This coward army ground force is all for show. They're the most pathetic and incompetent ground force in the world.

The prestige and mystique of the IDF is crumbling in real-time, did they not learn anything by witnessing urban warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq? Oh well they plan to secure and hold Gaza for a long time, they will open Pandora's box, I can imagine there will be a fair few people sweating in Washington right now.




But thats okay... Rishi Sunak gives his PHUL SUPPORT


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The prestige and mystique of the IDF is crumbling in real-time, did they not learn anything by witnessing urban warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq? Oh well they plan to secure and hold Gaza for a long time, they will open Pandora's box, I can imagine there will be a fair few people sweating in Washington right now.

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But thats okay... Rishi Sunak gives his PHUL SUPPORT
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Fancy being surprised by tanks getting ambushed in an urban environment. Have they never studied any previous wars?
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