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Fury over video of Japanese teen being molested in Delhi during Holi

I don't have common sense?! What I see in the video has no common sense! Even if they stopped for that tradition thing,a local should understand that these are foreigners and thus treat them carefully and with more respect. Show this to any civilized country in the world and they'll think it's an attack.

Go cry in europe about their traditions you racist filth.

In India this is how we do it. If you don't like it, get out.

Revellers pelt each other with flour and eggs in the Els Enfarinats festival in Ibi, Spain

Go cry in europe about their traditions you racist filth.
Why would I cry to Europe about "their" traditions?

In India this is how we do it. If you don't like it, get out.
I was never in,to get out.


But they don't hold a female tourist down as if they wanna do stuff to her and then brutally shove paint and eggs on her face,as if she is some kind of a thug. That looks like mob mentality.
Ah you don't know? Now I'm a Baloch seperatist according to some Chinese guy.
The double, nay triple, nay quadruple agent.

May I suggest you ask @Hamartia Antidote for permission to use his signature. Given below.


Stop wagging your tail for pakistanis to throw you a bone,
It's called speaking one's mind. You should try that in modiland. See how it works out.

they themselves are starving for wheat.
We have spare toilets. Want to exchange for wheat?

When you stop out to play holi in public, one should be aware that anything goes.
Some festival eh? People would be scared to walk out. Anything goes?
Like letting out your inner beasts and targetting women in the name of festivities

Else play Holi in a private event.
What if someone doesn't want to indulge in your festival? Are they forced to?
Do we force Pakistani Hindus to eat Beef on Eid-ul-Adha?

Don't complain if you don't have common sense.
Common sense being coming to india as a foreigner?
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The double, nay triple, nay quadruple agent.

May I suggest you ask @Hamartia Antidote for permission to use his signature. Given below.

View attachment 920048

It's called speaking one's mind. You should try that in modiland. See how it works out.

We have spare toilets. Want to exchange for wheat?

Some festival eh? People would be scared to walk out. Anything goes?
Like letting out your inner beasts and targetting women in the name of festivities

What if someone doesn't want to indulge in your festival? Are they forced to?
Do we force Pakistani Hindus to eat Beef on Eid-ul-Adha?

Common sense being coming to india as a foreigner?
I had a different opinion about Chinese mainlanders,until I got on this forum.
I saw the video, clearly ppl are grbbing at her chest.
And someone slaps her butt, as well. Disgusting people. We have similar issues on 14August and New year but nowhere near this magnitude. And esp, NO ONE tries to justify it and hide behind religion.
No one says it's okay to harass women since it's a festival.
Yeah, it was just fun.

It is common for people to get carried away especially when the other participant seems to be resisting. You will find thousands of videos and pictures like that, usually when friends play holi.

She felt offended and slapped the boy and the boy got the message. End of story.

More than 20 million NRI's celebrate holi abroad but this behavior is typical for celebrations in India. They know they won't get away with it in UK, US or Canada. Yep, they got the message.
You are confusing this with social behavior in pakistan where you don't find women in public spaces.
What planet are you from? Millions of women are on the streets participating in IK's rallies against regime change. They're always surrounded by men yet we don't see social misconduct en masse except for some isolated cases. Unlike in India, it's not the norm to bother women just for fun.
Indians just don't seem to have the same sense of personal space like in other countries.
99% of Egyptian women are sexually harassed especially during Eid

92% of women at US music festivals report sexual harassment

43% of women at UK music festivals report sexual harassment

Terrorism has no religion, but sexual violence does?

Religious Bigots of the world find it easier to demonize Hindu and Hindu festivals.



What is called harrassment varies by countiry.
What is happening above in India is not even considered criminal in India.
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