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Gaza children’s mental health rapidly deteriorating

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akistan should be (and is) trying to build upward rather than break off with anyone who has relations with India.

You notice the oddity that they have to make relations with India even though India has even better relations with Israel. Do you think they are not aware of this? That should open your eyes to their situation.

Kashmir is the top priority but Palestine should never be forgotten.
I doubt it
they can give Guard of Honor to India
but cannot use the same soldiers to fight Israel

modern Kashmir conflict began in 1947
modern Palestine conflict began in 1948

They are inseparable. If you gave Palestine the entire weaponry and nuclear arms and soldiers and ships and airplanes that Pak has, they would have liberated Kashmir yesterday.
emotional post, they would have handed it over to India or the USA
just like Yasser disarmed them all

we tried that with Libya, but they gave it all un-packed to the USA, to earn some "goodwill"

@Jf Thunder

You are naive if you think I am in this in forum to try securing popular support of Pakistani's. I am a normal person and not a diplomat. I am here due to interest in global affairs and Muslim affairs. Palestine can go to hell, you happy? Every nation flag needs to be burned and replaced with Islamic flag only. You nationalist morons diverted us off our religion and caused so much people to be distanced from God. We are going to reverse this damage that has been done.
no thanks, I rather keep Pakistan and live here
burn every other flag if you want to
emotional post

Its the people willing to destroy the centres of power and might, the people who rip up the foundations of the international bodies and the people who put life above governments, law and counties that you find threatening, but its too late, people like this are everywhere. Adapt or die.

The world I come from, old notions like the above are no longer needed.
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is that you Abdullah bin Ubbay?
why should we support you when you fail to reciprocate?
Instead you tend to fall into India's arms
but unfortunately our Government is hell bent on supporting their "Palestinian Brothers".
this brotherhood will be the end of us

I suggested that Palestine should seek India's diplomatic and/or medical help in this matter
He has to go into his grave and we have to go ours ...

No matter what they did we will not be answerable. We will be answereable for what we did? So does a nationality or for that matter even religion matter for the prosecution of an innocent child ? How does a Kashmiri Child is different from Palestinian or ofr that matter even a non-muslim African ?

Growup guys, our belief system clearly tell us that we are in a test, and the most difficult of this test will be near the end of times the time when Jews will be gathered back in the promised land from all part of the world ... We always knew it, we knew it 1400 years back, then why the hell we keep on forgetting that?
Palestinain muslims???
Who think arabs are gods and ajam are apes???

You go running to Indians. When they are using same Israeli tactics on Kashmiri youth???

Indeed these are all signs of end times.

But u should look into your own faults.
Your arrogance and ignorance i.e arab nationalism/arab superiority. Which has at times tried to take a very appeasing the West in an atheistic/godless manner kind of route.

I support Palestinians only bcuz they say La Ilaha ilAllah.
But I feel deep hate, pain and sadness for the way they and other arab nations treat ajam.

Whereas, the last khutba of Prophet Muhammad alai salam is in their own language.
Are you Abu Lahab 2.0's cousin?

May Allah curse those create fitnah for no reason. A lot of Muslims these days seem to forget there are requirements to being a Muslim. Being from Muslim background does not give you a right to spread fitnah. We are in the end times and this is expected , sadly.

No one asked you for help you munafiq, help yourself from your constant burning urge to create fitnah for no reason. Like I said, you Muslims today are being spoiled, there is no spoiling that will happen when the major signs begin.

What the hell is wrong with the people in this forum? Every other person is behaving like an actor in a drama series. Get a grip and start behaving normally.
PA is secular like you

What is your objection to secularism ( and by extension in Palestinian context, socialism ) ??

Would international revolutionaries like Carlos have fought for Palestine if the sole representatives of Palestine were religious bigots like Hamas and Islamic Jihad ??

@Jf Thunder
Children have nothing to do in war. Israel should send doctors there and provide medical treatment. Whole world will appreciate it.
Children have nothing to do in war. Israel should send doctors there and provide medical treatment. Whole world will appreciate it.

Good idea but at the moment some of Israeli doctors are providing medical assistance to terrorists fighting the Syrian government. This should change.
Good idea but at the moment some of Israeli doctors are providing medical assistance to terrorists fighting the Syrian government. This should change.
Yes and There should be No soft corner for Hamas terrorists. They are threat for peace, firing rockets every day & night but thanks to iron dome system, civilian are safe.
Yes and There should be No soft corner for Hamas terrorists. They are threat for peace, firing rockets every day & night but thanks to iron dome system, civilian are safe.

I believe that the first step towards peace in Palestine-Israel is by the recognition of Israel's right to exist. This speech of Gaddafi in 2008 at the Arab League summit also mentions a similar sentiment.
Yes and There should be No soft corner for Hamas terrorists. They are threat for peace, firing rockets every day & night but thanks to iron dome system, civilian are safe.

the legal position is that Hamas are a democratically elected government of Palestine. If you call them terrorists then you must also call US and NATO terrorists for the illegal invasion of iraq and afghanistan. Then you must call Saudi terrorists for the illegal invasion of Yemen.

In that case, every country in the UN is a terrorist because at some point they have killed their own civilians.

I believe that the first step towards peace in Palestine-Israel is by the recognition of Israel's right to exist. This speech of Gaddafi in 2008 at the Arab League summit also mentions a similar sentiment.

I don't think this will happen. its too late. too many dead. too much war, too much craziness. the war will go on till the end.
Palestinain muslims???
Who think arabs are gods and ajam are apes???

You go running to Indians. When they are using same Israeli tactics on Kashmiri youth???

Indeed these are all signs of end times.

But u should look into your own faults.
Your arrogance and ignorance i.e arab nationalism/arab superiority. Which has at times tried to take a very appeasing the West in an atheistic/godless manner kind of route.

I support Palestinians only bcuz they say La Ilaha ilAllah.
But I feel deep hate, pain and sadness for the way they and other arab nations treat ajam.

Whereas, the last khutba of Prophet Muhammad alai salam is in their own language.

No, you're the racist against Arabs. Don't even pretend like you met a Palestinian before. If you want to me one come over here pay me a visit. We have nothing to do with how Saudis or Emirates treat expats. You seem to forgot most Arabs are from poorer areas. And not these rich and racist people you imagine.

And whatever you think, has no place in this thread. You and the other guy who started ranting.
Would international revolutionaries like Carlos have fought for Palestine if the sole representatives of Palestine were religious bigots like Hamas and Islamic Jihad ??

these movements are not what peacetime Palestinians are about. In times of extreme stress like a war zone things like this happen.. just like in all places from India (bjp), to Europe (nazi) etc.
no thanks, I rather keep Pakistan and live here
burn every other flag if you want to

You are not receiving a flag on judgement day, only a book. I'd like to you see you request a nation state flag in front of Allah(SWT).

What the heck medal are you even talking about?
You are not receiving a flag on judgement day, only a book. I'd like to you see you request a nation state flag in front of Allah(SWT).

What the heck medal are you even talking about?

no point using islamic narritives. it doesnt sway my thought. why should it sway anothers?

the point is you have to be an idiot to see what is going on in palestine and not say its it evil.
no point using islamic narritives. it doesnt sway my thought. why should it sway anothers?

the point is you have to be an idiot to see what is going on in palestine and not say its it evil.

I'm just telling people don't let nationalistic sentiments affect you as a Muslim. And he can say what he wants, the government of Palestine, Hamas, never had any such relations with India.
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