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Gaza children’s mental health rapidly deteriorating

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What is your objection to secularism ( and by extension in Palestinian context, socialism ) ??

Would international revolutionaries like Carlos have fought for Palestine if the sole representatives of Palestine were religious bigots like Hamas and Islamic Jihad ??

@Jf Thunder
no wonder the movement is going down
they are starting to project their image as some group of out of control Jihadis
There is no doubt that most of them have false stereotypes, envy/jealousy, and ill intentions towards us.

The Arab mind has been colonized to turn it against every other Muslim, and the brainwashing is still ongoing.

Unfortunately, Arabs will be the biggest victims of Israel’s future wars.

No they do not, you make false assumptions.
He has to go into his grave and we have to go ours ...

No matter what they did we will not be answerable. We will be answereable for what we did? So does a nationality or for that matter even religion matter for the prosecution of an innocent child ? How does a Kashmiri Child is different from Palestinian or ofr that matter even a non-muslim African ?

Growup guys, our belief system clearly tell us that we are in a test, and the most difficult of this test will be near the end of times the time when Jews will be gathered back in the promised land from all part of the world ... We always knew it, we knew it 1400 years back, then why the hell we keep on forgetting that?

Its the people willing to destroy the centres of power and might, the people who rip up the foundations of the international bodies and the people who put life above governments, law and counties that you find threatening, but its too late, people like this are everywhere. Adapt or die.

The world I come from, old notions like the above are no longer needed.
Do you believe Palestine and Kashmir are of equal importance to Muslims?

I'm not responsible for Muslims. I'm responsible for myself and my position towards Pakistan and Kashmir was clear in the recent flare up.
No they do not, you make false assumptions.

To be fair, most Arabs have been brainwashed into hating each other as well. Egyptians can’t stand Syrians, Lebanese with syrians, Yemenis and Gulf Arabs, Iraqis etc.

These are all political games to keep Muslims divided.

I think Pakistan’s new foreign policy in the Muslim world should be completely focused on Kashmir.

Any country which doesn’t support Kashmir should not be seen as important by us.
@Ahmet Pasha @OsmanAli98 I think the racism and nationalism of Arabs in the US is also more to do with Muslim Brotherhood than any nature of Arabs.

They have effectively taken over our masajid and organizations here and founded others like ISNA MAS CAIR and numerous others. In doing so they have sidelines Pakistanis and Blacks, and forbidden discourse about Kashmir while using Palestine as a rallying point.

The political Syrian, Palestinian Arabs in the US have come to dominate Muslim American thought and turn it in favor of MB.

Their agendas however are very different and fully political. Getting Muslims to vote for their selected candidates and even against their own interests (gay rights.)

I have found some of the immigrants from Gulf countries and Yemen, some of the nicest people whom I have encountered in the US. This may be because they are not as politically oriented with these other communities.
To all those that are busy talking about other issues on a sensitive thread, please have some shame!
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