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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israeli air strikes have hit Al Ahli hospital in Gaza. More than 500 people - patients, doctors & those sheltering - have been killed. What unspeakable horror. We will mourn their loss forever.Our leaders could have spoken up for peace. They chose to cheer on war instead.When will they demand an end to these atrocious war crimes? How many Palestinian lives will it take to call for these indiscriminate killings to stop? Please, for the sake of humanity, raise your voice for an immediate ceasefire. The existence of the Palestinian people is at stake.

It was confirmed by American journalist few hours later. And few mins before that happened everyone watched how Patriots fired 32 missiles ($150 mil) that just went nowhere. Patriot failed miserably and got destroyed by two Kinzhal missiles. Everything is recorded on the video.

Wake up, lunatic :lol:

How the U.S. Patriot Missile Became a Hero of Ukraine War​

KYIV, Ukraine—Around 3:30 a.m. one recent morning, more than a dozen Russian missiles flashed on the radar screens of the Ukrainian air-defense crew defending this capital city.

The missiles were coursing toward Kyiv, some as fast as six times the speed of sound and many heading directly for the crew’s missile battery.
The Ukrainians didn’t panic, their commander said in an interview. They didn’t have time.

But they did have a U.S.-made Patriot surface-to-air missile system, which days earlier had, for the first time, knocked down an ultrafast Kinzhal ballistic missile. Also known as the Kh-47, the Kinzhal is one of Russia’s most advanced weapons.

Early that morning, May 16, the Patriot’s radar detected the missiles, including six Kinzhals, at a distance of about 125 miles. The system’s computer tracked the missiles and launched interceptors, destroying all of them, the last at a distance of about 9 miles—seconds before impact.

“No one was 100% sure that the Patriot was capable of destroying a Kh-47 hypersonic missile,” said Col. Serhiy Yaremenko, commander of the 96th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, which defends Kyiv. “Ukrainians proved it.”

Forty years after it was brought into service, the Patriot air-defense system is finally doing what it was designed for. It is destroying incoming missiles and other aerial threats in Europe and proving indispensable to the Ukrainian forces defending their ground troops, cities and critical infrastructure.

Ukraine’s political and military leadership have lauded the system as the only one capable of tackling the threat from Russian ballistic missiles, which the Kremlin had boasted couldn’t be stopped. Combining the Patriot with other Western air-defense systems as well as Ukraine’s Soviet-era weapons, Ukraine is now fending off most aerial threats against Kyiv, from ballistic and cruise missiles to drones.

Nope, no Patriot has been destroyed and Kyiv is rarely attacked anymore.

Patriot has gone beyond even my own expectations. An exceptional air defense system
Announcement of public mourning throughout Iran

In a statement, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while condemning the criminal act of the Zionist regime in the massacre of patients, especially children and homeless women, in the Al-Mu'amdani Hospital in Gaza, announced public mourning throughout the country.

In this statement, international assemblies and heads of different countries, especially Islamic countries, have been asked to sever their relations with this regime and expel the ambassadors of the Zionist regime, while condemning this heinous act as a war crime against humanity and genocide.

How the U.S. Patriot Missile Became a Hero of Ukraine War​

Its just a laughable useless propaganda. Even Pentagon had to admit that Patriot was hit. The video evidence shows that Patriot likely was completly destroyed and also was a completely useless doing job. So sorry, no, your copium will not change the facts.
A couple of things:

Firstly Israel maintains it was not actively engaged in airstrikes during the time of this incident, but all day IAF airstrikes were coming in thick and fast:
The Israeli's bombed an UNRWA School today:

Secondly and this is critical to examine:

This STRIKE is important:

The location where this airstrike hit was: 31°29′N 34°28′E

The location of the hospital is: 31°30′N 34°27′E

The distance from the strike location to the hospital is roughly 2.30 Km

Also! This image you have shared!

This from Steve's Webcam. This was actually a flare shortly after a airstrike: This was the AIRSTRIKE! At 19:53:35 you can clearly hear Audio captured from Cam1 which sounds like fast air! and then the cam captures an explosion in the distance!


Airstrike can be seen in the distance at 19:52:36

A fire and a large plume of smoke can be seen from the first airstrike to which the tweet refers and there is a building on fire!

Plume can be seen from a previous airstrike.

Second cloud of plume can be seen in the distance at 19:54:11


19:55:29 camera 1 pans to across the horizon a captures a FLARE burning in the sky:

19:55:32 the flare can be seen clearly in this view.

19:56:50 the first flare eventually lands on the ground and dissipates whilst a second flare is launched at 19:56:50 this is also captured by Cam 1:

19:57:44 the second flare lands on the ground:


Comparison to previously captured Israeli flares over Gaza



@waz @LeGenD
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