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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Yemenis possess Iranian medium range ballistic missiles, land attack cruise missiles, UAVs and advanced Iranian SAM systems

The IDF has no effective answer to respond to the missile and drone attacks from Yemen. The missile arsenal (including advanced AD systems) of the Yemenis far surpasses anything that even Hezbollah has.

The Palestinian resistance drains Israel's Iron Dome interceptors while the Houthis drain Israel's Arrow-2/3 ABM interceptors. Hezbollah is yet to enter the war with its own rockets and missiles, and the same can be said for the Syrian and Iraqi resistance.
No, it is not.
Your position is Unjust due to your religious indoctrination.
I already presented my arguments and showed your double standards.

Even Islam itself asks Muslims to wage a war against non-Muslim state if it does not allow Muslims to preach Islam and to let people convert to Islam.
So, why should non-Muslims today not wage war against Muslim states while almost all of them today commit this crime and do not give equal rights to non-Muslims to preach and convert Muslims to their religions?

Why should non-Muslims today support an Islamic Palestine with the influence of Hamas only to let them later oppress non-Muslims and throw down innocent LGBT members from high buildings?

Despite being faithless in any imaginary god, we are much better morally than Muslims. We created a system of human-friendly Secularism and gave Muslims equal human rights on the basis of justice to preach and criticize and to convert people to Islam.

It is a matter of your blind faith, injustice and your double standards.

Too many words for otherwise, a nebular synthesis...

First, don't explain Islam, or more precisely your interpretation of it to me.
Second, Yes, go ahead... do your biding... you can do nothing but combust!

Our faith and hope affirms our projection...
your faithlessness and nihilism dictates your limitations.
Jordan has claimed to have intercepted a Yemeni missile

Out of all the countries in the world, Yemen decides to declare war on Israel? It's no wonder the Middle East is still stuck in the Stone Age. Yemen has so many problems, yet they want to engage in war with Israel. This is unbelievable loool
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Israeli media: A very difficult event happened to the occupation soldiers in the Gaza Strip, and the censorship imposed a publication ban. #طوفان_الأقصى #غزة_تنتصر
Demographics can favour Muslims only if there is Secularism in Israel. If the rising population of Muslims does not become secular, and it becomes a danger to Israel, then surely there will be no Secularism and no Democracy and no voting rights for them. They will either be expelled from this land, or they will be given a small land for their own state.
But you can keep on dreaming about Israeli Secularism and Democracy.

And if Muslims will become a danger, then everyone will be fighting them, including orthodox Jews too.

Demographics have NO connection to secularism

ETHNICALLY CLEANSING millions of people off their own land isn't easy

It's why resistance from the Palestinians and a demand for freedom and independence is so strong

It's why Israel has been so eager to make relations with regional Muslim states, to try and mitigate the Palestinian issue

But I repeat, the age of average Palestinian is 19,, the age of the average Jew is 43

They simply cannot enforce occupation and apartheid endlessly

friend, you are only dreaming.
Indian Muslims have already been neutralized. And India itself is on the path of becoming a mini superpower.
And Indian Muslims are in such a worse condition that even if India disintegrates, still Indian Muslims have no chance to come to power anymore.

Also, it seems to me that Pakistan may disintegrate much before India. Religion cannot keep Pakistan intact (as it failed in east Pakistan too), but maybe fighting with religious fanatics becomes the downfall of Pakistan.

A huge population (OVER Population) of Muslims will become a problem for them.

No one is saying Indian Muslims will come to power😂😂😂. India is a communal shithole

India has already partitioned once because Indians hate each other


We warned the Indian Muslims to not trust the Hindu garbage,, they didn't listen

So as hindutva extremism rises,, hundreds of millions of people start to get antagonised, Indians are economically boycotting each other.
Indians are moving to their own areas away from each other
We can trigger another partition of India because of the amount of hate they have for each other

Neither ex-Muslims existed in such numbers before nor they were organised.
And ex-Muslims today are connected to the Atheist Movement, which is a new development.

Earlier ex-Muslims existed only in small numbers, and they became Christians or Hindus. But they had no chance to face Muslims as Christians and Hindus, while these religions themselves are lies.

But the case with atheism is different. It has already infiltrated Muslim ranks. There are millions of Muslims who are doubtful due to the Theory of Evolution. Many professors in universities are hidden ex-Muslims due to evolution. As I said before, after believing in science and evolution, it becomes difficult to believe in fictitious stories of Adam and Eve.

Modern science will destroy all religions sooner or later.

And the other thing is Humanity. The non-religious Secular System is challenging the Islamic

They always existed

But between converts to Islam and newborns we outnumber them 100 to 1

It's only social media, that spread

Many ex Muslims are also fake,, just Hindu clowns larping because they are morons

Evolution itself is just a theory

Murtads tend to have major psychological issues
They tend lose everything, family, friends, community and end up with only online support from other atheists and murtads

Families and children also tend to be rare

Muslims thought the same in India too.
But then we saw the rise of far-right forces in India, which utterly humiliated Muslims in India.
The same process is happening in the West, where far-right forces are again gaining popularity due to the non-integration of Muslims and their betrayal of Secularism.

It is only this that Muslims unfortunately are not ready to see their flaws and to reform them. They still have that mentality to overpower Kuffar in Europe one day. It is unfortunate.

Indian Muslims are waking up, India has already partitioned once

And Hindu extremists will ensure it partition again

Islam is 2 billion and growing,, we are a massive civilization and we can't spend our time trying to please our ENEMIES and changing ourselves to please them

What kind of simp pajeet are you?

A dominant civilization doesn't do that, we stick to our own faith values and culture
Urgent: Indonesian Hospital Administration: About 400 martyrs in the Zionist massacre in Jabalia, north of Gaza.
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