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Gates warns China not to underestimate US power

gambit ,You really do not know anything about Japan and South Korea, you can go to learn more about their history?
its not letting me post URL's until i make 15 posts. so i'll just summarize the images that would have been here.

here are the pics of mumbai
Osaka Japan goes here

selected buildings of mumbai

Concept drawings by western architects goes here

LOOOL This the funniest things ever, this guys tries to show us 'india, so he shows us a photo of a run down place in Osaka japan, and some concept drawings drawn up by western architects and claims them to be real photographs lmao!!!!!

I thought the Chinese were stereotyped for 'copying' westerners. Talk about the pinnacle fraud true slum dog millionaires lmao

ha ha ha ha ha!!!! ONE LINE FOR YOU!


OH BTW wasn't slum dog millionaire a Hollywood production? lmao!
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We know what justice is.
We know, We can see.


Well, this video just managed to make my eyes moist, especially when I watched the part when an Iraqi woman was asking for Allah's help to punish those bastards.

I just can't help thinking what if all of these were happenning to China, what are we gonna do?

Sigh, this world must have been cursed since the very first beginning.

Hope all the Arab people will unite together to drive the invaders out of your lands, and then have a peaceful life.

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America cares about democracy. Look how they brought about democracy to Iraq. The way the helped Saddam Hussein into power then toppling him later, masterful.

Or how about Iran? Topple a democratically elected Mossadaeq and installing Shah. Oh it didn't stop there either. Helping to train SAVAK to imprison, torture and assasinate political opponents of the Shah? Damn democracy, you scary!

How about supporting the Contras against the winner of a free election in Nicaguara? Should I mention Batista in Cuba? Propping up that Ngo Dinh Diem dude in Vietnam that came to power in a fraud election? Ooo South Korea's regime before 1980's!

American democracy in action.
For any of my Chinese Brothers:-

Please translate this, so others can read it as well.

"Sorry, the man was drunk, he was not in his senses at that moment when he said those things. You know they are in your debts, literally!!!"

:china::pakistan::china::pakistan: :china::pakistan::china::pakistan:
For any of my Chinese Brothers:-

Please translate this, so others can read it as well.

"Sorry, the man was drunk, he was not in his senses at that moment when he said those things. You know they are in your debts, literally!!!"

nah, he's right, never underestimate the US. we all know the US is the greatest threat to humanity and that is why we are developing carriers, nuclear weapons, stealth fighters, next generation tanks, alternative energy, etc. because we know the US is the most dangerous rogue state in the world.
Don't worry man, in the coming decade we are going to deploy 4 digits number of warheads and 3 digits number of icbm.

For sure, we are never going to underestimate US even it is suffering from economic crisis.
Well the reason is simple for being an ally of america ,master of back stabbing india will be in our mind if china going to have a war with america, we must first taking care of this little irritant country called india.


Well, this video just managed to make my eyes moist, especially when I watched the part when an Iraqi woman was asking for Allah's help to punish those bastards.

I just can't help thinking what if all of these were happenning to China, what are we gonna do?

Sigh, this world must have been cursed since the very first beginning.

Hope all the Arab people will unite together to drive the invaders out of your lands, and then have a peaceful life.

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China's warlords have split the country, before the Japanese invasion.
Japan started the war. All the China's warlords will unite together to drive the invaders out of our lands. China once again become a unified country.

Solidarity and collectivism is the key.

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