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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


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They don't have a plan. Once they get bogged down in streets and alleys it will be slaughter. They know it. Even the entire Western brigade can't help them on this one.
This does not excuse lack of action by those who are capable of helping Gaza, brother. Iran's foreign minister is making statements suggesting nobody will intervene on behalf of Gaza.

Two elderly hostages released :

Channel 12 news reports that the families of Nurit Cooper, 79, and Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, have been notified of their release from Hamas captivity.

Both were taken from their homes in Kibbutz Nir Oz. Their husbands remain in Gaza.


The Irony is that one of the husbands is a famous peace ativists.

There are 220 hostags still held captive. 30 of them children.

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Ministry of Interior in Gaza: Casualties in violent Israeli attacks on several neighborhoods east and south of Gaza City
Only 3. Other death was Arab civilian and two because of Hamas/Islamic Jihad.

Hezbollah deaths are now 35 at a minimum. They can't sustain that ratio.

Of course not, but they are putting the pressure on the other side of Gaza. This contains Israel a lot more than you'd think.
This does not excuse lack of action by those who are capable of helping Gaza, brother. Iran's foreign minister is making statements suggesting nobody will intervene on behalf of Gaza.
You started a war and now you want other nations to fight it for you? LOL the utter cheek.
Of course not, but they are putting the pressure on the other side of Gaza. This contains Israel a lot more than you'd think.
Not really. Those troops in the north would be there or at their base anyway. Only so many troops can be sent into Gaza. Nothing is being diverted from the south to the north. The bombing of Gaza would not be more intense if HA were quiet. This is so far just face saving stuff from Hezbollah to say they "joined the resistance". We will see, but I suspect they're getting spanked.

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