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French tourist kidnapped in Pakistan


Jan 22, 2009
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French tourist kidnapped in Pakistan
23 MAY 2009

QUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) — Gunmen kidnapped a French tourist in Pakistan on Saturday, snatching him from a group of compatriots, who included women and children, in the southwestern province of Baluchistan, police said.

The 41-year-old man was kidnapped in an area where ethnic Baluch separatist groups and Islamist fighters linked to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are known to operate, around 80 kilometres (50 miles) from the border with Afghanistan.

His abduction comes seven weeks after an American UN official was released following a two-month hostage ordeal in Baluchistan that was claimed by a shadowy Baluch rebel group trying to extract concessions from the central government.

Six kidnappers armed with Kalashnikovs stopped the two French men, two women and two children travelling by car near Landi, a small town around 200 kilometres east of the Iranian border, said police officer Merrullah.

The six tourists had left the provincial capital Quetta and were heading for Iran, said Karar Shah, another police officer also from Dal Bandin, where the tourists alerted the Pakistani authorities to the abduction.

"The incident happened near Landi and the French told us six men armed with Kalashnikovs stopped them and then one of them was taken away at gunpoint in a vehicle," Shah told AFP.

The kidnappers ordered the rest of the party to continue their journey.

Police said the other French man was not targeted because he was handicapped and that the children were aged two and five years old.

Contacted by AFP, the French embassy in Islamabad said it was unable to either confirm or deny the incident.

This latest Western abduction will raise further concerns about security in Pakistan, battling a wave of deadly extremist Islamist violence and where the government was criticised over the beheading of a Polish hostage in February.

The French tourists were in an area fraught with danger where foreign embassies advise nationals not to travel.

In recent months the party had travelled through Iran, India and Pakistan, said a senior police official on condition of anonymity.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the abduction.

The February 2 kidnapping of John Solecki, who headed the UN refugee agency in Quetta, was the most high-profile Western kidnapping in Pakistan since US journalist Daniel Pearl was beheaded by Al-Qaeda militants in 2002.

A shadowy organisation claiming to hold Solecki, the Baluchistan Liberation United Front (BLUF), had threatened to kill him unless the government freed more than 1,100 "prisoners" but he was eventually released unharmed on April 4.

Hundreds of people have died in the oil and gas-rich province of Baluchistan since late 2004, when rebels rose up to demand political autonomy and a greater share of profits from natural resources.

The province has also been hit by attacks blamed on Taliban militants.

Although kidnappings of foreigners in Baluchistan are rare, they have multiplied in northwest Pakistan, which also borders Afghanistan.

Polish geologist Piotr Stanczak, 42, was working for an oil and natural gas exploration company when he was kidnapped in the northwest last September. He was beheaded by the Taliban in February.

Pakistan is currently locked into an offensive against the Taliban in parts of the northwest which the government has called a fight to "eliminate" militants threatening the sovereignty and stability of the state.

More than 1,800 people have been killed in a wave of extremist bomb attacks across Pakistan in less than two years.

Source: AFP
The question is what he was doing in dangerous area?I think he will be freed after negoiation like the UN diplomat
Another work by Pakistan's enemies, perhaps by the CIA as to have an excuse to say that Pakistan is getting out of Hands, into the so called Taliban, and that the Baloch want freedom. :tsk::tsk:
yeah I think its the CIA too .. Pakistani's have no experience in kidnapping people ..
yeah I think its the CIA too .. Pakistani's have no experience in kidnapping people ..

LOLZ..:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But question is what the heck he is doing in remote area? Don't he know security situation of remote areas?....hitwall:

Indian involvment is open secret now.......behind kidnapping of chineses engineers & killings. Gen Musharraf said inrecent visit to india, that ISI have pics of Talal Bugti (separist leader) visiting indian consulates in Iran

These so called "separist" need to be delt with mighty FORCE....... :sniper: :sniper:
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I highly doubt CIA would do this as Pakistan is fighting now so they have no reason to pressurize us.These are probably BLA bastards.:mad:
No doubt .. As I have said before its their job to do all of the above .. just like ours was creating the taliban and supporting LeT and what not .. I don't see anything wrong with it .. Objectives change from time to time .. our primary concerns and requirements shifted from our east to our north so we lost some ground in Counter Intel .. we will make up for it in kind soon ..
its definately these BLA ba$tards.... they were also responsible for UN envoy kidnaping.
Why f*cking kidnap these innocent people.
Bunch of losers.
This is certainly not good for our image, if it wasn't already torned.
War is deceit :D

On a serious note I would be happy if he comes back without dying like Daniel Perl.
didnt they get travel warnings or dont they watch tv? the whole bloody region is in flames and they are roaming around as if they're touring switzerland :crazy:
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