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Gandhi On Jews And Hitler

Does not matter, Nehru did what was necessary in the end. Best to remember that all leaders have multiple facets to the, portraying a cartoonish image does not do justice, not to Gandhi, not to Nehru & not to Patel. just answering a question about Nehru & Kashmir. As shown earlier Patel was less attached to it & his conversations with Nehru were that of a Home Minister in charge of any such operation.

read as below :wave:

Despite of three all out wars between India and Pakistan only one in 1947 was fought by India to regain its own territory illegally occupied by invader Pakistan. On October 22, 1947 Pakistani army disguised as tribals and branded as Mujjahiddins invaded Jammu & Kashmir then an independent princely state ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh. The ruler of Kashmir, who on October 26, 1947 using the provisions of Indian Independence Act 1947 passed by the British Parliament merged his state with India. By virtue of the signed Instrument of Accession, the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir like other more than 500 princely states of pre-partition India became integral part of India. Thereafter Indian army initiated military actions to push out disguised Pakistani army out of own territories in Jammu & Kashmir but before regaining entire territories illegally occupied by Pakistan J. M. Nehru the then Indian prime minister unilaterally declared cease-fire on January 1, 1948.

Thread Jammu & Kashmir : Spineless India, Cunning Pakistan, Toothless UN | Pakistan Defence Forum | BoardReader
As was Bangladesh(then east Pakistan) in terms of borders. Borders didn't have the same meaning then that they do now. Kashmir had a Muslim majority, Pakistan & India were jousting for position then. No one yet knew how it would all turn out.

British had only one way to get this done, that is, by sending few girls of royal families who have been ‘turned’. India don’t want this type of ‘benefits’, like how British offer women to get their work done. India doesn't want British friendship :wave:

Rest, they won’t hesitate with 26/11 2011 type things with those 'friends' who ‘turn’ and try to run from the grip of UK/US. friendship with US/ West is much more harmful than having a distance from them, don't you people yourself have said 1000s of times on this forum also? :what:
Jinnah's mistakes weren't of this nature - criminal, racial or bigoted. Don't compare these men with Jinnah.

I've not heard people getting killed or suffer violence as result of the mistakes committed by or policies pursued by mahatma Gandhi .On the hand we know what happened after Mr Jinnah's call for direct action and in the time of partition.
Jinnah's mistakes weren't of this nature - criminal, racial or bigoted. Don't compare these men with Jinnah.

Jinnah was so bigoted that he wanted a country made on the blood of millions just so that he could declare himself the governor general. so much for a guy who wanted a modern democracy! (Pakistan has yet to have a single successful democraric term completed)

Isn't it criminal to send tribal thugs to fight your war in Kashmir and then act like you know nothing about it? (Pakistan is loyally following the leader's foot steps till date)

Jinnah was also the biggest hypocrite for using and abusing religion when he chose. A pork eating, alcohol consuming Anglophile who chose to wear traditional muslim clothes and speak in broken Urdu just to deceive the masses.(Two faced Pakistan uses religion to support terrorism in Kashmir and Afg while chooses to ignore the atrocities in Xinjiang)

Jinnah has left a big impact on Pakistan but he sure cannot be compared with Gandhi or Nehru!
Jinnah was so bigoted that he wanted a country made on the blood of millions just so that he could declare himself the governor general. so much for a guy who wanted a modern democracy! (Pakistan has yet to have a single successful democraric term completed)

Isn't it criminal to send tribal thugs to fight your war in Kashmir and then act like you know nothing about it? (Pakistan is loyally following the leader's foot steps till date)

Jinnah was also the biggest hypocrite for using and abusing religion when he chose. A pork eating, alcohol consuming Anglophile who chose to wear traditional muslim clothes and speak in broken Urdu just to deceive the masses.(Two faced Pakistan uses religion to support terrorism in Kashmir and Afg while chooses to ignore the atrocities in Xinjiang)

Jinnah has left a big impact on Pakistan but he sure cannot be compared with Gandhi or Nehru!

I do have respect for Jinnah Saheb but he didn’t let Pakistan come out of grip of Britain. He kept himself thinking about India only, which kept him in the box he lived in, till his death as a governor general of Britain. During his all the times, he was used to resist freedom efforts of Mr Gandhi/ Netaji S.C.Bose, and even right now, even if one time Pakistan’s general Mr Kayani warns these Western Lords of Pakistan to stop every day killing of people by different wars/ bomb blasts/ drone attacks etc, they bring Pakistan back to its limits by 26/11 2011 type acts. I have told them many times, “you got a Islamic nation as Pakistan but you people haven’t got ‘freedom’ yet.” And if we consider the fact that Mr Jinnah was also one of the Muhajirs and see how Mr A.Hussein talks when he comes to India, then we find only one thing, that is, Pakistan as a nation knows the blunder of Mr Jinnah but they don’t want to accept it. :coffee:

(while I have seen aboriginal Australians prefer to convert into Islam but they don’t want to accept salvage of British origins of Australia, the British origins who just tried to either enslave them or killed them since they landed on Australia in 18th century. Even right now, either aboriginals are sent to jails in Australia or are forced to follow Australian laws which they believe are against them, to enslave aboriginals and it has resulted in very high rate of imprisonment of aboriginal australian there :hitwall:.)

While on the other hand, Pakistan had only 34mil population in 1947 but now its 190mil. While Bangladesh is only high population and trying to cross Indian border. A common Indian just don’t want this mess of these two Muslim ruled South Asian nations, as anyhow minorities have almost been removed from these two countries. but yes Bangladesh treated its minorities better than Pakistan. And if you have a look on those Muslims who gone to Pakistan in 1947, Muhajir Muslims, in their case also, if they don’t get enough rights in Pakistan then they would simply try to back to India, as who really wants to be the part of the mess of these two Indian neighbors? While a common Indian national would simply try to take India out of this mess of sub-continent, but its our helplessness due to geographical reasons. One time Mr Vajpayee visited Pakistan by bus with a hope of friendship but they organized a war in Kargil within just 2-3 months by putting militants in the empty mountains. Neither Indians can change geography nor we may avoid our involvements with our these neighbors, and more we talk, more the questions we face. With a feeling that talking to them is less worth as compare to talking to their Western lords who control them, who order them :pop:

"We can change history but not geography. We can change our friends but not our neighbors." :hang2:Atal Behari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India

Mr Reints Homepage
bashing gandhi has become a fashion....gandhi was a great man

It is for a reason, genius. He transformed an ancient proud civilization into meek puppies, twisted history, demonized heros and patronized villains.

Gandhi was a jerk and a loser and thank goodness he died. Otherwise we'd have been as small as France today.
bashing gandhi has become a fashion....gandhi was a great man

one might even say, showing servitude to gandhi has long been a fashion and a populist ideology.

people who bash gandhi, bash him for a reason.
people who idealize him, do so due to their misconceptions about him, his actions, and Indian freedom.
gandhi is turned into pop culture by west to please the indians and fools them around.
So what's the motive behind this video?
Gandhi was a bigot he was not a great soul (psssh....He never claimed to be a mahatma)
Indian's hate Jews because of this Israel should stop supporting India.
I haven't received my dole and got nothing to do,so lets make a video.
Sardar enjoyed the majority in the Congress party compared with Nehru. Gandhi interfered with that and we saw what happened with the foolish Nehru bringing in Socialism, losing the China war and messing up with Kashmir.

you do realise that sardar patel reconciled with nehru soon after independence and was very active in deciding state policy along with nehru. things wont have been too different had sardar patel become the PM. infact if sardar patel had all the say, the social reforms would have been much slower in coming.
It is for a reason, genius. He transformed an ancient proud civilization into meek puppies, twisted history, demonized heros and patronized villains.

Ya right. What were your great chosen leaders or indeed your ancestors doing to be an ancient proud civilisation? Without twisting history, please enlighten us with your extensive knowledge on the subject. I'm sure many of us will be glad to actually see something more than a mere opinion, one which seems to need no justifying just repeating on a continuous basis.

Gandhi was a jerk and a loser and thank goodness he died.

You seriously need a quick lesson in basic etiquette. Inane & imbecilic remarks like this does not earn you any brownie points with anyone.
gandhi is turned into pop culture by west to please the indians and fools them around.

So be it. With all his deficiencies and drawbacks (even I am not in favor of his methods), Gandhi is still idolized by many in the world. Can't say that about Jinnah.
Well if somebody wants to follow a confused mish-mash of foolish ideas, collected from various quarters, its up to them. But others have every right to critique it. And please don't give it a name like "Satyagraha" lest somebody think that gibberish has anything to do with India.

but wasnt satyagrah exactly what we had? non violence? dont we still support the idea when anna hazare talks of it?

We are a nation in which half the children are malnourished, people have neither enough food nor proper shelter nor education, where hundreds of thousands of farmers are driven to suicide. We are a nation led by a political party which refers to Osama bin Laden as "Osama ji". We are the highest spender in the world on defense imports, with most of the money being looted by our leaders, while the Army is starved for Ammo.

and gandhiji is to be blamed how? he could not have supported the BJP now could he? considering that the congress was the only major political party in the country back then? all the social ills you talk of are not because of gandhiji, its because we as a socity are corrupt. people join the IAS so that they can have that under-table income. polititians get to power so that they and their cronies can get more money. this isnt what gandhiji taught. this isnt what he wanted either. moral integrity was of utmost importance to him and you are blaming him for lack of moral integrity in us?

Gandhi torpedoed not only Patel but also Subhash Chandra Bose. The disastrous results are there for everybody to see.

i can understand you preferring patel over nehru, but bose? he went and took help from the nazis and the japanese. even if you excuse the nazis saying they would not kill the aryan half of indians, the japanese are not excusable. they had an equally virulent form of racial superitority complex and they were not going to be friends for long. they helped the INA while the brits were a threat. the moment the brits would have been overthrown, the japs would have turned on us and clamped down harder that the brits.

Nehru started looting with a vengeance early on. His first scam was the jeep import scam, for which he rewarded Krishna Menon with the Defense Minister post. That lead to the 1962 debacle, in which Nehru sent soldiers to fight on the frontier without clothes and equipment.
a reference to the same would be appreciated.
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