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Fresh clashes erupt between Azerbaijan, Armenia

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So much for Iran being the self-proclaimed "Shia defender". Azerbaijan is just 1 of 3 majority Shia Muslim states on the planet and what does "Islamic" Iran do ruled by "holy" Shia Mullahs? Supports Christian and anti-Muslim Armenia instead due to geopolitical interests (nationalistic agenda in other words if any gullible people were ever in doubt).

Which is why Shias in Pakistan and elsewhere who follow Iran blindly due to some imaginary religious connection (as if modern day states can hijack/take ownership of religion) and die for them in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, are gullible low IQ retards and not much different from actual kafirs.

Having said that, this has nothing to do with Pakistan and neither tiny Armenia or tiny Azerbaijan is relevant for Pakistani geopolitics not to mention that we have enough to worry about on our own plate to put it mildly.
That's usually what Turks or fanatic Pashinyan's supporters say. The thing is that they could have gotten a much better deal. But Pashinyan only helped the NKR army to collapse faster. And those Su-30s weren't even used during the war...
Idk but Armenia couldn’t have lasted much longer anyways. They would have eventually suffered defeat in karabagh with heavier losses. Idk why SU-30s were not used tho.
Azerbaijan was just far more prepared and had an upper hand in that war so it would have eventually won no matter what unless Russians did something to help Armenia.
They would have eventually suffered defeat in karabagh with heavier losses. Idk why SU-30s were not used tho.
Azerbaijan was just far more prepared and had an upper hand in that war so it would have eventually won no matter what unless Russians did something to help Armenia.
If the war dragged on,yes. But they could have delayed it or caused enough casualties to the Azeris. What Pashinyan did was betray NKR,proclaim elections afterwards,win by massive fraud,became a dictator (censoring criticism,arresting and sacking opposition politicians,mayors,war veterans)and being too eager to sign agreements with Turkey and Azerbaijan,suppressing protests brutally etc.

Azerbaijan had the upper hand for more than 12 years,in superior equipment and manpower.

Imagine,Armenia barely had an Air Force and their Air Defences were outdated,except for a few systems. When the Azeris started using UAVs and and kamikazi drones in big numbers,they were shocked. They also had very well-defended positions in some places,but it was static. And the Azeris just bypassed them sometimes. They still caused a lot of casualties in men and vehicles to the Azeris,especially the first few days.

But since they didn't have a modern Air Defence,they were smashed. They didn't even use their 4 Su-30SMs. Not that it would matter much. The Azeris had S-400PMU2 and there was also a rumor that Turkish F-16s were patrolling.
So much for Iran being the self-proclaimed "Shia defender". Azerbaijan is just 1 of 3 majority Shia Muslim states on the planet and what does "Islamic" Iran do ruled by "holy" Shia Mullahs? Supports Christian and anti-Muslim Armenia instead due to geopolitical interests (nationalistic agenda in other words if any gullible people were ever in doubt).

Which is why Shias in Pakistan and elsewhere who follow Iran blindly due to some imaginary religious connection (as if modern day states can hijack/take ownership of religion) and die for them in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, are gullible low IQ retards and not much different from actual kafirs.

Having said that, this has nothing to do with Pakistan and neither tiny Armenia or tiny Azerbaijan is relevant for Pakistani geopolitics not to mention that we have enough to worry about on our own plate to put it mildly.
Armenia is not anti-muslim. On the contrary,Armenians have very good relationship with Arabs and Persians. Remember that one of the largest Armenian communities in the world is in Lebanon. There were also Armenians in Syria.

This isn't about religion,it's about politics.

Azerbaijan is best friends with Israel. Iran hates Israel. Also,Azerbaijan is a brother nation to Turkey. And Iran is against Turkey in Syria and Northern Iraq.

West Pakistan is majority Sunni Muslim and yet fought against East Pakistan which was also majority Sunni Muslim.
Armenia is not anti-muslim. On the contrary,Armenians have very good relationship with Arabs and Persians. Remember that one of the largest Armenian communities in the world is in Lebanon. There were also Armenians in Syria.

This isn't about religion,it's about politics.

Azerbaijan is best friends with Israel. Iran hates Israel. Also,Azerbaijan is a brother nation to Turkey. And Iran is against Turkey in Syria and Northern Iraq.

West Pakistan is majority Sunni Muslim and yet fought against East Pakistan which was also majority Sunni Muslim.

If not anti-Muslim then not exactly pro-Muslim either. The point is that the self-proclaimed "Shia leader" (Iran) is actively helping a Christian country (was the case 30 years ago too) over that of a Muslim (Shia moreover) majority country in Azerbaijan.

I correctly pointed out that Mullah-ruled "Islamic" Republic of Iran only uses religion (Shia Islam) as a PR stunt to use gullible Shias for their own geopolitical gains and that at the end of the day it is about "Iranian influence" whatever that is in the region other than supporting terrrorist groups/proxy groups/armed groups/ and helping turn once successful/peaceful countries into a mess.

I already wrote that nation states (modern construct) and religion should be kept apart. It has nothing to do with religion as such.

What occurred in 1971 in modern-day Bangladesh was ethnic/politically rooted rather than about religion.

Anyway this was mainly between Biharis (an Indian ethnic group) and local Bengalis, most ethnic groups of Pakistan (expect for a select few soldiers) had absolutely nothing to do with those events.

Anyway from what I recall, Greece, just in the modern era alone, had fights with other Orthodox majority nations such as North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Orthodox Albanians in Southern Albania etc.
If not anti-Muslim then not exactly pro-Muslim either. The point is that the self-proclaimed "Shia leader" (Iran) is actively helping a Christian country (was the case 30 years ago too) over that of a Muslim (Shia moreover) majority country in Azerbaijan.

I correctly pointed out that Mullah-ruled "Islamic" Republic of Iran only uses religion (Shia Islam) as a PR stunt to use gullible Shias for their own geopolitical gains and that at the end of the day it is about "Iranian influence" whatever that is in the region other than supporting terrrorist groups/proxy groups/armed groups/ and helping turn once successful/peaceful countries into a mess.
Well Iranians have the Mullahs,what can I say. They are the champions of Shia Islam,but Azeris are Turks and pro-Israeli. And the Mullahs might also be afraid of any Azeri rebellions in Iran. I don't know.

You're trying to find logic in Revolutionary Iran?

Anyway from what I recall, Greece, just in the modern era alone, had fights with other Orthodox majority nations such as North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Orthodox Albanians in Southern Albania etc.
Bulgarians attacked Greece and Serbia in 1913 and were on the side of the Axis in WWI and WWII.

North Macedonia or FYROM or Skopje as we call it,had irridentist claims and stole our history,cultural heritage and symbols,basically they stole the Macedonian identity,because they are Slavs who speak a Serbo-Bulgarian dialect and have Bulgarian surnames. So basically,it was a political problem.

Orthodox Albanians are majority Greek or Greek descended and we didn't have any wars with them. On the contrary,we liberated North Epirus (what is now South Albania) two or three times in the 20th century,but every time...our beloved allies (guess who) gave it back to Albania.
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Idk but Armenia couldn’t have lasted much longer anyways.
They would have eventually suffered defeat in karabagh with heavier losses.
probably, especially with current AZ military strength.
Idk why SU-30s were not used tho.
no ammunition
Azerbaijan was just far more prepared and had an upper hand in that war so it would have eventually won no matter what unless Russians did something to help Armenia.
True, but messing around Iran could make things more complex for AZ also.
USA-France use PASHINYAN to start a conflict between Russia and Turkiye

Armenia received a negative response which applied for military helping from Collective Security Treaty Organization established under the leadership of Russia

Russian general Anatoli Sidorov stated that the organization hopes for a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and does not intend to send troops.

Turkiye-Azerbaijan-Russia ... 15.09.2022

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In the photo you can see Erdogan, next to him the president of Azerbaijan, Aliyev, next to him Putin and his "cockroach", the president of Belarus Lukashenko, and finally, next to him the president of Iran, Ebrahim Raishi. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is nowhere to be seen, although Armenia and Azerbaijan are at the same status in relation to the Cooperation Organization, that of "observer".

Armenia, which these days is being attacked by Azerbaijan, is living moments of great diplomatic isolation: Armenia tried in previous years to play the "polycentric foreign policy" card, and to develop multidimensional relations with the West and Russia. In short, Armenia tried to develop what internet's geopolitical instructors called the "no-given strategy."

The result was that, in the end, Armenia is... nowhere,
that is, it is currently in a geopolitical vacuum and does not matter to anyone. Armenia was caught in the net of Russian politics -- they even went so far as to sign a defense alliance agreement; of course it was never activated, not during the recent Nagorno-Karabakh war, and not now.

Russia's blame games, were aimed solely at undermining Armenia's relations with the West.
That is why it left her exposed during the recent war, as Putin had judged that the Armenian prime minister had seriously neglected the multidimensionality of his policy, and wanted to reach out significantly to the US and the EU as well.
Russia thus wrote its signatures on its old shoes, and let Azerbaijan "shorten the legs" of Armenia in the recent war. While for the current conflicts, he makes soft appeals.

In any case, the strategic weight of Azerbaijan is greater for Russia.
Not only in terms of bilateral economic relations, but also because Azerbaijan is a 'sister state' with Turkey on the one hand, while on the other the Azeri minority is the largest in Iran (16%-20%, some claim even more) . So, the country plays a wider and critical role in Eurasian ferments.

Armenia, on the other hand, what do they represent for Russia?
A small Christian state, with a powerful but also Europe- and USA-oriented diaspora, some whom Russia thinks it can mock at will by selling 'identity' and then abandoning them like set lemon cups.

Both the US and the EU, however, fail to develop a policy based on principles, values, and historical and cultural depth towards the Armenians. For Europe, Azeri gas emerges as an extremely important alternative to Russian gas. But this is a sign of weakness, so the EU can only appeal for appeasement at the moment, and not develop its own autonomous policy in the wider region. And for the USA, however, the South Caucasus is "far away"... and although the Armenian lobby is very strong in America, one wonders why relations with Armenia have not developed as much as they should. On the other hand, historically, the Armenians and their culture are part of the West, one of the uncritical of the nation.

So what's going on?
All the indirectly involved poles, which in other fields may clash and whose relations are governed by fierce competition, Turkey with Israel, Russia, the USA, China, Iran, etc., seem to they wink at Azerbaijan.

And Armenia?
A few days ago its prime minister was complaining in the country's parliament that Azerbaijan is going to the Russians and saying that the Armenians are with the West, at the same time that it is going to the West and saying that it is with the Russians. In short, the Azeris took his policy of not being given, and with their power turned it against Armenia.

Great lessons for the Greek diplomacy......
Will the EU sanction Azerbaijan's natural gas too?

The EU needs natural gas from Azerbaijan , especially when the EU at its worst time against Russia which has cut off gas supplies to Europe
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