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A decision of going in paradise and hell rest with Allah and we are no one to be judgemental ... Furthermore, the decision will be based on the performance of individuals and not based on the general practices of the nation ...

We can only comment on the acts done by Jews and Muslims in this world and as per the teachings of Islam ...

There is no doubt that Jews has suffered in the past but if we believe in hadith and Quran then we also know that it is a punishment to Jews for rejecting Hazrat Issa (A.S.) Jesus (A.S.) ...

It began from Musa and then Dawood , then Suliman - lastly Issa
They are being punished for rejecting Moses , then David, then Solomon and Finally Jesus

In judasim they start with Abraham , Prophet Ibrahim and onwards.( total 48 Prophets )
But not all of them are mentioned in Quran & Hadith.
Whatever, i've feeling you will get troll at this day:D
A nonMulim went to paradise for just feeding thirty dog. And that non Muslim was biggest sinner, his sins were taller than mountains. :D
No thats not possible ... No body will be trolled and justice will prevail that day ...

I don't know which thristy dog incident you are talking about ... I know one thing for sure all muslims will go to Paradise and by muslim I mean literary meaning of Muslim i.e. obedient ... So all obedient to one true God (they may be Christian, Jews, Muslims, Zortans or any other monotheistic religion follower) will go to paradise ... Only Allah will decide who is truly obdient and he is all-powerful and just ...
It is very much Palestinians that I meet regularly and Syrians at the masjid.
It seems the more pverty stricken area you come from the more firaun like you people become.
Arabs were very nationalistic in jahiliyah and you only seem to slowly going back to that.
No I am not racist you can go see my previous posts pre 2018 posts where I was soooo much in support of arabs before my eyes were opened.
No, you're the racist against Arabs. Don't even pretend like you met a Palestinian before. If you want to me one come over here pay me a visit. We have nothing to do with how Saudis or Emirates treat expats. You seem to forgot most Arabs are from poorer areas. And not these rich and racist people you imagine.

And whatever you think, has no place in this thread. You and the other guy who started ranting.

Jews say same things mentioned in surah baqarah where they said jannah is for us because we are God's chosen. And right in those verses it is said that they will not be able to bear the fire even for that short time. As the jews also used to say the fire wont touch us except for a few days.

And also in the quran Allah says again and again about day of judgement no soul will be wronged and every soul will get what he has put forth. And that Allah will judge justly.
This can be found in various surahs.

This is rough translation I remember reading in different places. I dont have exact references at this time (check out Surah Israa it speaks about how every soul will bear it's own load on it's neck).

So all muslims entering jannah like you said is completely dependant on what you put forth for the next life. AND EVEN MORE it is based on the mercy of Allah bcuz it is said about many people that they will come with mountains of good deeds but they will be made habaam mansoora. Dust/ashes scattered about by the wind. It is also said by ulamah that the quality of the deed is more important than the quantity.

Shifaa that will be given to Prophet Muhammad alai salam is a different subject.

So dont be deluded sometimes Satan comes and whispers such things.

Keep working hard and remain in a state of taqwah and constant tawbah.

May Allah help us all we ourselves are not in any standing to be admitted into jannah. Sorry I got a bit sentimental.
No thats not possible ... No body will be trolled and justice will prevail that day ...

I don't know which thristy dog incident you are talking about ... I know one thing for sure all muslims will go to Paradise and by muslim I mean literary meaning of Muslim i.e. obedient ... So all obedient to one true God (they may be Christian, Jews, Muslims, Zortans or any other monotheistic religion follower) will go to paradise ... Only Allah will decide who is truly obdient and he is all-powerful and just ...
It is very much Palestinians that I meet regularly and Syrians at the masjid.
It seems the more pverty stricken area you come from the more firaun like you people become.
Arabs were very nationalistic in jahiliyah and you only seem to slowly going back to that.
No I am not racist you can go see my previous posts pre 2018 posts where I was soooo much in support of arabs before my eyes were opened.

Jews say same things mentioned in surah baqarah where they said jannah is for us because we are God's chosen. And right in those verses it is said that they will not be able to bear the fire even for that short time. As the jews also used to say the fire wont touch us except for a few days.

And also in the quran Allah says again and again about day of judgement no soul will be wronged and every soul will get what he has put forth. And that Allah will judge justly.
This can be found in various surahs.

This is rough translation I remember reading in different places. I dont have exact references at this time (check out Surah Israa it speaks about how every soul will bear it's own load on it's neck).

So all muslims entering jannah like you said is completely dependant on what you put forth for the next life. AND EVEN MORE it is based on the mercy of Allah bcuz it is said about many people that they will come with mountains of good deeds but they will be made habaam mansoora. Dust/ashes scattered about by the wind. It is also said by ulamah that the quality of the deed is more important than the quantity.

Shifaa that will be given to Prophet Muhammad alai salam is a different subject.

So dont be deluded sometimes Satan comes and whispers such things.

Keep working hard and remain in a state of taqwah and constant tawbah.

May Allah help us all we ourselves are not in any standing to be admitted into jannah. Sorry I got a bit sentimental.

Brother i meant to say that word muslim means obedient and all those who are obedient to Allah will go to Jannah ... only Allah knows who is truly obedient are who is true muslim ... i might call myself mjslim but m i a true muslim? I really dont know only Allah knows
That clarifies the whole thing.
Brother i meant to say that word muslim means obedient and all those who are obedient to Allah will go to Jannah ... only Allah knows who is truly obedient are who is true muslim ... i might call myself mjslim but m i a true muslim? I really dont know only Allah knows
@Ahmet Pasha

Don't bring up Allah's name if you're going to troll like that. Said a bunch of things out of nowhere.
I was talking to the other guy not you.
My post to you was this:

It is very much Palestinians that I meet regularly and Syrians at the masjid.
It seems the more pverty stricken area you come from the more firaun like you people become.
Arabs were very nationalistic in jahiliyah and you only seem to slowly going back to that.
No I am not racist you can go see my previous posts pre 2018 posts where I was soooo much in support of arabs before my eyes were opened.

BTW who r u to judge if I am fit to mention Allah's name or not???
@Ahmet Pasha

Don't bring up Allah's name if you're going to troll like that. Said a bunch of things out of nowhere.
This is not about Palestinian's or Pakistani's , this is about our behavior/mindset as Muslims in modern day. I am not a nationalist person and will rather have an a genuine Islamic state than Palestine. And I do not change my mind on Pakistan or Pakistani's because some people on the internet or even in real life. Pakistani's are Muslims and that's all that matters to me. As a Muslim am I required to views you as brothers and sisters.

Palestine is a Muslim issue, but Kashmir is not?
Palestine is a Muslim issue, but Kashmir is not?

My post in no way relates to whatever conclusion you came to, read again.

I was talking to the other guy not you.
My post to you was this:

It is very much Palestinians that I meet regularly and Syrians at the masjid.
It seems the more pverty stricken area you come from the more firaun like you people become.
Arabs were very nationalistic in jahiliyah and you only seem to slowly going back to that.
No I am not racist you can go see my previous posts pre 2018 posts where I was soooo much in support of arabs before my eyes were opened.

BTW who r u to judge if I am fit to mention Allah's name or not???

You make no sense, did you get in a fight with at your local masjid or something? What does that have to do with anything? I grew up in a Pakistani mosque and they loved me. And my mosque is mixed and we get along , no fights.
It is imperative that Palestinians reunite and put aside their differences for the moment. This last decade has been a a dark one for Palestine and Al Quds.
My post in no way relates to whatever conclusion you came to, read again.

Unfortunately many Arabs these days think this way.

I am sympathetic toward Palestinians, but the question to ask is this: If they want our support, shouldn’t they equally support us?

Brotherhood is a two way street.
Unfortunately many Arabs these days think this way.

I am sympathetic toward Palestinians, but the question to ask is this: If they want our support, shouldn’t they equally support us?

Brotherhood is a two way street.

I am not responsible for what other Arabs say. And who you(or others) choose to be sympathetic towards is up to you. So end this pointless discussion here.

As for myself, you are well aware where my sympathies lie.
It is very much Palestinians that I meet regularly and Syrians at the masjid.

There is no doubt that most of them have false stereotypes, envy/jealousy, and ill intentions towards us.

The Arab mind has been colonized to turn it against every other Muslim, and the brainwashing is still ongoing.

Unfortunately, Arabs will be the biggest victims of Israel’s future wars.
You are not receiving a flag on judgement day, only a book. I'd like to you see you request a nation state flag in front of Allah(SWT).

What the heck medal are you even talking about?
I shall rather Allah (SWT) to judge you for taking the side of non-Muslims instead if us.
I am not responsible for what other Arabs say. And who you(or others) choose to be sympathetic towards is up to you. So end this pointless discussion here.

Do you believe Palestine and Kashmir are of equal importance to Muslims?
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