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Future Saudi Arabia

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it is a long list for saudi to fix and without a revolution such a change in impossible.

what about democracy in saudi?
what about the ban on driving on women?
what about women participation in elections?
what about oil money?
what about billion dollars palaces?
what about discrimination of other muslims?
what about poverty elimination?
what about its support to terrorism?

1-Democracy is impossible in Saudi Arabia now and I told you why.
2-20 years ago when women started driving some asshole clerics issued a fatwa and what not and the women lost their jobs and worse now women who are driving only get a no license ticket because the situation is changing. I am one of the strongest supporters of women's right in my country and in the world. But I also understand Saudi people better than most. And now is not the time soon is.
4- What about it? The people of this country are living happily and according to haters here too happily since we are fat and only drive Ferraris apparently.
5-The billion dollar palaces a time will come to them when they will be taken care of. That time is not now however. Patience is virtue.
6-Discimination of other muslims is a phase that Iran started and as soon as Iran's danger is gone it will end with it I told you before shias before Iran lived side by side with sunnis but Iran came and started this sectarian divide which is sadly growing by the day.
7-There will always be poverty even here in saudi arabia. which is why zakat is a pillar of Islam. and zakat is done by most of the Saudi population.
8-It is not the government which is supporting terrorism it is the very same clerics which you know I hate with every inch of my soul. who used to take zakat from saudi people who gave it thinking it will go to the poor but ended up in terrorist hands.
1-Democracy is impossible in Saudi Arabia now and I told you why.
2-20 years ago when women started driving some asshole clerics issued a fatwa and what not and the women lost their jobs and worse now women who are driving only get a no license ticket because the situation is changing. I am one of the strongest supporters of women's right in my country and in the world. But I also understand Saudi people better than most. And now is not the time soon is.
4- What about it? The people of this country are living happily and according to haters here too happily since we are fat and only drive Ferraris apparently.
5-The billion dollar palaces a time will come to them when they will be taken care of. That time is not now however. Patience is virtue.
6-Discimination of other muslims is a phase that Iran started and as soon as Iran's danger is gone it will end with it I told you before shias before Iran lived side by side with sunnis but Iran came and started this sectarian divide which is sadly growing by the day.
7-There will always be poverty even here in saudi arabia. which is why zakat is a pillar of Islam. and zakat is done by most of the Saudi population.
8-It is not the government which is supporting terrorism it is the very same clerics which you know I hate with every inch of my soul. who used to take zakat from saudi people who gave it thinking it will go to the poor but ended up in terrorist hands.

you are so innocent.

note my asnwers below:

1. An Islamic Revolution is the requirement of saudi to change things. corrupt element cannot make revolutionary changes.
2. women are not officially and legally allowed to drive.
3. not practical yet. How many women is shura council?
4. majority not live happily. just go outside of the cities : the other face of saudi Arabia
5. you are speechless.
6. not true. shias are persecuted since the take over of holy lands by the saud to this day. before it was not such a situation. so it is not iran's created problem.
7. what about petro dollars? who is owner of petro dollars? people or king? petro dollars are enough to eradicate poverty. but they are going to western banks for luxurious life.
8. not true. it is saudi serving troops caught and jailed in iraq. the clerics have government blessings. only in 2 cases the clerics were removed when they openly bashed some iranian officals. It means saudi government can control them easily if it wishes. Also in our country, yemen and iraq, saudi government is involved in terrorism.
you are so innocent.

note my asnwers below:

1. An Islamic Revolution is the requirement of saudi to change things. corrupt element cannot make revolutionary changes.
2. women are not officially and legally allowed to drive.
3. not practical yet. How many women is shura council?
4. majority not live happily. just go outside of the cities : the other face of saudi Arabia
5. you are speechless.
6. not true. shias are persecuted since the take over of holy lands by the saud to this day. before it was not such a situation. so it is not iran's created problem.
7. what about petro dollars? who is owner of petro dollars? people or king? petro dollars are enough to eradicate poverty. but they are going to western banks for luxurious life.
8. not true. it is saudi serving troops caught and jailed in iraq. the clerics have government blessings. only in 2 cases the clerics were removed when they openly bashed some iranian officals. It means saudi government can control them easily if it wishes. Also in our country, yemen and iraq, saudi government is involved in terrorism.

You know what an islamic revolution would be like for Saudi Arabia?? clearly you don't and trust me if an Islamic revolution happened in Saudi Arabia it will declare Jihad on Iran thats the first thing it will do. And I will stop discussing with you. You are clearly just hating and nothing else. and I am pretty sure there is nothing you would love more than to see the entire Saudi Arabia is up in flames. It will send joyess shivers down your spine seeing Iranian rockets falling on ryadh killing people by the millions.
I know your type but to think they would also come from Pakistan. That caught me off guard.
this is growth solely based on Oil, the second it runs out or the world comes up with a better solution, that will be the end of these countries.
this is growth solely based on Oil, the second it runs out or the world comes up with a better solution, that will be the end of these countries.

If you didn't notice all these projects so we will no longer base our economy on Oil. But then again to someone like you Saudi=terrorist+Oil and that is as far as the common man brain can get.
it has future as long as it has OIL & some DEMAGOGIC mullahs to control the nation by cutting their heads off
it has future as long as it has OIL & some DEMAGOGIC mullahs to control the nation by cutting their heads off

This is our law and we loooooove it. The onlypeople who should be scared of getting thier heads chopped off are murderers rapists and drug traffickers. And i wouldnt have it any other way.
Im sorry but if its a revolution the likes of the Arab spring you want then it is a very stupid thing to desire. A land filled to the brim with oil, having the most powerful military in the world inside and all around it and you desire for it to become unstable? Any child can tell you what will happen the moment the leadership there shakes but a little. Give them the excuse and you'll have another Iraq in a jiffy.
Im sorry but if its a revolution the likes of the Arab spring you want then it is a very stupid thing to desire. A land filled to the brim with oil, having the most powerful military in the world inside and all around it and you desire for it to become unstable? Any child can tell you what will happen the moment the leadership there shakes but a little. Give them the excuse and you'll have another Iraq in a jiffy.

The USA is looking for any execuse to invade us. But countries like pakistan is standing on its way. We want stability untill we finish these projects. If you notice most of it is for education and research.
1-Democracy is impossible in Saudi Arabia now and I told you why.
2-20 years ago when women started driving some asshole clerics issued a fatwa and what not and the women lost their jobs and worse now women who are driving only get a no license ticket because the situation is changing. I am one of the strongest supporters of women's right in my country and in the world. But I also understand Saudi people better than most. And now is not the time soon is.
4- What about it? The people of this country are living happily and according to haters here too happily since we are fat and only drive Ferraris apparently.
5-The billion dollar palaces a time will come to them when they will be taken care of. That time is not now however. Patience is virtue.
6-Discimination of other muslims is a phase that Iran started and as soon as Iran's danger is gone it will end with it I told you before shias before Iran lived side by side with sunnis but Iran came and started this sectarian divide which is sadly growing by the day.
7-There will always be poverty even here in saudi arabia. which is why zakat is a pillar of Islam. and zakat is done by most of the Saudi population.
8-It is not the government which is supporting terrorism it is the very same clerics which you know I hate with every inch of my soul. who used to take zakat from saudi people who gave it thinking it will go to the poor but ended up in terrorist hands.

Brother, democracy has not helped Pakistan either. Pakistan is always near bakruptcy during democracy and has a better economy during dictatorship. Democracy doesn't work for everyone. Look at China, how fast its rising. Did democracy help China rise? NO.

So dont go out of your way to please the western kuffar like some of our fellow South Asian Muslims do.
I think we should give credit when it's due
KSA seems to be starting to wake up but it's not nearly enough. At best the oil will remain for another 2 decades (I mean at current levels). KSA needs to do wayyyyyyyyyyyy more to catch up.

I really think that KSA's main problem is its education system. Right now the country is not producing anywhere near the amound of experts that it needs. How can a country develope when it can't even create warehouse managers (I have a buddy that has an offer from KSA and they are willing to pay him 100K plus a ton of benefits and housing accomodation. In canada he's getting 50K BEFORE tax without much benefits).

And by above I don't mean building new schools and universities ( although it certainly helps) but I mean reforming the education system. Right now the study of Islam is central in the Saudi school system (Iran is an Islamic Republic and the leaders are pretty extreme but other than 1 quran class, the rest of the stuff people learn in elementary and high school are basically the same as the stuff people learn in the West).

This is key IMO and nothing can change radically until the education system is modernized.
I apologize for the typo of "us" to "as" which is what you built on this entire statement.

i have read a lot of your posts. most of them are litterd with contradictions. Although you have stated that you are studying medic forgive me for saying so but you seem a bit dim. At times like above I wish you were as clever and witty as you think at least we would have some entertainment,
Brother, democracy has not helped Pakistan either. Pakistan is always near bakruptcy during democracy and has a better economy during dictatorship. Democracy doesn't work for everyone. Look at China, how fast its rising. Did democracy help China rise? NO.

So dont go out of your way to please the western kuffar like some of our fellow South Asian Muslims do.

uhmmm... that doesn't make sense.
Each country is different. Democracy simply means "the rule of the majority."

Look at Iran and Turkey. Two VERY similar cultures (A gallup poll study showed that 16% of Iranians consider themselves Atheists compared to 15% in Turkey) but one is taking advantage of its open minded culture and the other one is being forced to accept the rule of a minority of religious fanatics.
uhmmm... that doesn't make sense.
Each country is different. Democracy simply means "the rule of the majority."

Look at Iran and Turkey. Two VERY similar cultures (A gallup poll study showed that 16% of Iranians consider themselves Atheists compared to 15% in Turkey) but one is taking advantage of its open minded culture and the other one is being forced to accept the rule of a minority of religious fanatics.

Sometimes the Majority dont know whats right for them and vote for criminals or those who serve other nation's interests before their own, because they are getting paid, as in Pakistan's case.

Sometimes a hard-line dictatorship, who deeply cares about his country, is needed to discipline the population.
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