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Gandhi On Jews And Hitler

Ya right. What were your great chosen leaders or indeed your ancestors doing to be an ancient proud civilisation?

I consider INA as the right representative of our country and yes, they fought the foreign occupiers valiantly until the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty betrayed them despite Netaji's respect to Gandhi.

Why? You don't seem to have google at home or what?

Gandhi worshippers should be the last one to talk about my Bhutia ancestors considering that courage and valiance is not their cup of tea.

You seriously need a quick lesson in basic etiquette. Inane & imbecilic remarks like this does not earn you any brownie points with anyone.

I don't need to earn any points with secularist cowards, dude. Go and have a cool glass of drink and relax. :lol:.

A Congressi actually coming to ask me about facts! :rofl:

Why not google it out? Or is it that your minister Sibal has censored it already so that you're not allowed to read it? :P
I consider INA as the right representative of our country and yes, they fought the foreign occupiers valiantly until the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty betrayed them despite Netaji's respect to Gandhi.

Yeah right, Gandhi & Nehru were also responsible for the defeat of the Japanese & the Germans in WW2. As far as the INA goes, maybe you should read about what the Japanese did when they "liberated" the Andamans.

Gandhi worshippers should be the last one to talk about my Bhutia ancestors considering that courage and valiance is not their cup of tea.

You have courageous & valiant ancestors? Possible but such a pity they have not learned well enough of abortion.

I don't need to earn any points with secularist cowards, dude. Go and have a cool glass of drink and relax. :lol:.

True, I need a cold beer & you are in desperate need of a lobotomy aka brain circumcision.

A Congressi actually coming to ask me about facts! :rofl:

Ahh! :rofl:indeed. Anyone capable of a reasonable discussion must be a "Congressi"! Indeed!

Why not google it out? Or is it that your minister Sibal has censored it already so that you're not allowed to read it? :P

Oh I can read all right, a pity that your teachers couldn't!
@Bang Galore @Tshering22

In my opinion Gandhi is hated by two kinds of right winger views .

One who thinks he made a great blunder by accepting the demand for the partition of india and still dreams of an united india or Akhanda Bharat.In my personal opinion partition was great thing happened to us . it gave rise to an india that is practical and relatively in peace with itself.

The second kind are the people who blame Gandhi and congress for the socialist policies adopted post independence.
Here i think the blame should squarely go to Nerhu, not Gandhi .

And his policy of Non violence to achieve political aim of gaining independence ,well hindsight is always 20/20.

For a country as incredibly disparate as india, violent methods even for just political causes such as our freedom struggle always had grave consequence for the stability of india as united country. Then again for some English men like Gen Dyer needed to killed brutally for the mass murders they committed.
Yeah right, Gandhi & Nehru were also responsible for the defeat of the Japanese & the Germans in WW2. As far as the INA goes, maybe you should read about what the Japanese did when they "liberated" the Andamans.

I ask you this question, was WW2? Our battle? What was some loony fight in Europe that had to do with Indians who had to fight the bloody war?

Answer this first.

You have courageous & valiant ancestors? Possible but such a pity they have not learned well enough of abortion.

Such a pity that toilet cleaners of anti-indian forces actually have power...for now. :lol:

True, I need a cold beer & you are in desperate need of a lobotomy aka brain circumcision.

Careful, secularist. your jihadi masters will get annoyed if you drink alcohol. :lol:

Ahh! :rofl:indeed. Anyone capable of a reasonable discussion must be a "Congressi"! Indeed!

Yeap. Only a brainwashed moron capable of worshipping two dreamy idiots of Indian history can be congressis.

Oh I can read all right, a pity that your teachers couldn't!

Blessed Am I then not to adhere to the garbage that Congress put and fed in the form of history to innocent children of our country where Nehru was the king and Gandhi was the god.

@Bang Galore @Tshering22

In my opinion Gandhi is hated by two kinds of right winger views .

One who thinks he made a great blunder by accepting the demand for the partition of india and still dreams of an united india or Akhanda Bharat.In my personal opinion partition was great thing happened to us . it gave rise to an india that is practical and relatively in peace with itself.

The second kind are the people who blame Gandhi and congress for the socialist policies adopted post independence.
Here i think the blame should squarely go to Nerhu, not Gandhi .

And his policy of Non violence to achieve political aim of gaining independence ,well hindsight is always 20/20.

For a country as incredibly disparate as india, violent methods even for just political causes such as our freedom struggle always had grave consequence for the stability of india as united country. Then again for some English men like Gen Dyer needed to killed brutally for the mass murders they committed.

I despise Nehruvian policies for the latter reasons. Listen, non-violence is the core of my faith. But what that terrible-twosome practised was not ahimsa but spinelessness. Ahimsa means peace and good conduct in daily life. Doesn't mean that one has to take it up ones when he or she is being oppressed. This is where most Indians forget to distinguish between calmness and righteous retaliation.
I despise Nehruvian policies for the latter reasons. Listen, non-violence is the core of my faith. But what that terrible-twosome practised was not ahimsa but spinelessness. Ahimsa means peace and good conduct in daily life. Doesn't mean that one has to take it up ones when he or she is being oppressed. This is where most Indians forget to distinguish between calmness and righteous retaliation.

Its not correct that we have forgotten fighting to secure our lives, safekeeping our interests or merely standing up for what we think is right.

we haven't disbanded our military following on the principles of non violence . Instead We have one of the largest in the world.

See Gandhian principle has soundness in political struggles such as the one we saw in our struggle for independence . But it has limitations front of outright aggression. Gandhi himself understood the same limitations of his philosophy non violence that's why he didn't oppose indian military retaliation in J&K when tribal invaded it in '47. Gandhiji had also made it clear on many occasions that non violence can't be an excuse for cowardliness.

Its a deeper debate .I know you have differences with Gandhian ideas ,so do i , but lets not use abusive language for him .See even Netagi never spoke ill of Gandhi in spite of his serious differences with Gandhi.
we haven't disbanded our military following on the principles of non violence . Instead We have one of the largest in the world.


I heard that Nehru was all for the disbandment of armed forces as according to him with the establishment of UN everything could be solved in a civilized manner , but 1962 pulled him out of the dreamy world.
I heard that Nehru was all for the disbandment of armed forces as according to him with the establishment of UN everything could be solved in a civilized manner , but 1962 pulled him out of the dreamy world.

this is myth. Nerhu might have harbored such thought before '48 tribal incursion into J&K .But after that he became deeply suspicious of pakistan's intention.Yes, he didn't modernize our army at the required rate .That was something to do with our foreign policy that hindered getting military aid like Pakistan.

Before '62 war ,Nerhu actually ordered the Goa operations for liberating Goa from Portugal. Some say it made Chinese apprehensive about our military designs and pushed for preemptive actions resulting in '62 war. Of course it came as surprised and we weren't prepared for chinese attack in the north easrt.
I didn't want to get into this debate as Gandhi is loved by Indians however when the topic is raised in circles among friends in the UK, I make a point to raise Gandhi's past, where even in his journals he has made some very harsh comments which clearly amount to racism. He has called hitler his friend in letters to him, he has called black people kaffirs and referred to them as one step above monkeys and refused to live next door to a black man and actively worked in humbling himself to the Britishers in order to get Asian people a better status then that of blacks. He played a much appreciated role in the war against Zulus that led to the massacre of thousands......... I can go on and on and if references are required then I will be more then happy to provide them from the writings of Gandhi himself........

However as before, he is much loved by a country of people and seen as a national hero. Question now is..... Do we do what the Indians here always claim and go with "freedom of speech" and totally destroy the character of such an individual or shall we respect the views of a nation and pretend to be blind to the truth........ Tricky question huh

No doubt, the Indians will spill as much venom as possible in the hope that the thread will close down..... It's a typical Indian mentality and tactic......I call it PATHETIC
but wasnt satyagrah exactly what we had? non violence? dont we still support the idea when anna hazare talks of it?
As far as I know Hazare does not idealize the concept of "fearlessly" allowing yourself to be killed by enemies; he also talks of Shivaji. Gandhi was just misusing Indic terms.

and gandhiji is to be blamed how? he could not have supported the BJP now could he? considering that the congress was the only major political party in the country back then? all the social ills you talk of are not because of gandhiji, its because we as a socity are corrupt. people join the IAS so that they can have that under-table income. polititians get to power so that they and their cronies can get more money. this isnt what gandhiji taught. this isnt what he wanted either. moral integrity was of utmost importance to him and you are blaming him for lack of moral integrity in us?

Gandhi planted the seed of corruption by maneuvering Nehru into power. The fish rots from the head. People are forced to be corrupt by an extortionate system. Not so for the rotting head of the fish. Nobody forced Nehru to loot. He chose to loot on his own initiative.

i can understand you preferring patel over nehru, but bose? he went and took help from the nazis and the japanese. even if you excuse the nazis saying they would not kill the aryan half of indians, the japanese are not excusable. they had an equally virulent form of racial superitority complex and they were not going to be friends for long. they helped the INA while the brits were a threat. the moment the brits would have been overthrown, the japs would have turned on us and clamped down harder that the brits.

It was the Naval mutiny inspired by the INA which finally convinced the Brits that the game was over. The Satyagraha tactics did not worry the British much. This article gives an interesting view of how the colonial government was perceiving the situation - RIN mutiny gave a jolt to the British

a reference to the same would be appreciated.
Nehru's Jeep scam, and its consequences in 1962, are common knowledge. Google will help.
Ok first thing we all have to accept that Gandhi and Nehru were human. Human make mistakes. Nehru made a lot of them. Some of our today's problems are due to the mistakes of Nehru. I agree with that but I don't understand why Indians are so ahead in criticising them ??? Is there anyone who had never made mistakes ???

In Most of the things we must remember these people fight for our independence. They didn't win it for us single handedly but we can't deny their role in achieving it. So forget BS and just respect the men who fight for this country irrespective of Political opinions.
Ya right. What were your great chosen leaders or indeed your ancestors doing to be an ancient proud civilisation? Without twisting history, please enlighten us with your extensive knowledge on the subject. I'm sure many of us will be glad to actually see something more than a mere opinion, one which seems to need no justifying just repeating on a continuous basis.

You seriously need a quick lesson in basic etiquette. Inane & imbecilic remarks like this does not earn you any brownie points with anyone.

Sir, my this post is just a contribution from my side, related to view of West about the cultures.

"In the Western view, they consider 'people' of India, Russia, Thailand, China, Brazil, South Africa type countries 'good', but their 'states' against the US/ West. but US/ West have 'states' like Pakistan, Turkey, SA, Arab countries etc in their pocket but they don't like 'people' of these friendly states." :pop:

for example, Indians would be used against the 'state' of India but only Pakistani origins were ever arrested in terrorist charges in West, while 'state' of Pakistan was always a friend of US/UK :agree:. one time an Indian doctor 'Haneef Mohammad' made the first name of an Indian national who was ever charged for terrorist case in Australia/ West but later he was released and he also said the same, "my name is kaun'." like Shahrukh Khan recently :lol:
I haven't seen the video or read the comments here...
My comment here is not a reply to any of the above posts...
I came here because i saw the word jews...
I just wanna state my views.....

Im not a big fan of Israel or jews.....
Infact im against the occupation of jews in palestine land....
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