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Just to share some facts--

The first video does not represent the general condition of trains in India. Don't really know what's happening there.

The second video is absolutely true. That's how the local trains in Mumbai work. In fact you will get more crowd in stations like Dadar(my guess the station in the video is Dadar) at around 6-7pm. Most people who work in Mumbai cannot afford to live in the main city, they live in the outskirts, so these are the folks returning home after work. Dadar is one of the most important stations in the network. In true sense local trains are the life lines of Mumbai. As much as it looks ugly from outside, it is a very efficient system and if you have money you can get a ticket in first class which are not so much crowded, also ladies have separate boogies.

Now my own experience with local trains...I studied in Mumbai for a few years. Before that I was in Delhi. The life style in both the places are completely different. People with wealth in Delhi generally tend to follow a laid back life, enjoying, shopping, eating out etc. You come to Mumbai, you will see everyone running..Wealthy, poor.. Mumbai never sleeps..For first 2-3 months I did not enjoy in Mumbai at all except the sea..life seemed to be very tough(not inside my campus, its peaceful and green)...then the local trains..at first I hated it...then after 2-3 months I gradually picked up the pace of the city and started loving the local trains. People with no Mumbai experience would never understand that. But ask any Mumbaikar, they will tell how integral part the local trains are to the city. Now I am not in Mumbai, travel in less crowded vehicles... but the Mumbai experience would always be something spacial...Mumbai possesses something that no other city has--it's the city of dreams.....

PS- National Geographic megacities series-mumbai gives a good insight into the local train system and its efficiency. Also local trains it mumbai handles 6.6 million passenger daily:eek:
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---------- Post added at 03:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 AM ----------



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