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Frontier Force Regiment

The Indian Army was fighting a battle which was going to alter its destiny. The MuktiBahini, were watching wide-eyed the 'Khans' who, what to speak of retreating, weregiving bloody noses to the cream of the Indian Army. They wondered if this was theIndian Army which was going to liberate Bangladesh for them? And what kind an armyis this that cannot capture Dhalai? They looked up with admiration and awe at 30 FFRwhich had blunted our repeated assaults and nick-named it 'Dhalai-Ka-Sabun' (washingsoap). This nick-name was sinister and as innuendo for - if the Pakistani Army was soap,the Indian Army was dirt. Sagat assumed command of the situation. 'If we call it a day,what will the Muktees think of our fighting qualities', he argued. For him, better aforeign grave than native

30 FF dhulloi Tigers [emoji197]
. 1965: Old Soldiers Never Die - they just fade away, goes the song.

This 70 years old veteran of Britian's old Frontier force shows up daily carrying his ornately designed rifle and worn sword and announces that he is ready for instant combat in the cease - fire zone between India and Pakistan in 1965 war.

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