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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

  • A raid on a residential apartment east of Khan Yunis, and there were a number of causalities.
  • Military aircraft attack the west of Jabalia camp, north of the Gaza Strip

I thought south Gaza was suppost to be safe for civilians?
More Airstrikes just now:


Ambulances keep coming to Gaza Hospital:
For sake of levity, at least tell what those mystery words mean? We are all missing out on the laughs.
Oh it's just that Marš means to march and Mrš means get the hell out of here. Most native speakers would not get the two mixed up, but apparently one forumer says serbs use the world Marš for saying "get out of here" which is news to me. But it's all irrelevant because who cares if he's greek serb or Armenian.
You know that Gradient app? Some years ago I tried the ethnicity estimate on some photos of mine :P

I got some more results based on other photos,like Brazilian,Egyptian,more Greek and others,but these are the ones I've kept

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Anyway,look what I found in my Yugoslav Wars folder:

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If you are a Central or Southern Eurasian, that is probably the palette you will get. I think a lot of people fit into that mold. May be me too, though I don't care since I know ethnic DNA testing is pure money grubbing BS. They compare some 10,000 nucleotides out of billions. It is like reading random words from Shakespeare and feeling you know English literature.
I realize you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, Sammy. You and Babelshalom were level-headed Israelis, and it was possible to have constructive dialogue with both of you. I try not to give you a hard time since this is also tough on us as we feverishly sympathize and support the Palestinians and want to see them have what you and everyone else in this world has.

I wish you quoted my entire post. Expressing the profound impact that hundreds or thousands of Palestinian shell-shocked children who lost their parents and also enduring constant bombing had on us (my family) is being truthful. Were you suggesting you disagreed with something in that post?

Thank you my friend

Actually i choose this post out of a many , cause i could identify with it ,since i feel the same. Just did not want to make my post about any particlar subject.

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Hamas can accept several items that will guarantee that this kind of attack will not happen again. In return some exchange of prisoners to claim some gains. After that as air leveling of Gaza continues extensively and/or land operation starts there wont be any excuse left.

-they will accept curb of authority to initiate attacks against israel. Either a referandum or an approval of a separate Gaza elected body with all other resistance groups approval. So no more lone wolf attacks risking all Gaza and even more regional conflict possibilities. For example a beating or arrest in Aqsa cannot get approval of Palestinians for Hamas to start rocket attacks again as everytime of escalation Palestinians die in thousands. But a mass killing of palestinians can get approval. So Hamas will know its place as a minimum deterrant defensive force in all future issues and find other smarter ways to respond to israeli provacations thinking more about the Palestinians lives they are responsible for.

-Some Hamas leaders actively planning and executing the current operation knowing that they will be targeted can choose to go to a third country like Qatar. That will strengthen the ceasefire conditions.

-Hamas or other groups like Pij can possibly never accept two state solution especially after the conflict but can state that eventhough they wont recognize that if other muslim countries make a possible future agreement they will not involve militarily as long as ceasefire holds and until that time they wont enforce their own one state solution militarily knowing their responsibility to protect Palestinians above other aims. Pij Hamas and other leaders approving this in return demand not to be targeted by israel later on as ceasefire holds.

-that leaves the weapon transfer issue. They can accept large caliber ballistic missiles will not be transferred from abroad from now on. Small arms ,atgms ,manpads, home made rockets and home made missiles are still necessary for their minimum deterrence. So israel hitting some tunnels claiming arms transfer and collateral damage has risks to shatter the ceasefire again for israel as the initiator of conflict. Usage of smaller tunnels only will prove only small arms can enter for Palestinians.
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