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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

That's Mossad Jihad.

Real Jihad is the Jihad of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Some give too much credit to these agencies. ISIL origins are well-explained in sources that I have shared in my previous post. Real jihad is taught in text books but WE live in times wherein material interests and politics hold sway over decisions and actions.
These crazy people are making up crazy lies. First about rape, then the 40 fake babies, and now this. They cook up lies then commit massacres and use these lies to shut people up about the mass murder campaign they're doing. They make up lots of the directors in Hollywood so not surprised. Waiting for next crazy Hollywood story.

This is the info from a hostage released by Hamas:

Lifshitz said captives were treated well and received medical care, including medication. The guards kept conditions clean, she said. Hostages were given one meal a day of cheese, cucumber and pita, she said, adding that her captors ate the same.


Hamas baked a baby in oven.
This is the info from a hostage released by Hamas:

Lifshitz said captives were treated well and received medical care, including medication. The guards kept conditions clean, she said. Hostages were given one meal a day of cheese, cucumber and pita, she said, adding that her captors ate the same.


Hamas baked a baby in oven.

@LeGenD and I talked about perception and how the Islamic World lacks the outreach to counter those wrong points presented by other media personalities. You can see how some in the West and on this forum eat whatever CNN says even when wrong and present it here.

Until we mobilize on this front well lose.
@LeGenD and I talked about perception and how the Islamic World lacks the outreach to counter those wrong points presented by other media personalities. You can see how some in the West and on this forum eat whatever CNN says even when wrong and present it here.

Until we mobilize on this front well lose.
"Baby baked in the oven story" gets sympathies from all the moms of the world, including soccer moms. Every house wife's nightmare but a great gossiping arrangement for the afternoon tea or supper.

FOX news is religion for some just like Jedi.
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We don't know anything about these kids. I'd imagine they're missing because your terrorist army was afraid of facing Hamas fighters and started carpet bombing their own cities. You killed them. Your bombs incinerated them. Because your army is sick..

The is No way you can justify kidnapping children,

It serves no porpose. Only makes things worse for everyone.

Eitherr kidnapping children is moral, or is immoral. Don't try to justify it by other things that are wrong. Two wrongs don;t make a right.

Israel halted it's ground attack for a week , cuase there was hope for hostage release. At least a small deal to release the woman , children and elderly. That is what Qatar was working on , not games to stall for time , as Hanas is now playing.

Now the feeling is , that unless we put pressure on Hamas , they will play those games and drag the hostages crisis for months. That is why the ground forces went in , 3 days ago.

Holding those children hostage just ensures that the voilence would intensify .

Is that what you want ?



I notice the press works with copy paste a lot without scrutinizing the source.

For Russia, that meant copy pasting economic news from russian state media…which showed that russia was doing fine ofcourse.

In gaza we have the Hamas terrorist group now posting all the casualties.
In a second they knew 500 died in the “leveling of the hospital” which turned out a minor bombing in its parking lot.
They also claim 80% women/children/elderly deaths.
Despite men making up half of the demographic, being out and about and as such at higher risk…and hamas soldiers fighting an active war?

Or iraqs “half a million children” myth
Which was based on saddams government giving the numbers.
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