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Funding defense projects

Unfortunately, nothing works as it should be in Turkey.

As we speak, CIMER ( Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Directorate of Communications, in short PR of Erdogan) bought and redecorating a 25 storey business tower in Ankara..... Why?, because they "can't fit" in to that enormous palace in Beştepe. In the times of crisis where there is corona and Lira is being devaluated, our tourism is sure to be suffer, exports dropping, we can't even find $ to pay foreign debt.

But we are building lavish buildings for the underlings of Erdogan.

And some idiots still talking about the numbers of 20 years ago, as if whole world stayed and only Turkey advanced. I'm not slightly surprised as their leader was giving examples from 19th century mining when Some Mining Disaster occured in 2014.
He has to bribe his cronies after all, whole country can suffer who cares?
I am saying again Turkey was a slave country ( in 2001 47.2% of total budget expenditures were interest expenditures )

and ask to millions of poor Turks who lived like animals in garbage Turkey before Erdogan under the US-Israel backed puppet leaders and generals who built nothing instead of HEYKEL

therefore Erdogan won all elections since 2002
You and your family is animal
. . .
As Turks ? I really wonder your origin. Are you really biologically Türk ?

more than all of You

You have mental issue , You always attack everyone who support Erdogan
. .
Conservatives fill up the back bone of the army.

While most of the elites in Istanbul and Izmir wont even send their sons to war.

If a war happens most of the soldiers will come from conservative and rural backgrounds. Just like in ww1 and the independance war even today it continues.

Have some respect.

Dude you really live on Planet Reddit or something. What conservatives and what elites are you talking about? In the Armed Forces you have people from all around Turkey with all kinds of beliefs and ideologies and backgrounds etc. Rich spoiled kids will always find a way not to serve no matter if they are from Izmir or from Erzurum. Poor and uneducated kids no matter where they are from and in what they believe will probably have it worst but that’s how societies are built in general.

But look the son of Kemal Kilicdaroglu finished his military service. Heck even Zeki Muren and Bulent Ersoy finished their military service while the sons of Erdo, Binali and the rest of the AKP conservative elite either paid their fee not to go to the Army or were found as unfit for service. :D
animal is far better than subhuman traitors

Erdoganı yıkacagız diye ülkeninde ekonomininde içine ettiniz 2013 GEZI isyanından beri
Typical excuses of the failed governments.

Although being in rule for 20 years still blaming opposition for their fails.

MMM-E i'm not writing for you, i know people like you can't be reasoned with because of the reason i wrote earlier (paid trolls, business because of being AKP member etc...)

In 2010 things were good (mostly because of the liberal economy steering of the Babacan) people could buy a house, a car, economy was not so bad. Then Erdo decided for the 3rd term, get rid of his autocrats like Babacan, Mehmet Ali Şimşek. Economy into more construction, although, country had dealth with it's poor infrasture during 2002-2010, he invented super projects, like Bridges, City Hospital, Giant Airports. He failed to invest in to production in favor of feeding his buddies like Ali Ağaoğlu, Cengiz, Kolin, Sanjak, Albayrak, Demirören, Özdemir with construction, while doing this Erdogan family got his share with "charitable foundations" that are owned by his family like Türgev which can't be traced by Turkish Juidical system which is also under Erdogan's control.

They ruined the economy is the last 10 years, they are continuing to ruin it even further and as of now we can't find dollar to pay our foreign debt. Even if we can find at the last it will be on scandalous rates.

As if it was opposition whom brought Erdogan's son-in-law as Economy Minister and decided all the Economic decisions since the 20 year.

More over protests like Gezi had no effect on Turkey's economy, that Protests didn't effect , production, market, supply-demand chains, export-import rates, etc.... Yet still some people talk as if Gezi protests was the cause of the economic crysis that we going since the last years.

Why because saying that (eventhough is a lie) they think that they are getting rid of consequences. People show you the consequences, in the municipality elections and will show you in the 2023 elections.
Indeed Turkish government and economy had been attacked by Islamists in order to come to power.
You undermined Turkish government and army in the 90ies.

the US/Israel undermined Turkish government and army and real patriotic soldiers in 1960 coup

and the US/Israel controlled Turkish Armed Forces were slaves to make coups in 1971 , 1980 ,1997 and last one in 2016 for American/Israeli interests

and still you are dreaming about military coup to come to power....... or you never will come to power because of muslim Turkish People never prefer atheist or so called seculars to rule Turkey
I am saying again Turkey was a slave country ( in 2001 47.2% of total budget expenditures were interest expenditures )

and ask to millions of poor Turks who lived like animals in garbage Turkey before Erdogan under the US-Israel backed puppet leaders and generals who built nothing instead of HEYKEL

therefore Erdogan won all elections since 2002
and now millions of poor Turks have normal human life

No, Turks were living in Mars back then. We were flying in the sky and sleeping in the sea. Then woke up to a purple sun.

^^^ Look i can write whatever that i want here. It doesn't make it true.

subhuman traitors

You have mental issue

Dude, you are saying more than half of the country are traitors...then saying that people that doesn't have your views are crazy.....seriously?

If i brought some foreigners here, they can agree that you are lunatic. Also most of your countrymen can agree that you are a lunatic... Meaning that most of the people around you sees you as a lunatic. And you can accuse other people for having mental issues.
the US/Israel undermined Turkish government and army and real patriotic soldiers in 1960 coup

and the US/Israel controlled Turkish Armed Forces were slaves to make coups in 1971 , 1980 ,1997 and last one in 2016 for American/Israeli interests

and still you are dreaming about military coup to come to power....... or you never will come to power because of muslim Turkish People never prefer atheist or so called seculars to rule Turkey

Americans made coup in 60 ??! Tell this story to your New political leader Doğu Perinçek:)) Indeed Menderes was American puppet:)) Allam deli midir nedir? You all were blaming Ismet Inonu for being communist.Now Ismet Pasa happened to be US backed:)

But it is 100% fact in order to Erdogan come to power, Russian backed Ergenekon group liquidated by US.
Thanks to US somebody came to power and same power got rid offhim. Hostility from US drives crazy Erdogan.

How all Islamists did use to provocate every Friday before Erdogan elected.
Islamists blocked Turkish social live.
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Although being in rule for 20 years still blaming opposition for their fails.

I am not blaiming opposition ,
I am blaiming the West led by the US/Israel and their traitors terrorists FETO , HDP ,PKK and some Chp deputies who attack Turkey and Turkish economy to destroy Erdogan since 2013

MMM-E i'm not writing for you, i know people like you can't be reasoned with because of the reason i wrote earlier (paid trolls, business because of being AKP member etc...)

Eger Akp den 1 lira bile aldıysam ve alıyorsam veya cıkarım için kullanıyorsam ALLAH beni bu mubarek günde helak etsin

I have started supporting Erdogan after 2013 GEZI Park rebellion to support my country against the US/Israel/the Eu and their terrorists FETO - PKK

In 2010 things were good (mostly because of the liberal economy steering of the Babacan) people could buy a house, a car, economy was not so bad. Then Erdo decided for the 3rd term, get rid of his autocrats like Babacan, Mehmet Ali Şimşek. Economy into more construction, although, country had dealth with it's poor infrasture during 2002-2010, he invented super projects, like Bridges, City Hospital, Giant Airports. He failed to invest in to production in favor of feeding his buddies like Ali Ağaoğlu, Cengiz, Kolin, Sanjak, Albayrak, Demirören, Özdemir with construction, while doing this Erdogan family got his share with "charitable foundations" that are owned by his family like Türgev which can't be traced by Turkish Juidical system which is also under Erdogan's control.

everything has began in 2009-DAVOS when Erdogan said one minute to Israel

since 2010 Israel organized the US-the EU and traitors in Turkey to destroy Erdogan

and You attack mega projects since GEZI Park rebellion .. Almanyadan elinize tutuşturulan 6 maddelik bildiriyi unutmadık .. şunu yapma bunu yapma nukleer santralden vazgec vs

but you never attacked Leaders who paid our trillion dollar to blood sucker international interest lobby between 1960 and 2002

I am saying again In 2001, 47.2% of total budget expenditures were interest expenditures .... ( resmen kanımızı emiyorlardı )

but ERDOGAN lowered interest rates from 24% to 4,9% between 2003 and 2013 .. and for the first time, the ratio of interest expenditures to budget expenditures fell below 10%

so Erdogan saved our 700 billion TL ( $330 billion ) from blood sucker international interest lobby between 2003 and 2013

therefore Government modernize whole Turkey , therefore led by Erdogan Turkey develops around 700 military projects for over $70 billion
Eger Akp den 1 lira bile aldıysam ve alıyorsam veya cıkarım için kullanıyorsam ALLAH beni bu mubarek günde helak etsin

Yalancıyı sikmiyorlar ya.

I don't care what lies comes out from your mouth. I'm sure a paid troll and rest of the forum sees you as a lunatic.

Rest your non-sense are delusions of a lunatic as usual and doesn't needs to be addressed.

But be sure the Turks that love their country will always prevail over the Turks who seeks out for themselves.
Herşeyi bir kenara bırakalım. Biraz mantık yürütelim. Bizim en çok ihtiyacımız olan şey şuan dolar. Rezervler azaldı. Bu nasıl sağlanır?
1-Faizleri yükseltirsiniz
2-Yabancı yatırımcılar yatırım yapar

Faiz yükseltmiyorlar aksine daha da düşüyor her gün. Bunu geçtik.

O zaman yatırım alalım diyelim ama hükümet ne yapıyor. Bizzat cumhurbaşkanı çıkıp bana darbe yapacaklar diyor. Darbe olcağını düşünen yatırımcı neden yatırım yapsın? Kendi elimizle yatırımcıları korkutuyoruz. Sırf elindeki oy miktarını ve seçmenini kaybetmemek adına bu adam darbe var diyebiliyor. Kendisi de biliyor. Oy miktarını arttıramaz bari elindekinden olmasın. Bunun için de darbe yalanına sarılıp halkı daha da bölme peşinde.

Koltuğu bırakmamak adına bu adamlar 3 ay - 1 yıl sonra cumhurbaşkanı seçilebilmek için gerekli olan 50+1 sistemini de kaldıracaklar. Göreceksiniz.
Koltuğu bırakmamak adına bu adamlar 3 ay - 1 yıl sonra cumhurbaşkanı seçilebilmek için gerekli olan 50+1 sistemini de kaldıracaklar. Göreceksiniz.
Artik ne yaparsa yapsin %50 zor alir, bu sistemle birdaha secilmesi biraz zor ama eger gercekten sistem gene degisirse bu sistemi savunanlar ne diyecek acaba?

Off ya kimi kandiriyorum, ne diyecekleri belli, Erdogan ne derse onu tekrarlayacaklar, nekadar mantiksiz olursa olsun.
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