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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

No; even a relatively uninformed (in military matters) person like me can see the war is being waged by rage and not thoughtfulness. After 2+ weeks of bombing, major targets have been taken out. Any more targets may be economically and more precisely destroyed by artillery with fewer chance of errors (hitting churches, hospitals etc.). But they are maintaining full tempo of aerial bombardment. That shows they are interested in just grinding up Gaza to fine dust than hitting targets selectively. They are not even making an appearance of targeting Hamas infrastructure. Their war doctrine seems trivially simple. Utterly destroy Gaza so that anything in it is automatically destroyed. It is like I am mad with bedbugs in my home, so I pour gasoline on my bed and set fire to it.
No the fact that they are pushing the population to move towards south Gaza is proof they are planning to steal the land
It's because I keep seeing people here nagging about the "evil white man" or nagging about the West..........while actually living...in USA,Canada,Britain,Netherlands,Australia.
What wrong with that? You live in a country and you dont want it to help kill and oppress Palestinians. USA Canada and australia are the epitome of evil white men. It's how these countries were founded. While colonial societies.
It's like you go to a party,you hate the party,you don't leave,you hate the decor,you hate the food,you hate half of the people or more,you hate their music,you hate the movie playing on the DVD player,you don't like their games....but instead of leaving or trying to fit in a bit,you just nag and talk bad about them all night.

Muslism are not going to sit by and enjoy the anti muslim party, they will stop the party. Throw the stereo into the pool.
No; even a relatively uninformed (in military matters) person like me can see the war is being waged by rage and not thoughtfulness. After 2+ weeks of bombing, major targets have been taken out. Any more targets may be economically and more precisely destroyed by artillery with fewer chance of errors (hitting churches, hospitals etc.). But they are maintaining full tempo of aerial bombardment. That shows they are interested in just grinding up Gaza to fine dust than hitting targets selectively. They are not even making an appearance of targeting Hamas infrastructure. Their war doctrine seems trivially simple. Utterly destroy Gaza so that anything in it is automatically destroyed. It is like I am mad with bedbugs in my home, so I pour gasoline on my bed and set fire to it.

You should go back to reddit to write your erotic poetry and spare us your stupidity.
Is Sisi a Jew?

Palestinian-Israeli conflict must be contained, Biden and el-Sisi agree in call​

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and his US counterpart Biden underlined the necessity of containing the Palestinian-Israeli conflict so that it doesn’t threaten regional security, el-Sisi’s office has said.
Both leaders also agreed in a phone call that it is a priority to protect civilians and deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, an Egyptian presidency spokesman said in a statement.
The government showed the 43-minute compilation in a private screening for dozens of foreign journalists at a military base in Tel Aviv on Monda


So like private screening of OBL raid?

It turned to be a fake raid ..

My guess is Israel is just making it up as it always does to do its real agenda.

Israel shows footage of Hamas killings ‘to counter denial of atrocities’

Video from security cameras, mobile phones and body cameras screened to journalist

Israeli authorities have shown harrowing footage of killings and mutilations during Hamas’s rampage in southern Israel on 7 October.

The government showed the 43-minute compilation in a private screening for dozens of foreign journalists at a military base in Tel Aviv on Monday to counter what it said were attempts to deny or downplay the extent of the atrocities.

The footage, captured by security cameras, body cameras worn by the Hamas attackers, vehicle dashboard cameras, social media accounts and videos from mobile phones, left some reporters in tears. The material included the killing of children and decapitation of some victims.

The audience was not allowed to record the compilation but one excerpt, approximately one minute long, was released to the public: it showed Hamas militants flagging down a car as it drove slowly along a rural road. The gunmen open fire, hitting the vehicle, which swerved and halted, revealing two people slumped in the front seats.

In another scene Hamas attackers entered a house and spoke to a girl hiding under a table. “After some talking back and forth they shoot and kill her,” tweeted Jotam Confino, one of the correspondents at the screening. “Hard to say how old she is but looks like 7-9 years old.”

Another scene showed a father and his two sons, aged approximately seven and nine, running in their underwear to what appeared to be a bomb shelter. A Hamas attacker threw a grenade, killing the man. The boys emerge bloodied and run. “Dad’s dead, it wasn’t a prank,” one shouts. “I know, I saw it,” replies his brother, later screaming: “Why am I alive?”

Other sequences showed a militant with an agricultural tool hacking at the head of a man lying on the ground, gunmen killing wounded female Israeli soldiers and a jubilant Hamas fighter calling his family: “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.”

Another clip showed an Israeli woman inspecting a partially burned woman’s corpse to see if it was a family member. The victim’s dress was pulled up to her waist and her underpants had been removed. Maj Gen Mickey Edelstein, who briefed reporters after the viewing, said authorities had evidence of rape.


Seriously this isn’t evidence

That was always Israel’s agenda .. wipe off Gaza

first they made it a intolerable place to live and then use an attack as a excuse to wipe them out

Israel has consistently lied through out its existence
No the fact that they are pushing the population to move towards south Gaza is proof they are planning to steal the land
It is to escape the obvious label of premeditated genocide if they grind up Gaza with the full complement of Gazans. Now, they can at least point to their attempted evacuation before grinding up Gaza. I do not believe they are interested in stealing Gaza. They want to absolutely destroy it so that it is uninhabitable for a long time. It is plain and simple scorched earth warfare. Sherman's march to the sea, 2023 version.
It is to escape the obvious label of premeditated genocide if they grind up Gaza with the full complement of Gazans. Now, they can at least point to their attempted evacuation before grinding up Gaza. I do not believe they are interested in stealing Gaza. They want to absolutely destroy it so that it is uninhabitable for a long time. It is plain and simple scorched earth warfare. Sherman's march to the sea, 2023 version.
No. Israel has made it clear many times that they want the Palestinians to flee to the Sinai. This will allow them to take and settle Gaza.
It is to escape the obvious label of premeditated genocide if they grind up Gaza with the full complement of Gazans. Now, they can at least point to their attempted evacuation before grinding up Gaza. I do not believe they are interested in stealing Gaza. They want to absolutely destroy it so that it is uninhabitable for a long time. It is plain and simple scorched earth warfare. Sherman's march to the sea, 2023 version.
And the rest of the "enlightened" world is OK with elimination of 2M souls?
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