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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


'Some of the audience whispered ''make it stop''. I leaned against a wall and cried': Journalists who watched Israeli compilation of Hamas terror footage - including a young girl shot dead as she hid under a desk - reveal how it left them horrified​

  • Journalists told how their colleagues were left weeping - or retching - at footage

  • They saw clip after clip of civilians being shot, stabbed, tortured and burned
Journalists who attended an IDF screening of a 45-minute-long montage of Hamas murdering, torturing and abducting Israeli civilians have told of the horrors with which they were confronted.

The lengthy compilation, pieced together from material recorded by Hamas gunmen on bodycams and smartphones, was shown by the IDF to a closed pool of journalists in Tel Aviv yesterday.

One Breitbart journalist said audience members began weeping as they sat in their chairs, while others whimpered 'make it stop' after a matter of minutes.

'There is no moment of redemption in the footage,' he said.

'After the video was done, we were allowed to go outside to retrieve our equipment... I had to sit down. I leaned against a wall and cried.'

Another journalist for The Atlantic said some audience members were heard retching and heaving - a violent, involuntary response to the level of evil and gore on display.

'I certainly hope I never see any of the extra footage again,' he wrote.

By all accounts, the footage was stuffed with clip after clip of civilians being shot, stabbed, tortured and burned.

Their corpses were arranged for all to see - bound, gagged and riddled with bullet holes and knife wounds.

Others were decapitated with knives - and one pour soul was partially decapitated with a garden hoe as he lay cradling a bullet wound in his stomach.

And one young girl was seen hiding under a desk, waiting as the terrorists decided what her fate would be. Moments later they decided to gun her down from point-blank range.

The full unedited footage will not be shared with the public, Israel says, unless all of the families of those killed within view it and give permission, meaning it is unlikely the whole clip will ever be released to the world.

But the IDF did publish a new snippet of footage captured from the bodycam of one Hamas gunman during the terror group's ruthless October 7 attacks.





Hundreds of journalists and photographers from media companies all over the world yesterday attended the screening of a film of assorted footage showing the extent of the horrors committed by Hamas

The clip showed how the gunman, brandishing his AK-47 assault rifle, ordered a pair of Israelis driving slowly along the road to stop their car.

Without giving the driver a second to comply, the gunman immediately starts blasting bullets into the vehicle from mere feet away, and the passengers can be seen recoiling from the rounds in the cabin as the car rolls past.

According to descriptions from journalists who attended the private screening, one clip showed the moment a Hamas terrorist threw a grenade at a father and his son.

The blast kills the father, who pitches forward into the turf, while the young boy is covered in his blood.

The child is dragged inside and forced to sit next to his brother, whose eye is a bloody mess - either due to shrapnel from the grenade blast or torture.

One of the boys sobs: 'Why am I alive?' as the ruthless terrorists stand over the body of his father.

Another dark chunk of footage showed how unsuspecting IDF soldiers were beheaded with their headless corpses left splayed in the streets, while a contingent of female soldiers were incapacitated by a grenade before being shot at near point blank range.

The journalists also shared they witnessed scenes of sheer panic, terror and devastation at the Nova music festival, where more than 250 civilians were slaughtered.

Some victims hid in skips, others in portable toilets, but all were found and either gunned down, or savagely beaten before being taken hostage.

Meanwhile, in an audio clip, a Hamas gunman is heard bragging to his family about 'killing 10 Jews', having stolen the phone of one of his victims.

In the call recorded by the victim's phone, the terrorist chillingly boasts that he 'is a hero' after murdering Israelis with his 'own hands'.

His parents, who do not have similar levels of enthusiasm, beg him to come back to Gaza, but their son tells them he is committed to 'victory or martyrdom'. The latter turned out to be the end result.

The release of the footage was announced by government spokesman Eylon Levy to counter what he says is a 'Holocaust denial-like phenomenon' amid backlash over Israel's airstrikes of the Gaza Strip.

'The IDF has been collecting footage from bodycams taken by Hamas death squads as they rampaged through the communities in southern Israel, butchering everyone in sight,' Levy said.

'I can't believe I'm saying this... As we work to defeat the terror organisation we are witnessing a Holocaust denial-like phenomenon evolving in real time as people are casting doubt on the magnitude of the atrocities Hamas committed against our people and in fact recorded in order to glorify this violence.'

Will it be shown on Netflix?
these videos have not been independently verified by a 3rd party like Save tree Children or the UN like they have done for the dead Palestinians

we have the names of every Palestinian child killed name and date of birth and the names of the mother and the father

Israel has only a criminal record
Now you're again being in denial out of biased hatred.

“As for [my] feelings,” Forey continued, “it was clear to me that Hamas wanted to instigate terror and fear from what they’d done. And it was clear they wanted to kill as much as they could.”
Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a Muslim scholar, physician, and senior fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, took a different approach. As I sat next to her during the screening, it was obvious to me that she was repulsed by Hamas’ barbarity. And later, speaking with host Laura Ingraham on Fox News, she took aim at both the Gaza-based terror group and its supporters abroad.
Other scenes from the film reveal a pile of bodies in a garbage skiff, burned to a crisp in a makeshift mass grave. A terrorist repeatedly screams “Allahu akbar!” as he works himself to exhaustion—beheading a Thai agriculture worker with a garden hoe and filming it on his cellphone.

Israel/Palestine: Videos of Hamas-Led Attacks Verified​

ICC Has Mandate to Probe Attacks as War Crimes

Channel 13: another anti tank squad of hizbullah have been edirected. They are using them as a canon folder 😂
Some one have updated pic of the terrorist list? By now it should be 60-70 just hizbullah without Iranian shia militants with Hamas and islamic jihaddist. Those are the "elite" Iranian forces 😂👻
If we hadn't hostage in gaza i guess we would see cusiltes by the thousands (terrorist) i guess more 2 or 3 days if Qatar will not answer for the American call to release the hostages Israel will enter

Just now: another high ranking terrorist have been edirected (3 hamas high ranking members have been veporised today)
You are one crazed person, fanatical little Nazi. Where you going to run when the Hizbos come for you?

These missiles are sure becoming a headache for Uncle Sam. At least they aren't under rubble like the Palestinian children.
Now you're again being in denial out of biased hatred.

“As for [my] feelings,” Forey continued, “it was clear to me that Hamas wanted to instigate terror and fear from what they’d done. And it was clear they wanted to kill as much as they could.”
Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a Muslim scholar, physician, and senior fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, took a different approach. As I sat next to her during the screening, it was obvious to me that she was repulsed by Hamas’ barbarity. And later, speaking with host Laura Ingraham on Fox News, she took aim at both the Gaza-based terror group and its supporters abroad.
Other scenes from the film reveal a pile of bodies in a garbage skiff, burned to a crisp in a makeshift mass grave. A terrorist repeatedly screams “Allahu akbar!” as he works himself to exhaustion—beheading a Thai agriculture worker with a garden hoe and filming it on his cellphone.

Israel/Palestine: Videos of Hamas-Led Attacks Verified​

ICC Has Mandate to Probe Attacks as War Crimes

these are not verified numbers

there is no proof to suggest this many were killed

people from inside the rave party fired at the passing Palestinian resistance fighters

the ravers were high on drugs and drink and they ran back into the rave party after being chased by the Palestinians

a gun fight followed and many ravers were shot by the Israeli who were firing gun while being high and drugs and drink

when you mix drugs, drink and automatic weapons its can get into a very dangerous situation

even media found lots of illegal drugs at this rave party
Really? You think it's funny? Wow. If yahood went on to say "Will there be a netflix show about Gaza bombings",would you have found that funny?
No never seen hamas collecting press in a "cinema" to cry foul... Else they could organise shows 365 days a year... With journalists, citizens and nurses being shot every day (before this conflict started)
No, I do not. There is a difference between 'debate' and 'discussion'.

In a 'debate', everyone focuses on the differences. Each side fight to win. A 'debate' is contestant.

In a 'discussion', everyone focuses on the commonalities. All parties work to de-emphasize their differences and see if what they have in common are strong enough to move the issue forward. A 'discussion' is cooperative.

I have no interests in getting into a debate with you over this. I have no emotional ties to Israel but what I have in common with the IDF is that I have served, and what I have in common with you is that we are human beings. Let me know IF you are interested in analyzing whatever we may have in common and do it in a rational and as devoid of emotions as possible.
I guess that is the goal : to dehumanise soldiers and make sure they are emotionless psychopaths. And you are one success story.
these are not verified numbers

there is no proof to suggest this many were killed

people from inside the rave party fired at the passing Palestinian resistance fighters

the ravers were high on drugs and drink and they ran back into the rave party after being chased by the Palestinians

a gun fight followed and many ravers were shot by the Israeli who were firing gun while being high and drugs and drink

when you mix drugs, drink and automatic weapons its can get into a very dangerous situation

even media found lots of illegal drugs at this rave party
Don't focus on the numbers,focus on the footage mentioned.
No never seen hamas collecting press in a "cinema" to cry foul... Else they could organise shows 365 days a year... With journalists, citizens and nurses being shot every day (before this conflict started)
And that washes away what Hamas did?

You consider Palestinian children equal to Israeli children or not?
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