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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

@Hassan Al-Somal

Jewish Rabbis: apparently when the Messiah comes, each jew will have 2800 slaves, as all NON jews were created to be "SLAVES" for JEWS!

Makes sense... Here is more...

This Jewish Rabbi has a message for Hindus and others who kiss their feet. 👇


Hindus will still suck up to them... They are born Dalits.
One thing I will agree with here is the killing of Israeli civilians and especially the recording and sharing of this was just awful. Also the call for each side to mutually annihilate each other is downright insane. Taking of hostages, killing, maiming civilians was wrong and unacceptable. Those Israeli families who lost lovedones, who's lovedones are presently hostages, their pain is real.

So is the pain of those in Gaza and the west bank.

This is why it is vital that all hostages are released and an immediate cease-fire is implemented. Where do we go from here?
All true, but the fly in the ointment is Israel doesn't know what it should do to prevent a similar attack again in the future. That is why they are keeping the war at full throttle even though there is not much left in Gaza.
Actual traitor is UAE the descendants of Ibn Zayed Dajjal... Look it up...
What have UAE done?
Host snakes ?
Give refuge to killers traitors and murders of Muslims?
Remember the mosad operation in UAE to assisnate Palestinian in UAE...
UAE actually sent relief to Israel lol not Palestinians but Israel.... Wow just wow

Dubai is a few suicide bombs away from becoming an empty glass vessel. They don't get it. You cannot become a slave whore for the Zionists without some consequences.
Here, let me simplify that our for you.

You do not cheer when people are dying. Not palestinians and not Israelis. As some allow themselfs here.

You do not scream " Allahu akbar " when you murder someone . Nor when you see rockets falling on civilians . As some allow themselfs here.

That is simply using God's name in vian. Not to mention justification for fanatical vilany. What has God got to do with people's stupidity ?

And I am going to comment when i see people doing this.

Sorry if this ruins the taste of the sweet ' pot " for some..

Anything else bothering you ?


So far, the biggest opposition to ceasefire is USA.

With the flow of western weapons into hands of Israelis, we can conclude USA has decided to eliminate Gaza from the world map.

To this moment, Iraqi Hazbollah along with Syrians have condicted almost 40 attacks on American bases. 1 American military personnel shot dead in Qatar.

All i want to tell you is, this war is a war between Islam and USA.

US Senator Lindsey Graham already stated it's a religious war. Only a fool would think otherwise.

African nations recall diplomats from Israel​

South Africa and Chad have joined a diplomatic boycott against West Jerusalem amid the country’s war with Hamas
African nations recall diplomats from Israel

FILE PHOTO: Pro-Palestinian supporters demonstrate at the entrance to the Israeli embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, October 20, 2023 © AP / Denis Farrell

South Africa and Chad have joined the growing list of nations which have withdrawn their diplomatic staff from Israel, condemning West Jerusalem for killing thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza during its ongoing struggle to destroy Hamas.

“A genocide under the watch of the international community cannot be tolerated,” South African Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni told reporters on Monday in Pretoria. “Another holocaust in the history of humankind is not acceptable.”

South African cabinet members decided at a meeting last week to recall the country’s three diplomats stationed in Tel Aviv for “consultation,” Ntshavheni said. She also hinted that action may be taken against Israel’s ambassador to South Africa, Eli Belotserkovsky, for allegedly making disparaging remarks about those who oppose the Israeli incursion in Gaza. She added that his role in Pretoria is “becoming very untenable.”

Chad recalled its charge d’affaires to Israel on Saturday, according to a government statement on Monday. “Chad condemns the loss of human lives of many innocent civilians and calls for a ceasefire leading to a lasting solution to the Palestinian question,” the statement said. The central African country restored diplomatic relations with Israel in 2019, more than four decades after ties between the two governments were severed.
Türkiye won’t talk to Netanyahu – ErdoganREAD MORE: Türkiye won’t talk to Netanyahu – Erdogan
Israel’s latest war with Hamas began on October 7, when the militant group launched surprise attacks that killed an estimated 1,400 people. Hamas fighters also kidnapped more than 200 people and took them back to Gaza as hostages. The Israeli response has left more than 10,000 Palestinians dead so far, according to local health officials.

South Africa and Chad follow seven other countries in punishing Israel diplomatically. Bolivia broke off its diplomatic relations with Israel on October 31. Türkiye, Jordan, Bahrain, Honduras, Colombia and Chile have also recalled their ambassadors to Israel. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters on Saturday that he had cut off contact with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying, “We have given up on him.”

South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said it was important for Pretoria to signal its concern over the Israeli incursion in Gaza and call for a ceasefire. “We need to have this engagement with our officials because we are extremely concerned at the continued killing of children and innocent civilians in the Palestinian territory, and we believe the nature of the response by Israel has become one of collective punishment,” she told reporters on Monday.

This is how a lot of Americans are. Low lives, bad marriage life, kids don't visit them. No friends. In debt. Drinking beer to cope. Health issues. Then trying to take that out on random people around the world. Bulldoze Gaza, nuke China, blow up Russia, etc.... It's pathetic and sad. And sign of decaying society. Hope US Govt invests in mental health for them.

That real estate b*tch lost her job. Lol

Well, she can go to the corner strip club and pole dance.
Another mask off moment from Israel now that Netanyahu is openly saying he will occupy Gaza.

Israel may govern Gaza for an “indefinite period”, after the war ends, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested in an interview with the US’ ABC News.

Noting that US President Joe Biden had previously said it would be a “mistake” for Israel to occupy Gaza, interviewer David Muir asked Netanyahu who should govern the territory when the fighting ends.

The prime minister suggested Israel would have a role to play for an “indefinite period.”

It's clear as day that this is a land grab attempt all along. Egypt warned Israel of the impending attack days in advance so there is no why douche Bibi was not aware of it.
Pakistanis had a chance, they couldve supported their leader like Turks did, they threw the military in barracks. Unfortunately, no one came out when imran was taken away... So its a coward nation.. sorry... you cant compare turks with Pakistanis.

True, even when God has given us someone in the likes of Imran Khan, we stayed at home. Many came out, but not enough.
The million dollar question, what have the GCC Arab countries done until now? I seriously believe that even if God forbid, the Palestinians got ethnically cleansed by the greedy Zionists the GCC Arabs will end up recognising the settlers.

Don't these disgusting GCC Arab nations feel ashamed? Where is he that MBS bastard that always likes to be in the spotlight? MBS the faggot is hiding in a cave.

These Arabs are kafir. They worship the pathetic depreciating $$$$
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