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Aug 19, 2014
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The mighty cavalcade of Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah roars into Thar with a relaxed sense of urgency. Bulky Land Cruisers growl at the gawking barefoot inhabitants of Mithi as they wind their way through dusty streets towards a cabinet meeting called here to express solidarity with the dying babies of this land.

The tragedy of Thar is a story of the Pakistani State eating its own children. It is a story of why we are where we are, still mired in dirt, poverty and neglect nearly seven decades after independence. Do we deserve this? Are we Pakistanis really that pathetic? Have we lost all our self-esteem and reconciled to existing in this shameful state?


Resolve is step one. Step two is where we want to go. In other words, what do we want this country to be when it grows up? Have our leaders mapped a future for Pakistan? No, I do not mean a dreamy future where everything will be milk and honey. I mean specifics: well-argued and properly-reasoned plans that paint a mental picture of this country well into the future. Yes, not months or years, but decades.

So let’s write off Qaim Ali Shah, and let’s talk Future-istan. In this global village, what role do we see for Pakistan? Do we want to be a rich, efficient, peaceful, welfare state like Norway? Think about it. Norway is reputed to be the most educated, most humane, most nurturing and gentle country on the planet. But when it comes to global power play, it’s also rather irrelevant.

Do we want to be like a rich Gulf country (pick any)? These sheikhdoms and kingdoms knowhow to dig wealth, but have little idea of how to create it. Yes, their wealth and well-oiled prosperity is a big attraction for many Pakistanis, but is that what we want our country to become?

Do we want to be like England? Yes, it’s a shadow of its past, but it’s still a fairly rich country with strong institutions, solid rule of law, a caring state, and an educated, aware and active citizenry. Unlike Norway, England is still an influential player on the global stage and practises the art of hard power politics. It’s also a nuclear weapon state.

Or should we dream of becoming a superpower like the United States and China? That’s the dream that India dreams. The grand arc of history is in many ways shaped by the will of the great powers of the day. American historian Paul Kennedy traced this evolution in his seminal book, The Rise and Fall of Great Powers, and listed many features that were common between great powers through the centuries. A detailed discussion on the qualities of great powers shall adorn another column, but for now, the key question for us is: should we dream these dreams and plan accordingly?

The cynics among us — there are too many — would scoff at such thoughts and say such dreams are a waste of time, and that we should just focus on setting our house in order. Yes, absolutely we should. But then what? So forget the cynics and let them stew in their own sarcasm.

Now imagine a future-perfect Pakistan in 2050. The population could be as high as 390 million or perhaps, 300 million depending on how much we curtail the rate. That’s a lot of people. Now imagine a literacy rate of 100 per cent. Every child is in school and every adult is fully literate. Let’s project more: imagine a booming economy with low unemployment rates and tremendous growth in the service and knowledge sectors. Yes, this means the very large, very literate, and very skilled population of Pakistan that has transitioned out of menial, unproductive jobs and is creating value through top-end services and high-tech industrial output. So many people, with so many skills and so many opportunities can create so much wealth and so much prosperity. That’s a fact.

It’s also a fact that wealth alone does not make you happy. Sure it helps, but it’s not the only ingredient that carves a glorious future. Being content with a prosperous population is like being a wealthy family that feels no responsibility towards the rest of society. True, great powers contribute to the evolution of the world in every field: science and technology, medicine, social sciences, culture, academic research, etc. In other words, great powers help make the world a better place. Or they should.

Great powers also have muscle. They have to. That’s how the world has always worked, and still does. But muscle comes with prosperity, not at the expense of it. Pacifism does not work, and should not be a goal for us. Pakistan can be a big, rich and powerful country. It can groom big minds and build big bombs at the same time. China and the US can volunteer to reduce their defence budgets, but they don’t have to. They can afford to make the best schools and universities, the best hospitals, and at the same time, the best tanks and aircraft. That’s what wealth does. It gives you options.

And options are what we do not have. This is precisely why we need leaders who can map the future and then build it brick by brick. Future-perfect Pakistan can be as mighty, wealthy and glorious as we can imagine it. But here’s where the tragedy strikes home: you look at leaders like Qaim Ali Shah and his minions, and you see the crime they are committing in Thar, and you hold your head in your hand and shed tears of blood. These leaders and their parties are not just ravaging this land today; they are depriving us of the future we can carve for ourselves and our generations. These pygmies cannot think beyond their thana-katchery issues. They cannot visualise the future beyond their next elections. They are unable to grasp the enormity of the challenge that is needed to sculpt a future.

Future-istan awaits a man with the right plan.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 13th, 2014.
Future-istan – The Express Tribune

Forget about Norway. The religion is eating Pakistan live for last 67 years. Take the religion out of State affair and look for elimination of Feudal, Military and Mullahs, then you can talk about Norway.

No single man (or woman by the way) can change Pakistan no matter what his plan is. Stop telling us fairy tales! None of the countries that you mentioned and seem to like (US, UK, Norway) are at their present status because of a single leader but because of strong institutions, and that is what we need.

Imran loves to give Norway as an example of a country which Pakistan should aspire to without stating that
– most Norweigians are atheists even as Norway is a secular state unlike Pakistan which is a theocratic state.
– most Norweigian happily pay tax and it is one of highest in Europe while Pakistan is one of the countries which has least tax collection in the world.

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @airmarshal @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @Bratva @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @KURUMAYA @Leader @Luftwaffe @Marshmallow @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @pak-marine @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @Sedqal @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @TankMan @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @xyxmt @Proudpakistaniguy @WishLivePak @Syed.Ali.Haider @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Meengla @Fracker @Major Sam @Tameem @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786

Pakistan can be rich like kingdom, since they have all resources a country needs, can have all what influencing powers have, nuclear, army, airforce, alleyes like china, everything required to be powerful player, and same time peaceful, carrying about human values, satisfactor country like norway...

The problem is missing of unity, faith and displine, which should have been founding stone like our quaid said.. we are divided, hopeless and un organized throughout our history. Leaders follow what people demand, even kingdoms today need people support to move on..

Leaders are not born but evolve, which is the only way ahead..

My messages to all pakistanis is, follow the basics, you will see things will automatically come on their places....
satisfactor country like norway...
I think you ignored the recommended comments on this article. Problem with IK is that he wants to turn Pakistan into a Norwegian-style 'Welfare State', and in order to do so, he is gonna need local people like Norway. People who generally DO NOT
  • lie deliberately in fear of getting caught
  • cheat their friends or family members to gain personal benefits
  • bribe officials to evade legal fines
  • evade taxes to steal from national treasury
  • steal others copyrighted work without paying royalties
  • live off others wealth while contributing nothing to the society
Since Pakistanis at large unfortunately do not possess such secular, democratic and national values as local Norwegians do, the great dream of IK is exactly what it is: A DREAM! It can never be turned into a reality until people of Pakistan are inherently reformed as a society. I have no idea how long it would take, but secularization and Islamic reforms might be a good start once PTI is in power!
I think you ignored the recommended comments on this article. Problem with IK is that he wants to turn Pakistan into a Norwegian-style 'Welfare State', and in order to do so, he is gonna need local people like Norway. People who generally DO NOT
  • lie deliberately in fear of getting caught
  • cheat their friends or family members to gain personal benefits
  • bribe officials to evade legal fines
  • evade taxes to steal from national treasury
  • steal others copyrighted work without paying royalties
  • live off others wealth while contributing nothing to the society
Since Pakistanis at large unfortunately do not possess such secular, democratic and national values as local Norwegians do, the great dream of IK is exactly what it is: A DREAM! It can never be turned into a reality until people of Pakistan are inherently reformed as a society. I have no idea how long it would take, but secularization and Islamic reforms might be a good start once PTI is in power!
These all dont requires to be secular, islamic values gives better solution to these all problems. And didnt miss, delibarately ignore Imran Khan's wishes... i dont like him nor like his ideaz..

Pakistan cant be norway, since to be norway, you have to live on the edge of world..
These all dont requires to be secular, islamic values gives better solution to these all problems. And didnt miss, delibarately ignore Imran Khan's wishes... i dont like him nor like his ideaz..
Problem with Islamic values is that you cannot get 200 Million Pakistanis to agree on them universally. Conservatives would say music and dance is not Islamic, liberals would say otherwise. Then conservatives would want hijab to be mandatory per Islamic tradition, again liberals would challenge this jurisdiction. And so on. If Islamic values and traditions were universally applicable, our country wouldn't be in such a shitty mess!

Pakistan cant be norway, since to be norway, you have to live on the edge of world..
I mean 'welfare state' like Norway, not in physical or geographical terms :D
I think you ignored the recommended comments on this article. Problem with IK is that he wants to turn Pakistan into a Norwegian-style 'Welfare State', and in order to do so, he is gonna need local people like Norway. People who generally DO NOT
  • lie deliberately in fear of getting caught
  • cheat their friends or family members to gain personal benefits
  • bribe officials to evade legal fines
  • evade taxes to steal from national treasury
  • steal others copyrighted work without paying royalties
  • live off others wealth while contributing nothing to the society
Since Pakistanis at large unfortunately do not possess such secular, democratic and national values as local Norwegians do, the great dream of IK is exactly what it is: A DREAM! It can never be turned into a reality until people of Pakistan are inherently reformed as a society. I have no idea how long it would take, but secularization and Islamic reforms might be a good start once PTI is in power!

Yes so Sheikh Rasheed, Hassan Nisar and Shah Mahmood Qureshi are the definition of honest men according to you? IK is one of the biggest tax evaders in the country. He doesn't pay a single penny for his land in Islamabad. He only payed some 2 lakh tax last year haha. The so called "assets" that his party members have declared are laughable. Shah Mahmood Qureshi owns only a few acres of land and a corolla GLI. Give me a break!

And no politician from PTI is amongst the top 10 tax payers in the country. Guess who's the top tax payer? It's Aitzaz Ahsan from PPP of all the people.

And you can't expect a norway like system from a bunch of munafiqeen. Norway has the highest reserves of oil in europe. What does Pakistan have? Only a capitalist system can work in a large population, low resource country like Pakistan. West Europeans also pay heavy taxes unlike ameer-ul-munafiqeen of Pakistan who pays 2 lakh tax despite owning universities, 300 kanals of land in the most expensive city of Pakistan, sleeps in nothing less than Marriott or Serena. Norwegian and European people are also highly civilized and don't consider weapons their jewelery. They also don't sell their bodies to the enemies of their state like our mullahs do.

As for reforms, do you want secular reforms of islamic reforms? Make up your mind you confused soul. Should blasphemy laws be repealed and ahmadis declared muslim again, or do you want them to pay jizya tax?
Yes so Sheikh Rasheed, Hassan Nisar and Shah Mahmood Qureshi are the definition of honest men according to you?
They are not honest of course, but at least they are nationalists and frequently talk about the poor, hungry and dying children of this 200 million people! Compare them with the likes of Zardari's, Sharif's and others who don't give a damn about this nation's future: its children! They are dying with viral polio infections and droughts, yet our so-called elected officials have no time for them!

IK is one of the biggest tax evaders in the country. He doesn't pay a single penny for his land in Islamabad.
If he SHOULD pay tax on his property, other opposition leaders must scream and whine about it in the media. The very fact they don't means they themselves never pay any property tax! :D

He only payed some 2 lakh tax last year haha.
Much better than what Noora paid last year; only 5000 rupees! HAHAHAHAHA!

The so called "assets" that his party members have declared are laughable. Shah Mahmood Qureshi owns only a few acres of land and a corolla GLI. Give me a break!
Whose job is to investigate these economic crimes? NAB, right? Is it anywhere impartial? :D

And no politician from PTI is amongst the top 10 tax payers in the country. Guess who's the top tax payer? It's Aitzaz Ahsan from PPP of all the people.
Who cares who is amongst the top? Tax-law in Pakistan must be reformed in the parliament so that no rich elitist falls off its net. In Norway, if you do not pay income tax, property tax, capital gains tax or any other taxes on time, you are fined just like electricity bills with interest. Failure to respond in given time leads to your assets being confiscated, sold on auction in order to get back whats due on your taxes. If something similar is realized in Pakistan, in only one year more than 20 % of Pakistanis will come under government tax-net.

And you can't expect a norway like system from a bunch of munafiqeen. Norway has the highest reserves of oil in europe.
Norway was getting rich because of its good systems and people, before oil was discovered. Oil has actually been a lazy curse for us than blessing in the long run :)

What does Pakistan have?
Young generation. Unlike Japanese and Europeans, Pakistan does not lack people of working age. If opportunities are provided for them to work and they are properly taxed, same people would themselves out of poverty just like China did in less than 30 years.

Only a capitalist system can work in a large population, low resource country like Pakistan.
We still have capitalism in Norway, despite its only 5 million population and huge sovereign wealth fund that makes every Norwegian a millionaire by birth. Our welfare state is not funded by oil as many outsiders believe. Only 4 % of oil wealth is drafted into national budget each year as its the estimated long term yearly profit from the sovereign wealth fund. Its deliberately made like this to last eternally so that original investment is never touched for the generations of norwegians to come. We only live off its profits from investments worldwide. Aren't we smart? :D

West Europeans also pay heavy taxes unlike ameer-ul-munafiqeen of Pakistan who pays 2 lakh tax despite owning universities, 300 kanals of land in the most expensive city of Pakistan, sleeps in nothing less than Marriott or Serena.
Why don't you call Noora also a munafiq who only paid 5000 RS in tax last year? :D

Norwegian and European people are also highly civilized and don't consider weapons their jewelery.
Well thats true indeed. We have trust in our depoliticized police unlike Pakistanis who use their police for Noora Kushti :)

They also don't sell their bodies to the enemies of their state like our mullahs do.

As for reforms, do you want secular reforms of islamic reforms?
Both. Unless Pakistani society is secularized and Islamic provisions of the constitution reformed, there is no future for Pakistan!

Should blasphemy laws be repealed and ahmadis declared muslim again, or do you want them to pay jizya tax?
Blasphemy laws must be repealed of course. A state is an administrative body. It has no business deciding who is a Muslim, Christian, Hindu and what not! What good has these blasphemy laws brought for Pakistan but shame every time an innocent Qadiani, Hindu or Christian is burned on false accusations of blasphemy! If there was no law of blasphemy, no evil Mullah had any justification to call rioting people to stone or burn those accused of it. When you criminalize something in the constitution, you indirectly also give people the justification to lynch those they think is behind blasphemy. Check out Pakistan's history. Burning, lynching of non-Muslim minorities started with blasphemy laws of 1973 and intensified after Zia's Hudood laws and Ordinance XX.
Pakistan can be rich like kingdom, since they have all resources a country needs, can have all what influencing powers have, nuclear, army, airforce, alleyes like china, everything required to be powerful player, and same time peaceful, carrying about human values, satisfactor country like norway...

The problem is missing of unity, faith and displine, which should have been founding stone like our quaid said.. we are divided, hopeless and un organized throughout our history. Leaders follow what people demand, even kingdoms today need people support to move on..

Leaders are not born but evolve, which is the only way ahead..

My messages to all pakistanis is, follow the basics, you will see things will automatically come on their places....

thats the main problem with Pakistan, everyone is perfect in their own mind and only ones who need to get better is Politicians.
Now imagine a future-perfect Pakistan in 2050. The population could be as high as 390 million or perhaps, 300 million depending on how much we curtail the rate. That’s a lot of people. Now imagine a literacy rate of 100 per cent. Every child is in school and every adult is fully literate. Let’s project more: imagine a booming economy with low unemployment rates and tremendous growth in the service and knowledge sectors. Yes, this means the very large, very literate, and very skilled population of Pakistan that has transitioned out of menial, unproductive jobs and is creating value through top-end services and high-tech industrial output.

Nice mental mast .... urb ........
I think you ignored the recommended comments on this article. Problem with IK is that he wants to turn Pakistan into a Norwegian-style 'Welfare State', and in order to do so, he is gonna need local people like Norway. People who generally DO NOT
  • lie deliberately in fear of getting caught
  • cheat their friends or family members to gain personal benefits
  • bribe officials to evade legal fines
  • evade taxes to steal from national treasury
  • steal others copyrighted work without paying royalties
  • live off others wealth while contributing nothing to the society
Since Pakistanis at large unfortunately do not possess such secular, democratic and national values as local Norwegians do, the great dream of IK is exactly what it is: A DREAM! It can never be turned into a reality until people of Pakistan are inherently reformed as a society. I have no idea how long it would take, but secularization and Islamic reforms might be a good start once PTI is in power!

Bhai Jaan

Thanks for posting this.

I do not doubt your sincerity.

The only thing we must make sure is to avoid mistakes while comparing Pakistan to other countries.

Pakistan today is like Norway in 1600-1700 AD
Pakistan today is like UK/England of 1500s.
Pakistan today is like USA of 1600s.

Coming close to home

China today is like Pakistan 1950s---1960s
India today is like Pakistan 1950s---1960s
S Korea today is like Pakistan in 1950s---1960s

Yes. What China India S Korea today are doing is what we started in 1950s. being part of the free market globally.
yes. What we are doing today is what India and China were doing in 1950s, being part of Socialist and communist blocks of the world.

We can get up if we simply admit our mistakes of turning ourselves into Islamo-socialist (a la ZAB) cesspool and become part of global market, and be good global citizens.

Unfortunately our intellectuals will not tell us this simple fact.

We make huge mistakes when take a snapshot of all these couuontries in 2014 and starting whooping our heads with our own broken shoes studded with nails.


Our bloody phase, and our confused mind.

Hope you understand.

Thanks for posting this.

perhaps we should also consider "Past-istan" while dreaming about "Futur-istan" and see what worked (and not just concentrate on what didn't happen).

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