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From Brampton to Bangladesh, anti-Hindu hate is all too real


Feb 4, 2011
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From Brampton to Bangladesh, anti-Hindu hate is all too real

Jonathan Kay Apr 2, 2012 – 8:45 AM ET | Last Updated: Apr 2, 2012 8:44 AM ET

The last week has done much to educate me in the ethnic politics of South Asia. After writing this blog post criticizing those Canadian Sikh activists who expressed support for convicted terrorist Balwant Singh Rajoana, I received an avalanche of hate mail. Many of the messages repeated the same words, and clearly were part of an organized mass-mailing campaign against me and CBC reporter Terry Milewski (who also has reported on Rajoana’s supporters) — similar to the Tamil mass-mailing campaigns that targeted me when I wrote negatively about the Tamil Tigers.

Still, two of my critics’ themes jumped out at me.

The first theme was that Rajoana is not really a terrorist — even though he has admitted to masterminding the 1995 bomb plot that killed the Chief Minister of Punjab, and 17 innocent bystanders. Instead, the Sikhs who emailed me insisted, he was a warrior, fighting back against the persecution of Sikhs by India and its local allies (including the Punjab Chief Minister, Beant Singh. who himself was Sikh). Many militant Sikh activists compared Rajoana to Nelson Mandela. Another common claim was that Beant Singh was a sort of South Asian Nazi. “If a Jew killed Hitler, would he be a terrorist?” one activist Tweeted to me.

I was shocked by how similar these messages were to the ones I received from radical Muslim activists who complain when National Post writers denounce Palestinian suicide bombings. The thesis is exactly the same: Don’t call so-and-so a terrorist — he’s a “martyr.”

A related theme among my critics was that, by calling Rajoana a “terrorist,” I am somehow attacking all Sikhs. This plainly isn’t true. Yet I lost count of all the messages I got accusing me of being “divisive” and “racist.” I had to keep reminding myself that most Canadian Sikhs don’t lionize suicide bombers — it’s only the radicals, the same ones who still make excuses for the Air India bombing.

It is important to concede that, during the crackdown against the Punjab insurgency of the 1980s, many innocent Sikhs were indeed killed — including during the military’s bloody raid on the Golden Temple of Amritsar (which had become a military base for the Sikhs’ most radical cadres). Some of the Indian police and soldiers involved in the counterinsurgency engaged in slaughter and rape. After Sikh bodyguards killed Indira Gandhi, armed mobs killed innocent Sikhs in pogroms.

All of this is true — even if Sikh activists are careful never to mention why the Indian counterinsurgency was necessary in the first place: Sikh gangs took control of much of the Punjab, and terrorized their fellow Sikhs. From Afghanistan to the Middle East to the Punjab, all counterinsurgency campaigns are bloody. This one was no different.

What I found especially disturbing was the manner in which many of my Sikh correspondents demonized India’s Hindu majority, accusing them of all sorts of horrific crimes. Many correspondents threw the words “holocaust” and “genocide” around casually. Some spoke of Indian Hindus the way Arab defenders of suicide terrorism speak of Jews.

What makes this accusation absurd (as well as hateful) is that it completely ignores the economic and political prosperity that Sikhs have achieved in recent decades. The Punjab is one of the most vibrant parts of India, and Sikhs are well-represented throughout India’s elites. This helps explain why Sikh separatism is a dead letter in India. It is primarily in immigrant communities such as Canada, many of whose leaders are still stuck in a time warp from the time of their arrival, that militant Sikh politics are still in fashion.

The propaganda campaign against Hindus gets relatively scant attention in Western journalistic circles, despite the many articles we pump out about Muslim anti-Semitism and (more recently) anti-Christian violence in Egypt, Iraq and Syria. Presumably this is because we take it for granted that Hindus are well-protected, since they comprise a majority in India, one of the world’s rising powers.

But not all Hindus live in India. In neighboring Muslim-majority Bangladesh, Jamaat-e-Islami militants recently have been attacking Hindu temples, and looting Hindu-owned homes and shops in the southeastern part of the country. The campaign has nothing to do with Hindu predations against Muslims (as in Pakistan, the ethnic cleansing than began in the 1940s drove the vast majority of Hindus out of Bangladesh), but rather is a spillover from opposition to a tribunal that is prosecuting crimes committed by Islamists during the 1971 war. Like Jews and Westerners, Hindus make convenient targets for local demagogues.

In Pakistan, as I’ve written before, paranoia about the Hindu faith is rife. And many madrassas teach students to despise Hindus as much as any other “infidel.” Such attitudes have taken center stage in a bizarre legal-religious case that has unfolded in recent weeks in Pakistan’s Sindh province — one of the few areas of South Asia where Muslims and Hindus generally do get along. On Feb. 24, men took a 19-year-old Hindu woman named Rinkel Kumari from her home in a small village named Mirpur Mathelo. A few hours later, an Imam called the woman’s family to inform them that Kumari had converted to Islam. A few hours after that, she was married to a Muslim man. She had been renamed “Faryal Bibi.”

The woman herself has claimed that her conversion was voluntary. But during the whole process, the woman has been surrounded by well-armed Muslim minions of a local politician renowned for such gaudy stunts.

In any event, Pakistan’s 3-million remaining Hindus have grounds for suspicion. “In many Sindhi towns, wealthy Hindu traders have been targeted by kidnappers,” the New York Times reports. “Conversions, which are freighted with notions of collective honor, can present a jarring social fault line. Officials with the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan have spoken of up to 20 forced conversions a month — and Hindu families fleeing for India — but they admit that the research is thin.”

The good news is that, in Kumari’s case, some powerful people have begun speaking out in favour of Hindu rights, including legislator Azra Fazal Pechuho, the sister of Pakistan’s president, who on March 15 gave a speech in Parliament calling on fellow lawmakers to protect the many Hindu women who are being forcibly confined in Muslim madrassas, and forced to marry Muslim men.

Good on her for standing up against targeted Hindus. Here in the West, where we always are on guard for hatred against Jews, Christians, Muslims and Sikhs, we should do the same.

New Europe

— Jonathan Kay is Comment Editor for the National Post, and a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Jonathan Kay: From Brampton to Bangladesh, anti-Hindu hate is all too real | Full Comment | National Post
Well written piece. I feel the Western Sikhs are fed a biased and self serving anti-Hindu account which makes them hateful towards Hindus. This not only detrimental to the unity of Punjab, which belongs as much to the Sikhs as to the Hindus but also of the larger nation. But the worst effect of this hate-filled campaign is the fanatic color it adds to the grievances of the Sikhs in India. When a common Indian reads reports of NRI Sikhs writing hate-mails or plastering you-tube comments section with hate filled posts, they tend to think of all Sikhs as anti-Hindu and their struggles as anti-national.
i do not believe that sikhs can be anti-hindu...sikhs have always protected hindus and also gave their lives for hindus....i respect sikhs and all the dharmic religions...sikhs outside of India should stop entertaining terrorist mentality...
forced conversion is a crime...and we saw this in both Bdesh and Pakistan.Bdesh is slowly but surely becoming a safe havens for religious fanatics...
Hatters Gonna Hate..What can we (Hindus) do about it?
Need more inter-faith dialogue with all religious groups to promote peace and air each others problems out.
Well written piece. I feel the Western Sikhs are fed a biased and self serving anti-Hindu account which makes them hateful towards Hindus. This not only detrimental to the unity of Punjab, which belongs as much to the Sikhs as to the Hindus but also of the larger nation. But the worst effect of this hate-filled campaign is the fanatic color it adds to the grievances of the Sikhs in India. When a common Indian reads reports of NRI Sikhs writing hate-mails or plastering you-tube comments section with hate filled posts, they tend to think of all Sikhs as anti-Hindu and their struggles as anti-national.

First of all National post is known as Jewish propaganda news in Canada so you cant take any thing that paper prints seriously second you telling me all Sikhs living in west are stupid and cant think for themselves?

i do not believe that sikhs can be anti-hindu...sikhs have always protected hindus and also gave their lives for hindus....i respect sikhs and all the dharmic religions...sikhs outside of India should stop entertaining terrorist mentality...

So basically you want to keep thing as they Are and if Sikhs were to think otherwise they are Terrorist.
Sikhs are known as Hind Ki Chadar.. you know why?

because they save the Hindus at the time of persecution by Aurangzeb or Invaders..

There is a reason why they are called Sardar Ji.. Ji for respect because they saved Hindus when no one else did..
First of all National post is known as Jewish propaganda news in Canada so you cant take any thing that paper prints seriously second you telling me all Sikhs living in west are stupid and cant think for themselves?
If you'd have read my post well, you'd have realized that what I wrote is not just based on the article but other experiences as well. Its a phenomenon I have noticed for quite a few years. They are surely not balanced in their narrative of Sikh issues in India.

And did I generalize all Western Sikhs? And don't tell me you know western Sikhs or understand Sikh issues better than me. I have been to the West and know pretty well the Sikh enclaves of Cali, Surrey and Brampton.
If you'd have read my post well, you'd have realized that what I wrote is not just based on the article but other experiences as well. Its a phenomenon I have noticed for quite a few years. They are surely not balanced in their narrative of Sikh issues in India.

And did I generalize all Western Sikhs? And don't tell me you know western Sikhs or understand Sikh issues better than me. I have been to the West and know pretty well the Sikh enclaves of Cali, Surrey and Brampton.

So basically what you are saying is you have nothing to back up your statement you made and now you are trying to spin it. well good luck as long as generalizing goes=I feel the Western Sikhs are fed a biased and self serving anti-Hindu account those are your words not mine plus who in west will benefit from anti Hindu account.

Sikhs are known as Hind Ki Chadar.. you know why?

because they save the Hindus at the time of persecution by Aurangzeb or Invaders..

There is a reason why they are called Sardar Ji.. Ji for respect because they saved Hindus when no one else did..

I am sorry where did i ask you to explain it to me what Sikhs are or why they are called sardar ji.
Well written piece. I feel the Western Sikhs are fed a biased and self serving anti-Hindu account which makes them hateful towards Hindus. This not only detrimental to the unity of Punjab, which belongs as much to the Sikhs as to the Hindus but also of the larger nation. But the worst effect of this hate-filled campaign is the fanatic color it adds to the grievances of the Sikhs in India. When a common Indian reads reports of NRI Sikhs writing hate-mails or plastering you-tube comments section with hate filled posts, they tend to think of all Sikhs as anti-Hindu and their struggles as anti-national.
Sir its not only Sikhs i find Hindu's and Muslim's also behave in an extreme manner, probably living in a foreign makes people more orthodox with respect to religion.
So basically what you are saying is you have nothing to back up your statement you made and now you are trying to spin it. well good luck as long as generalizing goes=I feel the Western Sikhs are fed a biased and self serving anti-Hindu account those are your words not mine plus who in west will benefit from anti Hindu account.

There are plenty of pro-Khalistani websites. Why dont you do a favor and Google it up? But someone like you, who's not a Sikh or lived in Indian Punjab wont be able to tell if their propaganda is false or not.

The Western Sikhs do not talk about the failings of the Sikh quam. They do not ask why Bhindrawale built a fortress inside the Darbar Sahib, and the Akal Takht. The Akal Takht is like the Vatican of the Sikhs. Why was DIG Atwal killed right outside the DS complex? Why were there targeted killings of innocent Hindus - visitors to a temple or businessmen? Why join hands with Pakistanis, when it was known it was a purely selfish help? The Western Sikhs wont ask these uncomfortable questions but rather counter with conspiracy theories or exaggerate state aggression.

This is not to say there are no grievances and everything was hunky dory. The state did tremendous wrongs which have still not been corrected. But making it a Hindu vs. Sikh question defeats the purpose. Its more of a Sikh vs. state issue.
Sikhs are known as Hind Ki Chadar.. you know why?

because they save the Hindus at the time of persecution by Aurangzeb or Invaders..

There is a reason why they are called Sardar Ji.. Ji for respect because they saved Hindus when no one else did..

I highly recommend you re read your history.
Not bollywood history, but real history.

The Sikh Kingdom was one of the last independent kingdoms to be conquered by the British. And the British did it with HINDU troops. So Sikhs were not happy about that. So when some of the Hindus (and Muslims) rebelled in the 1853 rebellion, the British used Sikh troops to bring them in order. The reason they used Sikh troops was because the Sikhs wanted to settle the score with the Hindus.

You can romanticize it all you want but the fact is that in most of Indian history there was never any real unity. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs were all fighting with each other. that's why the Brits had such an easy time conquering us.
I highly recommend you re read your history.
Not bollywood history, but real history.

The Sikh Kingdom was one of the last independent kingdoms to be conquered by the British. And the British did it with HINDU troops. So Sikhs were not happy about that. So when some of the Hindus (and Muslims) rebelled in the 1853 rebellion, the British used Sikh troops to bring them in order. The reason they used Sikh troops was because the Sikhs wanted to settle the score with the Hindus.

You can romanticize it all you want but the fact is that in most of Indian history there was never any real unity. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs were all fighting with each other. that's why the Brits had such an easy time conquering us.

Utter BS..Sikhs sided with British bcs some people involved in 1853 openly declared that it done for the restoration of the Mogul Empire. This sent shivers down the spine of Sikhs who suffered the most at the hands of the Moguls and was not ready to do it again. According to many historians, this declaration, was one of the stupidest things that disintegrated the rebellion.
From Brampton to Bangladesh to Hind ka chador to 1857. All in a good day.

I was in Brampton about a decade ago. I still have a $10 Canadian bill.
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