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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

If this lunatic @RayKalm, @PakistaniandProud (it is the same person) is not banned i will not come back here anymore.

@waz @LeGenD @Imran Khan

You can bann me or delete my account i will not come back

Good riddance. The sectarian racist deluded troll will be gone.

You're acting like Israel at the UN now, "If Hamas is not condemned, you are all Nazis". Once I exposed you for the racist you are, you cry and run away.

You cannot call Bengali and Indian Muslims as inferior beings and get away with it. You cannot be racist and be filled with hate and get away with it! We've all seen the post you've deleted now. We've seen how you ignored the questions poised about your racism.

We do not tolerate this kind of behavior, with whatever wise idea that you had about insulting other Muslim countries and us being okay with it here!
Hang on a minute.

Where have i said that Hamas are an innocent party? There is no doubt Hamas are responsible for acts.

The question is if attacking hospitals is a war crime,
The answer is not yes, it is ”maybe”.

You seem to have a memory issue. Look at the 70 years of atrocities - illegal settlements - murder of kids and making Gaza into a concentration camp has clearly left its stain.

And Hamas illegal actions, attacking civilians and indiscriminate firing of missiles and not recognizing Israels right to exists is a major reason for the current situation.

What right does Israel have of breaking international law - committing genocide and running an apartheid state and expect roses in return?

Israel is not committing genocide, and it is not running an apartheid state. It is occupying the West Bank which is not a part of Israel. Occupied territory have other rules.
Israel is that bully at school that goes slapping every other kid - when a kid turns round and slaps back - the bully falls onto his back - legs in the air and screams murder.
Hamas is a local gang member which goes around killing everyone that does not submit. When they get repercussion they cry that it is unfair.

Grow up man and stop being selective - to butcher 1000s of kids - to hold water food and electricity is a war crime.
If killing of 1000s if kids is a war crime remains to be seen. It is also a question if Hamas or Israel are responsible. Hamas us responsible if they do not separate civilians from combatants. The only thing we know is that Hamas escalated the conflict with the knowledge that many Palestinians would die.

The EU has criticized Israel for the lack of food and water.
The Muslim countries refused to vote against Hamas atrocities in the UN.
Hamas still has captured 100s of hostages which is a war crime.
No diplomatic ties anymore

Turkey makes trade with everyone trade is different emnity is different. If trade is in my interest i can trade with the enemigos it doesnt mean i trust them?
Brother, i am all turkofilic and such, but wall around gaza is made by turkish concrete and steel by statement of ine turkish MP.
Tuirkiye yet to come in as enemy of israel if ever
The number of people leaving Islam is also high in the US (almost the same as those who convert according to some surveys).

Muslims have to understand that things are soon going against them if they don't learn to integrate into the local cultures and keep on showing double standards where they don't let non-Muslims have equal rights to criticize Islam, preach their own religion and let Muslims to leave Islam in their Islamic countries.

We already seeing the reaction of these double standards in India. There are 220 millions Muslims in India, but hardly any notable conversion is taking place in India.

The rate of conversion is high in Europe, while they have given full rights to Muslims under Secularism, which were but misused by Muslim communities while they themselves don't believe in the Spirit of Secularism, and don't let their daughters marry non-Muslims (although Secularism prohibits discrimination on the bases of race, religion and language).

Islam is now 2 BILLION plus people

In the last decade or so our population has increased by hundreds of millions, faster then anyone else

The fundamental basis of this is our median age is the lowest of all faiths, it's around 23/24 whilst others are heading into the late 30s and the Jews are well into their 40s

Islam is also a bastion of faith, family and values with Muslims having stronger adherence and not breaking their value system and family system

Their will ALWAYS be people leaving and coming into the faith but fundamentally any one who leaves will be replaced 10x over

Muslims should integrate and learns the language etc, working laws
But Muslims will NEVER ASSIMILATE and our faith and values are everything and we will not bend them or allow tolerate anything against our faith
People seeking faith, family and values will always come to islam
Firstly Imran Khan is unfortunately locked up and unable to moderate - so tagging him is pointless.
Secondly - you can put them on your ignore list and job is done. You can then focus on the topic of the thread my friend. You seemed to be a passionate soul that is sensitive - hence you result in getting annoyed.
Its just a forum - lets just focus on gaining knowledge on whats actually going on in Gaza today.

Thanks i already blocked both of his accounts he/she is still harrassing me.
Israel hasn't announced a single casualty in its ground invasion of Gaza. Not even one injury.
Thanks i already blocked both of his accounts he/she is still harrassing me.


No one is harassing anyone. Look at my recent posts, I only addressed him for his racism, and all he did was ignore it and call me names. He called me a lunatic, but he's the being the lunatic here.

Read this carefully:


He considers himself, a "Turkish Muslim", as superior to other Muslims, and specifically insulted Indian and Bengali Muslims. And, when addressed about it, he calls you names instead.

We cannot tolerate that here. He has no passion. Just hate.
In view of being repeatedly tagged, I will advice all members to concentrate on the topic and be logical in your take on things. Do not spread hatred, do not be illogical, and do not derail the topic. Respect facts. Discuss the topic instead of waging an ideological war here and fighting each other.
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