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Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

I agree with what you are saying

But with Iran and Afghanistan providing refuge to these Baloch terrorists no operation would succeed

These Baloch terrorists don't have numbers. Unlike ttp BLA don't have unlimited numbers of recruits. They need safe havens to continue their war. Without these safe havens Baloch insurgency would die out like they have in past when Nawab Kher Bakhsh Marri was kicked out of Afghanistan after capture of Kabul by Taliban

That is the fault of Pakistani military and civilian leadership. If they can't attack a lawless country like Afghanistan to protect the state of Pakistan then they have showed that they are not fit to rule.
This is going on for more than 30 years now.

Baloch have the numbers . The local population supports them , if not actively then at least passively. Many baloch students studying in different universities of Pakistan actively talk against the state of Pakistan and regularly hold rallies against it. They have deep seated hatred for Punjabis and sometimes urdu speakers.

We have to understand one thing very clearly , this all started when bengalis won in 1971. That defeat proved that Pakistan army for whatever reason is not good enough to secure the territorial integrity and interest of Pakistan. This started and emboldened the nationalists in seeking violence to achieve their objectives.

We must go after ethnic baloch families. A lot of them must be thoroughly punished if we want to set an example. If we are not able to set such a grand operation against a particular ethnicity then allow chinese in with their military might.

I am pretty sure chinese are watching this and wondering if they did a right decision to invest in balochistan and Pakistan.
Where's our local intelligence? Where're are ISR assets? The fact that an attack happens and the enemy manages to get away unscathed repeatedly is nothing short of criminal. Nowhere in the world does that happen, not even in war-torn African countries.
8 martyred in 2 days.

Seems like the latter.

There is a massive indigenous support for break away of Pakistan in Balochistan . Locals and their families are actively colluding in hiding and supporting these actors.
I see some people blaming Bajwa for this even though he's a army general. isn't the internal insurgency supposed to be the job of Home Minister (or Interior Minister in Pakistan)? if it's the FC fighting I think civilian government is supposed to look after it.
The army lies about everything. We started a combing and sweep operation, inflicted heavy damages and kills to terrorist, that is what they say everytime. I am pretty sure the culprits run scott free
It's time that recently retired high ranking military officials come forward and ask openly for Bajwa's resignation as Bajwa was never capable of any sort of leadership and worst is he got 3 years extension. This is the only way Bajwa can go before Nov, 2022.
I think it's safe to say CPEC is effectively scuttled, by both conspiracy of our enemies, and negligence of our leaders.
No-one on this planet will invest in a place where there are terrorist attacks on the daily, soldiers, labourers and workers being killed.

Don't be surprised if the Chinese pull out from CPEC. In the entirety of the OBOR, we are now the weakest link.
That is the fault of Pakistani military and civilian leadership. If they can't attack a lawless country like Afghanistan to protect the state of Pakistan then they have showed that they are not fit to rule.
This is going on for more than 30 years now.

Baloch have the numbers . The local population supports them , if not actively then at least passively. Many baloch students studying in different universities of Pakistan actively talk against the state of Pakistan and regularly hold rallies against it. They have deep seated hatred for Punjabis and sometimes urdu speakers.

We have to understand one thing very clearly , this all started when bengalis won in 1971. That defeat proved that Pakistan army for whatever reason is not good enough to secure the territorial integrity and interest of Pakistan. This started and emboldened the nationalists in seeking violence to achieve their objectives.

We must go after ethnic baloch families. A lot of them must be thoroughly punished if we want to set an example. If we are not able to set such a grand operation against a particular ethnicity then allow chinese in with their military might.

I am pretty sure chinese are watching this and wondering if they did a right decision to invest in balochistan and Pakistan.
You are making this unnecessarily complicated

That is not how this war should be fought

Pakistan just needs to do two things

1. Deny safe haven in neighboring countries
2. Ruthlessly and continously follow and eliminate terrorists inside Pakistan

Right now we aren't doing any of the above

You do above two things and insurgency would die in no time. I am telling you with complete confidence.

We don't need to go gun blazing like you are suggesting
@PanzerKiel Sir I would really prefer an answer and not a sad reaction. Army seriously needs to answer about it or have been we basically decided to surrender like we did in 1971.
Zarvan, this is unfair to ask Panzer like that when he has replied to this same question many times. This is disrespectful to ask him in this condescending tone.
I see some people blaming Bajwa for this even though he's a army general. isn't the internal insurgency supposed to be the job of Home Minister (or Interior Minister in Pakistan)? if it's the FC fighting I think civilian government is supposed to look after it.

Because this comes directly under domain Pakistani military

If daily paramilitary troops are getting killed then General Bajwa cannot remain silent saying that is not my responsibility

If he is responsible for meeting businessmen before national budget then this definitely comes under Bajwa domain
Zarvan, this is unfair to ask Panzer like that when he has replied to this same question many times. This is disrespectful to ask him in this condescending tone.
O sorry Sir but right now the situation is started to look like surrender of 1971. So sorry but my tone should be least of anyone's concern. Right now we are facing the horror of possibility of loosing 1/4th of Pakistan.
More shaheed, this has now become an insurgency that was as bad as the TTP days in the early 0 years. Yet those in charge refuse to move.
You will be held accountable.
As the largest forum dedicated to the defence of the fatherland we demand to know why you have failed in your responsibilities to the FC. These young men put on the uniform with the intention of defending the land from harm, yet their lives mean nothing to do you. Shame on you.
Shame on you, you have abandoned our men to these disgusting communist, foreign funded pieces of shit.
Your cowardice and indifference is now noted by all.

I am angry waz. My blood is boiling

I am angry on Imran khan munafiq who opposed giving extension to Raheel Sharif calling it would be against professionalism. But then gave extension to Bajwa who did nothing worthy of being given extension. After that jaali arasto from bani gala gave interior ministry to sheikh rashhed who was already failure when he was a railways minister

I am angry on Bajwa who us one of the worst generals of our times. He brought humiliation to his own institution when he accepted extension. Dozens and dozens of soldiers died under him and he failed to do anything to counter that. He is completely unprofessional and incompetent person who never deserved an extension

May Allah save this country from this duo of Bajwa and Imran. They might break this country with their cowardice and incompetence
O sorry Sir but right now the situation is started to look like surrender of 1971. So sorry but my tone should be least of anyone's concern. Right now we are facing the horror of possibility of loosing 1/4th of Pakistan.
Trust me i am as enraged as anybody else but Baluch or TTP or anyone for that matter is in no position to change the status quo. Asymmetrical war is always painful. No one is surrendering Baluchistan but yes we need to ask Federal government why they are not doing anything. Once again be courteous to Panzer for people like him are fighting for all of us.
I am angry waz. My blood is boiling

I am angry on Imran khan munafiq who opposed giving extension to Raheel Sharif calling it would be against professionalism. But then gave extension to Bajwa who did nothing worthy of being given extension. After that jaali arasto from bani gala gave interior ministry to sheikh rashhed who was already failure when he was a railways minister

I am angry on Bajwa who us one of the worst generals of our times. He brought humiliation to his own institution when he accepted extension. Dozens and dozens of soldiers died under him and he failed to do anything to counter that. He is completely unprofessional and incompetent person who never deserved an extension

May Allah save this country from this duo of Bajwa and Imran. They might break this country with their cowardice and incompetence
Giving extension to anyone is wrong. It basically sends signal to entire leadership that you are not good enough. As for blood boiling. We are all angry and somebody needs to something or else people need to come to roads. This situation can't be allowed to continue. India needs to pay for its crimes. India needs to bleed and bleed a lot for their crimes. Plus hit Bramdagh and others in Europe. If Government and Army won't wake up then people should protest.
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