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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Coming days are decisive, Hezbollah won t enter because Hamas, would enter because they know this is a resistence Axis matter, with broad implications.

Certainly if Israel destroys Gaza and force palestinians to be killed or rooted out from their native land, then Israel would achieve a decisive victory over arabs and muslim. This is a fact right now.

As per intel, the IDF plans to drag HezbAllah in; there is a green light from the U.S. for a ground invasion of Lebanon. As well, Iran and HezbAllah released a joint statement demanding cessation of hostilities by Friday, or else (most definitely meaning the official entry of HezbAllah).
Iran had a really good opportunity to defend itself by building nukes. it threw it away or maybe its scientists weren't good enough to figure it all out. its probably too late now to get nukes and survive. Iran would cause major damage to US in a conventional war, but its just no match in the long run.

Unfortunately, Khamenei is more of a mediator between various factions than a true leader. It is certain there were quite a lot of elements within the establishment and military that want nuclearization. And yet, Khamenei is known to be indecisive in his attempt to balance various nodes of power in the government. There's no evidence that a nuclear weapon has been realized. It would be the ultimate deterrent, but some unfortunate elements in the government seemed to believe they could use the building of said deterrent to have sanctions removed. The reasoning is sound; removal of said sanctions would mitigate the probability of popular unrest which would be utilized as a color revolution by the West; and yet the astounding naivete displayed by the likes of Rouhani culminated in near irreparable setback for the nuclear effort. As of now, Iran is somewhat back up to speed, but given the ripping of the deal and placement of even more severe sanctions, this route is veritably insanity to continue following.

No deal with the U.S. is worth the paper its written on. This is because the U.S.' guarantees last 4 years, or at most 8 years. What we saw was a colossal display of naivete by the reformist camp in which they led leadership to sign a deal pertinent for 10-15 years to halt nuclearization, while not appreciating the reality that the U.S. government can change 180 degrees in the span of 4 years. That's up to 4 years of lost time, which is exacerbated by Mos"sad" assassinations of Iranian human capital assets. The hardliners knew this and warned of this, as did the military establishment. At best, the settled with utilizing America's backstabbing to take on a role of the aggrieved that now has no choice but full nuclearization. And yet any astute follower of international relations recognizes that the hegemon does not have to abide by any rules or laws. Despite the intent of the deal to mitigate unrest at home and economic malaise, the U.S. thumbed its nose at Iran by engineering the most intense color revolution attempt since the sedition of 2009. This is lost time which Iran can ill afford.

Iran does have other deterrents at its disposal; namely closing the Strait of Hormuz by which 20% of global oil flows through. And yet, in that event, the U.S. has domestic oil production as does Russia and other players. This would only harm China and other countries, who may try to pressure the U.S. and Iran to end hostilities, but may also begin relations with other oil producers such as Saudi Arabia, costing Iran in the long term. What seems like the golden deterrent is in fact suicidal. Other deterrents include fifth columns in surrounding states and proxy militias, which are now engaged in battle against the Isra"el"i entity. It remains to be seen if these gallant and brave souls will stem the Mosaic tide they are facing. The damage taken by said proxies can take a few years to recover from, so the goal here would be to inflict such chaos and disarray, such damage to the Zionists, that both they and Iran cannot engage in open conflict for another five to ten years. This seems to be a deterrent that has so far worked, though U.S. involvement may lead to irreparable neutering of said proxies. A multi-pronged approach of proxies, naval harassment, ICBM development and nuclearization would be ideal as a multi-layered deterrence scheme. I guarantee that if Iran nuclearizes and achieves ICBM production on a mass scale, that the U.S. will begin earnest diplomacy instead of the veritable capitulation demands they have thus far engaged in. Any student of international relations worth their salt grasps that international relations, at the root, is a matter of military strength and the economic power which upholds it. Thus far, Iran has put a valiant effort toward this end, but internal corruption, stupidity, and Zionist deviousness have managed to harm said deterrents. We shall have to wait and see what the future holds, but Iran is in a precarious state as is.
Finally Americans are waking up to NAZI Zionists
Very very insightful for everyone
An American judge and a general
Key points
1. Israel exercise showed that they won't win even with American help.
2. Nethanyahu is in big big trouble and could put the final nail on Israel Zionist coffin.
3. Aipac is a foreign agent entity.
4. Nethanyahu video around boosting he bought congress and is leadership.
5. Israel could be heading for martial law or dictatorship.
6. Friday sermon by Hezb leader is scaring the sh&t out of Israel and it's zionists allies.
7. IDF killed hostages Israeli hostages on Oct 8 when the went in vengeful mode. 8 Hamas fighters and 18 Israeli nationality hostages were killed by IDF on Oct 8th.
8. Two Israeli battalions got wiped out from the face of earth in a stand up fight...13th and 51st battalion that is...
Golani brigade took massive massive losses and got humiliated..
The meanderings of an irrelevant pedophile and outcast are dubious at best. This also goes for Colonel MacGregor, a veritable MAGA hack with a known history of incompetence in military affairs. These two are but pawns for the isolationist Trumpist elements in the U.S. government and are tasked with spreading disinformation so as to push the U.S. into leaving NATO and scaling back its global presence. It's crucial to grasp that said "experts" have an outlier angle. There are better sources.
The zionazis claimed Egypt killed between 2,500 & 2,800 during the Yom Kippur war in 1973. That was in a span of 20 days of actual fighting in that war.

Assuming 3,000 died, the ratio of that death toll compared to the zionist population at the time was calculated by military historians to be akin to the US losing 250,000 men in Vietnam instead of the actual 58,000 (released by the Pentagon) and that was in a span of 10 years! That doesn't even take into account the lying the zionist do to inflate & deflate the numbers in their favor. And according to Egyptian military after the war, the number was far greater than even 3,000 zionist dead, but it goes to show how impactful it is to them to lose people not just because of the ratio of death to population, but also because of how they value life on this earth compared to Muslim who are taught to value life more after death.

The statistic for Egyptian deaths is listed in most books written by Jews who never really got accurate information from Egypt in the first place and the claims are between 5,000 & 15,000 lmmmaaaaooooo! It's not even close to that. But that's how they twist and tweak the numbers to manipulate history in their favor and sadly the common sheep fall for all that rubbish.

BTW, we need to check if this ridiculous and unfortunately super despicable anti-American law statute applies to the state we live in, just to have an open eye on how things are developing here in the US.

It is a known fact that Isra"el" lies about its casualties. One, for the aforementioned reason of lowering the pool of men that can be mobilized and the loss of military human capital assets. But a lesser known fact is that Isra"el" depends on a demographic shift which will allow it to function as a "Jewish state". To this end, Isra"el" needs to attract as many U.S. Jews to settle in Isra"el" as such to take more Palestinian land and to aid in their ethnic cleansing project. To that end, the IOF must be shown to be a force that can guarantee security. If it cannot, you will see less Jews giving up their comfortable and privileged lives in the U.S. in order to live in such a precarious security situation in Isra"el". Ideology matters not, were Isra"el" to be a dangerous warzone, and given Palestinian birth rates, many Jewish dual nationals will flee or turn down the birthright offer, tilting the demographics in time such that Isra"el" will no longer be a "Jewish state".

To this end, they inflate enemy losses and cover their own losses. Given the performance we have seen so far and their childlike need for U.S. guidance and special forces that spearhead their forays into Gaza, it is evident that the IOF is a joke of an army. In previous wars against the Arabs, Isra"el" at numerous times faced abject failure and was saved by an effort by Western states to intervene. Simply put, the Zionist entity is not as invincible as they seem to project.
It has been shown that no Arab country can defeat Israel. so Iran is not using countries. Countries are centralised and easy for CIA to infiltrate. Pass the information to Israel. Easy to see the tank column moving, easy to bribe soldiers and generals for information.

With these non state actors, it seems it's not so easy to infiltrate them. they might actually be more effective than a useless corrupt and unmotivated army.

Will a CIA asset go undercover and live in Hamas tunnels and be able to relay information back? No chance, they dont pay that well. Arab armies are obsolete, they are only good for internal crowd control and military coups. Arab countries might as well not bother to have any army ad save the money.

Non state actors will take over now it seems.

Yes, and aside from the benefits of impregnability in said groups, they are ideological militias that have overcome the corruption and tribalism problem evident in Arab armies. This is what makes them so dangerous for the Zionists.
Despite all video evidence many posters just keep repeating nonsense about “hamas liberation heroes who were 100% justified/dont do wrong as real muslims”

Just fucking Watch your heroes at work then??

They then LIED about “bringing her to a hospital. A rumor that the mom of the girl was willing to believe out of desperation.

However, those broken legs show no discoulouring/swelling, and how the **** is this “ambulance treatment”? It is clear she is likely already dead.
All but confirmed now.

but noooo, the new LIE going around is that she “was probably killed by israel carpet bombs”

Seriously?? These are your heroes?
Why are you so intent on this strawman tactic? No one is calling them heroes, merely pointing out that Isra"el" has no moral authority and these groups are more than the labels they are being shoehorned into to fit a certain narrative. This is a typical Zionist tactic; to define the enemy as a morally repugnant force of extremists while hiding their own questionable approach to warfare. It also begs you to consider the fact that Isra"el" has always been the one with more power, and as such they are taking on an actively more immoral stance via their oppression of Palestinians. You would never consider black Americans and a white-led police force as equal in terms of moral force and power. And if you did, refer to my original point, that you are a Nazi. I cannot grasp how one can see endless videos of dead Palestinian children, absolutely no evidence of dead Israeli children, merely just a "trust me bro" from Isra"el" and their State Department lackeys, and claim Isra"el" is a moral actor. Absolute, braindead stupidity, and absolute braindead preference for white people over others.

You have managed to tilt me away from respectful and eloquent prose to outright derision, for ignoramuses like you exist and legitimize genocide. Crawl back to your beerhall and reminisce about the days of that one-testicled madman that destroyed your country and left a general cowardice in his wake that has not abated for the better part of a century.
Yup. Conventionally Iran can't be beaten by even America. The casualties for Americans would be too high to absorb and even a false flag to rally domestic support in America would not last long when body bags start coming to America.
If Iran wants to assure its survival it should have a great power like Russia and China deploy their personnel and nukes in Iran. I know it sounds drastic but that's what the Americans did against the Soviets during the Cold War: Nuclear umbrella given to Western Europe.

This is indeed an option and I can see Iran moving in said direction. Nonetheless, indigenous nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent. As we have seen, Russia turned a blind eye to IOF strikes against Iranian assets in Syria. Furthermore, an amendment to the constitution of the Islamic Republic needs to be made as the current policy is to deny any foreign power from having military bases in Iran proper.
This Friday will be very important. Both Iranian and Israeli news sites are reporting Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is set to deliver a speech on Friday, his first public address since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas. We should get a clear picture if Hezbollah will finally get into a full-scale conflict. I pray he does not backstab the Palestinians like the spineless Arab leaders.

I feel it won't be that significant. Hezbollah's attack would be sudden and unexpected, rather than given in a speech where Israel will be able to prepare itself. The speech probably would be deadlines/threats/red lines and so on. I could be wrong but that's my opinion.

I do believe though if Hezbollah join then Israel will suffer disastrous causalities which is why their daddy has parked its ships nearby.
Nope, I never support Hamas you can see my previous posts. I am consistent on it. How many bombing should be taken by Palestinians civilians that can make those Hamas supporters realize that Hamas is not in the same level with Israeli Armed Force ?

Hamas attack will only bring more destruction to the Palestinians.......

I support Palestinian, but the power that can go against Israel are only countries like Egypt, Algeria, and the likes.............

You can't blame Hamas for anything. Israel does not have a right to commit genocide. Which it is doing to get people to blame Hamas. Do you know according to international law, the international community must militarily intervene to prevent genocide like they did in Bosnia. Even UN officials resign because it's a genocide. What's happening is Jewish privileged people are committing genocide with full backing of few terrorist countries. Your suggestion is to accept that and leave them alone. No. They need to be tried for war crimes and genocide, and militarily destroyed. We need to fight the Jewish people.

Britain, Austria and other European nations, rushed to intervene and force Egypt into accepting a peace treaty. From September to November 1840, a combined naval fleet, made up of British and Austrian vessels, cut off Ibrahim's sea communications with Egypt.

Looooool holy ottomania had to ask european help.
Lol I thought Europeans didn't care about Turkey :cheesy:

Turkey is hitties land part of the middle east, if some turks feel the need to be part of europe they can just move to europe.

You play checkers we play chess, which is why we're a regional power and you are Israel's bitch
Nope, I never support Hamas you can see my previous posts. I am consistent on it. How many bombing should be taken by Palestinians civilians that can make those Hamas supporters realize that Hamas is not in the same level with Israeli Armed Force ?

Hamas attack will only bring more destruction to the Palestinians.......

I support Palestinian, but the power that can go against Israel are only countries like Egypt, Algeria, and the likes.............

Since the Arab countries are doing nothing, how should Palestinians resist if there are no organizations like Hamas?

Should the Palestinians simply go with the status quo until European and American Settlers gobble up the land and push the Palestinians out of Palestine?

I don't agree Hamas's tactics on instances when they go beyond the rules of warfare as prescribed in Islam. But at the same time, they are absolutely within their right to fight back the people who took away their lands and slowly pushing them towards extinction.
Dude, you single handedly try to be more annoying and stupid in rants then pajeets, jews, dumb westerners combined.
And that is remarkable achievement.
Because I'm right and you have no argument.
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