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Gandhi's photo missing from Rs 10 note

1. i am sure it was not him who forced others to put his face on the notes.
Yeah if in India something however silly happens modi is responsible and in Libya Gaddafi didn't have a clue that his face appeared on currency.
The biggest advantage of having a large country and a rich history is that you never run out of things to print on your currency notes. Countries like pakistan have to do with college buildings at times.
Finally some good news..Why do i have to see all these Gandhi and Nehru familly names through out India man...It is better for us, we should remove all these names and pics at the earlest..

VIJAYAWADA: Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi has gone missing in the currency notes of Rs 10 denomination believed to have been printed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in the recent past. The bank notes without Gandhi's image posted on the RBI's official website caused a flutter among the people.

TOI has received several phone calls from netizens from as far-off places as Kurnool with the callers seeking to know the reasons for the RBI's striking departure from the Gandhian legacy in printing and circulation of the currency notes.

The RBI has started printing and issuing bank notes in the Mahatma Gandhi series since 1996. The note in Rs 5 denomination was printed in 2001, Rs 10 in June 1996, Rs 20 in 2001, Rs 100 in June 1996, Rs 500 in October 1997 and Rs 1,000 in November 2000. All the bank notes of these series carry the Gandhi's portrait on the obverse (front) side in place of symbol of lion mark capital of Ashoka pillar which has also been retained and shifted to the left side next to the water mark window.

Therefore, these bank notes contain Mahatma Gandhi water mark and Mahatma Gandhi portrait as well. The Rs 10 note carries Gandhi's image on the obverse side while that of fauna on the reverse side and it is one of the first notes introduced by the RBI in Mahatma Gandhi series in 1996.

In the latest notes, there is only the lion mark capital of Ashoka pillar. Disputing the claims of the bankers in Vijayawada and Hyderabad that they have not received the particular bank notes from the issue department of the RBI, a businessman Venkateswara Rao from Kurnool told TOI that he had received one such currency note from a shopper in an exhibition in his native town. "I obviously grew suspicious upon seeing the note without Gandhi's image. When I showed it to the local State Bank of India officials, they said it was an original note only. The note bears the pin marks indicating that it came out from a pinned currency bundle issued by a nationalized bank", he said.

R Govind Rao, general manager, RBI, Hyderabad, when contacted, feigned ignorance and advised that details could be sought from the central office. A senior official in RBI said that they were not aware of the new bank notes printed without Gandhi's portrait. "The Rs 10 note is under circulation since colonial times and is in continuous production since the RBI took over the functions of the controller of currency in 1923. The notes you are referring to could be belonging to the earlier period", said the RBI officer, not wishing to be named.

However, a close look at the Rs 10 bank notes in the Gandhi's series printed from 1996 and those of the earlier period did not have identical features.

Interestingly, the notes in the Gandhi's series and those without his image match each other in appearance and designing only to the exception of his portrait.

Gandhi's photo missing from Rs 10 note - The Times of India

Oh really so Katju is also right when he calls 90% of Indians as stupid. Why you are so offended at his statement ? or anything said by Sagarika? or Arundhati?

You are ok with using words like moron for Gandhi ji but your backside get on fire if the above mentioned people and few others say anything about Modi or ills of your country.

Your statement is valid...We should be in a situation to see and argue with both sides of the argument..
do you even need to know when people of a country call names to their founding father on the basis of their saffron agenda.

India is not a country which was founded or anything It was always there so there can not be anyone who is founding father of India and btw you take care of your founding father we know ours truth and reality.Indian independence was collective work and no body can not deny this and saying someone father of a country is disrespect for others who worked for nation.Its not saffron agenda we know it for sure that gandhi or Nehru were not that great as we thought they were.Its called facing the reality without ignorance.We thank him respect him but I will not call him father of nation
yap just like u heard the voice of india's daughter by banning it..and arresting two girls when they comment on bal thakray .. u shud be the last to give lectures on freedom of speech.. kashmir refrendum , naxalites , india's daughter,The Hindus: An Alternative History ,Girls Getting Arrested on facebook post ( wao.. ) A professor arrested for poking mamata , So u can save ur lectures for ur brain washed kids.. this is PDF every one know about u n ur country ..

Except those Bal Thackrey case.Others were absolutely right.Our national integrity and honour is our priority.
And those two girls on Bal Thackreys case got support from our judicial system.

yap just like u heard the voice of india's daughter by banning it..and arresting two girls when they comment on bal thakray .. u shud be the last to give lectures on freedom of speech.. kashmir refrendum , naxalites , india's daughter,The Hindus: An Alternative History ,Girls Getting Arrested on facebook post ( wao.. ) A professor arrested for poking mamata , So u can save ur lectures for ur brain washed kids.. this is PDF every one know about u n ur country ..
who gives a shit whether you know us ir not ?
Mamatas case was also wrong.But he has our judiciary protection.
Laughable. How has it 'held India together'? When we cut Pak in two parts, did we do it using ahimsa? :lol:

Did we beat insurgencies with ahimsa? Are we defeating naxals through ahimsa?

Grow up dude. This world only acknowledges force. You can be forgiving and gracious when you are powerful, else this ahimsa just becomes an excuse for weakness.
Not saying we have to follow ahimsa in 2015
What iam saying is ahimsa played a great role in unifying india after freedom
Gandhi with his will stoped an entire riot and Muslims
What did modi did in gujrat riot nothing

Your peaceful leader is no more and people still are living in peace. Your peaceful leader and his teachings were not followed when sikhs were massacred, his teachings were not there when muslims kiiled hindu pilgrimage and in return people from both community killed each other. No one follows your Father of the Nation (sorry to say I don't consider him worth enough). We love those who died fighting for our liberation, be it anyone not those who were doing politics over dead bodies.
He was the one who stopped the riot
And told one hindu to adopt an Muslim's son whos father and mother where killed in riot
my apology i dint know you replied with reference to him. I dont know if he had killed or not when i have thorough study on him i will come back to you over this topic of his services

hating is one thing disrespecting another :)
as I said dadaji( you are a veteran...so) you (Pakistanis) know nothing about India or how things work here...your only source of info is you adulterated text books or twisted media stories...wanna know more visit my country!!
Putting up gandhijis photo on a bank notes is itself a political gimmick by the congress...so that people see the gandhi family....closer to mahatma gandhi himself!!!
So, Gandhi Ji belongs to Congress ?
Gandhi Ji was first who said that Congress should be dissolved after independence.
Current Congress in not same Congress which leads freedom movements is Indian National Congress - I (Indira)
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