Pakistan's Total Population is 200,000,000 (200 Million people)
Between 1970 -2017 we had 0 Rupee committed (In 40-45 years)
In 3 months now....we are some place
If every Pakistani donated 1 Rupee , we will generate 200,000,000 Million Rupee
If every Pakistani donated 10 Rupee we will generate 2,000,000,000 Billion Rupee
If every Pakistani donated 15 Rupee we will generate 3,000,000,000 Billion Rupees
If every Pakistani donated 20 Rupees we will generate 4,000,000,000 Billion Rupees
If every Pakistani donated 25 Rupees we will generate 5,000,000,000 Billion Rupees
If every Pakistani donated 30 Rupees we will generate 6,000,000,000 Billion Rupees
we are here
We need to get to level where every Pakistanis has donated at least 9,000 rupees
> Person 1 Donated 1,000 Dollar
> Person 2 Donated 100 Dollar
> Person 3 pledges to donate
> Person 4 Donates 5,000 Dollar
> Person 5 Donates 5,000 Dollar
> Person 6 Donates 1,000 Dollar
> Person 7 Donates 500 Dollar
> Person 8 Donates 100 Dollar
> Person 9 Donates 100 Dollar
> Person 10 Donates 1,000 Dollar
- 10 Crore Rupee donated from UBG

UBG to present Rs 100 million cheque to Imran Khan for dam fund
United Business Group (UBG) Chairman Iftikhar Ali Malik will present a Rs 100 million cheque to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday (today) as a donation for Prime Minister and Chief Justice Dam Fund.
The South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Senior Vice President Iftikhar Ali Malik in his statement issued here Thursday said he would call on Prime Minister Imran Khan along with high level delegation of leading businessmen and hand over the cheque to show complete solidarity with the incumbent government in construction of the dams.
He said starting of immediate construction of Diamer-Bhasha and Mohmand dams is a positive and timely direction towards saving Pakistan from Indian water aggression and so is ensuring cheap electricity for future generations in the country. He said they would give proposal to the government to adopt diverse options like listing the Diamer-Bhasha dam in domestic and international stock markets to generate funds. He would further suggest that investors should be made shareholders for construction of the dam and government should provide guarantees to attract investment. He also appealed to overseas Pakistanis to contribute maximum donations generously to Dam Fund.
He said it is a good sign that every Pakistani was wholeheartedly wanted to save Pakistan from impending water crisis. However, criticizing the apathy of the previous governments of Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif and concerned authorities in saving water, he said Pakistan dumps water worth approximately $20 billion into the sea each year due to absence of water conservation systems.
“The country badly needs three Mangla-sized dams to conserve the amount of water that goes to sea each year as the country faces a 36 percent shortage in its water requirements at the moment,” he said adding that if no water reservoirs are made, the country faces an extreme water shortage in the coming years. He said Pakistan was predominantly an agrarian economy as 60 percent of its population was directly or indirectly associated with agriculture, but with the gradually decreasing water supply, the country’s food security may come under stress.
“Adoption of modern water conservation methods and agricultural practices is imperative to cope with water scarcity as Pakistan has been placed in red zone, due to low per capita water availability at 1,000 cubic metres,” he added. We could bring millions of acres of land under plantations to increase our agricultural production, in addition to creating job opportunities for rural populace,” adding that the dam would also provide cheap electricity and help Pakistan overcome load-shedding.
Iftikhar Malik urged all Pakistanis to assist the Chief Justice of Pakistan and PM Imran Khan in the direction of this nationwide trigger.”It is a small contribution for an excellent trigger and may pave method for a greater future for all Pakistanis,” he added.
Published in Daily Times, October 19th 2018.
Imran Khan meets people donating for DAM fund