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Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

I am angry waz. My blood is boiling

I am angry on Imran khan munafiq who opposed giving extension to Raheel Sharif calling it would be against professionalism. But then gave extension to Bajwa who did nothing worthy of being given extension. After that jaali arasto from bani gala gave interior ministry to sheikh rashhed who was already failure when he was a railways minister

I am angry on Bajwa who us one of the worst generals of our times. He brought humiliation to his own institution when he accepted extension. Dozens and dozens of soldiers died under him and he failed to do anything to counter that. He is completely unprofessional and incompetent person who never deserved an extension

May Allah save this country from this duo of Bajwa and Imran. They might break this country with their cowardice and incompetence

Bro Ill leave names out but I'll say this.

Every PAKISTANI on here should forget about all other threads for the time being. What good are all these bloody purchases? Wing long 2, DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH..... EVERYONE post here and express your disgust at what is going on.
How has it come to this that the FC is now being shot at as if you are firing at targets for a teddy bear at a funfair?
It is a derelict of duty.
Funny thing is while BLA/BLF have verified twitter accounts announcing their operations with cool graphics and all that

Compare that to FC Balochistan who don't even have a Twitter account in the first place

And here we expect that FC would be given drones to conduct operations

Pehlai FC ka twitter account to bana lo :lol:
More shaheed, this has now become an insurgency that was as bad as the TTP days in the early 0 years. Yet those in charge refuse to move.
You will be held accountable.
As the largest forum dedicated to the defence of the fatherland we demand to know why you have failed in your responsibilities to the FC. These young men put on the uniform with the intention of defending the land from harm, yet their lives mean nothing to do you. Shame on you.
I doubt they actually read the forums or pay heed to anything here.
There is a massive indigenous support for break away of Pakistan in Balochistan . Locals and their families are actively colluding in hiding and supporting these actors.
First take a chill pill ,ur comment have zero value. Indigenous insurgencies dont need foreign interference or backing. Secondly dont paint all with same brush
I have more baluch people as friends then u ever met in real life.
That makes things much worse...
Are they then deliberately ignoring what's going on in Balochistan?

Yes the site is well connected.
As for the rest well my brother what can we say. I won't point fingers but we can and will raise a cry that enough is enough.
We are being bled dry by these communist filth.
Bro Ill leave names out but I'll say this.

Every PAKISTANI on here should forget about all other threads for the time being. What good are all these bloody purchases? Wing long 2, DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH..... EVERYONE post here and express your disgust at what is going on.
How has it come to this that the FC is now being shot at as if you are firing at targets for a teddy bear at a funfair?
It is a derelict of duty.

Names need to be taken bro

These guys came in power calling Nawaz Sharif "modi ka yaar". They fooled us with this bulksh!t. And now when they are in power they have done everything to make Pakistan weak and india happy

Insurgency in kashmir is at its lowest. We have done a ceasefire on LoC to give further relief to Indian army so that it can sit comfortably doing whatever it wants to. Completely destroyed all gains by General Raheel Shareef in Balochistan and even elsewhere

Now I wonder who is modi ka yaar. Imran or Nawaz?
O sorry Sir but right now the situation is started to look like surrender of 1971. So sorry but my tone should be least of anyone's concern. Right now we are facing the horror of possibility of loosing 1/4th of Pakistan.
How old are you? What have you even seen in life yet to give up so early? Were you alive in 71? True its not good to see the incidents increase but losing land? How ?
Names need to be taken bro

These guys came in power calling Nawaz Sharif "modi ka yaar". They fooled us with this bulksh!t. And now when they are in power they have done everything to make Pakistan weak and india happy

Insurgency in kashmir is at its lowest. We have done a ceasefire on LoC to give further relief to Indian army so that it can sit comfortably doing whatever it wants to. Completely destroyed all gains by General Raheel Shareef in Balochistan and even elsewhere

Now I wonder who is modi ka yaar. Imran or Nawaz?

Bro I'm with you, it's just I don't point out names as I may be wrong.
What I can say is that our peaceful bend over policy, combined with the total disregard for the FC, actually not giving a damn about them is just outright treason.
How on earth has it come to this.

Never in my 24 years being an online presence for the defence of Pakistan have I seen it so bad, aside the 0 years with the TTP filth.
How old are you? What have you even seen in life yet to give up so early? Were you alive in 71? True its not good to see the incidents increase but losing land? How ?
He's kinda right, Mukti Bahini wasn't made in a day, this is exactly how they started off.
Yes the site is well connected.
As for the rest well my brother what can we say. I won't point fingers but we can and will raise a cry that enough is enough.
We are being bled dry by these communist filth.
I agree, this has gone for far too long. Both, our troops and the people of Balochistan have been seriously let down.
More shaheed, this has now become an insurgency that was as bad as the TTP days in the early 0 years. Yet those in charge refuse to move.
You will be held accountable.
As the largest forum dedicated to the defence of the fatherland we demand to know why you have failed in your responsibilities to the FC. These young men put on the uniform with the intention of defending the land from harm, yet their lives mean nothing to do you. Shame on you.
Dear Bro We are at war and when we are fighting we loose men too don't be so much emotional......Don't you hear every other day that we are eliminating high value insurgent leaders? this is the reaction....We can't launch full scale operation because of geography and it is not needed as well. We are eliminating their commanders / leadership one by one...be patient ...we will avenge every drop of our blood....
I agree with what you are saying

But with Iran and Afghanistan providing refuge to these Baloch terrorists no operation would succeed

These Baloch terrorists don't have numbers. Unlike ttp BLA don't have unlimited numbers of recruits. They need safe havens to continue their war. Without these safe havens Baloch insurgency would die out like they have in past when Nawab Kher Bakhsh Marri was kicked out of Afghanistan after capture of Kabul by Taliban

1. securing the borders of Baluchistan with a fence and enough forts so that no one gets in or out, day or night, rain or shine, without our forces being aware. (This includes the coasts, and the border with Sindh, Punjab, and KPK, but to a lesser extent as it is an internal border)
2. Build forts inside Baluchistan at the major road intersections, to be able to inspect suspected cargo traveling through Baluchistan and be able to rapidly send land forces (in MRAPs) to respond to any attack.
3. Creating a QRF to not only respond to attack but pre-emptively provide over watch while convoys move over the roads. ( 12 Hurkus Turboprop planes with good EO/IR sensors and 36 Light attack helicopters like the Z-19 that can be later used for conventional fight as a scout helicopter, a relatively modest force, need to be available for these missions and given to the ARMY or FC to work with them, not under the Air Force. Also So as not to take away resources from the conventional state versus state mission.)
4. Foreigners traveling through Baluchistan need to be properly vetted before being allowed to travel freely or operate freely in Baluchistan, such as that Iranian run school in Quetta.
5. More resources need to be given to electronic surveillance of smuggling networks and other conduits by which these groups can resupply with weapons and explosives. Old ammo dumps of these groups should also be found, or at least a database should be made (after extensive surveying of the region with LIDAR) of good hiding places, so that in the future, if an area is being searched, any suspected ammo dumps can be found faster, and possibly the miscreants along with them.
6. With Afghanistan in flux, This is the time for cross border ops if intel find the miscreants to deal with them as need be.

In the meantime, our Troops need MRAPs and some drones ASAP, so they don’t have to needlessly risk their lives or be picked off by miscreants in the course of their duties.

Also, this has to be balanced with continued investments into Baluchistan to bring it up to the level as the rest of the nation. This will undermine any legitimate grievances the people of Baluchistan may have that the miscreants are exploiting to recruit.
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He's kinda right, Mukti Bahini wasn't made in a day, this is exactly how they started off.
Even the comparison is wrong. Bangladesh was a land thousands of miles away from mainland , densely populated surrounded by enemy from 3 sides. Pakistan itself wanted to get rid of east wing in 60s. It's bad luck it happened through war.There is no comparison.
Atheist communist ideology wreaking havoc on Pakistan. To the religious parties as well, let's see unity on this. These filth inspired by Godless fanatics are bleeding Pakistan.
This is not just a nationalist war but also a war over our faith.


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