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French Takes Lesson Of Past Mistakes Made On Turkey

You think they are same, because they don't ask why? Ridiculous!

You don't need Germany? Maybe you think Milgem doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think, Anka doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think Altay or Firtina doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think your U-214 doesn't need an engine.

Maybe you don't understand what I am talking about with my master/student example. Little padavan! ;)

Maybe we need now but maybe not in the near future ?!
Damn..! Master? Padavan? Lucky you for not not live in 16th. century. Honestly, we have been so busy with west-run artificial mess within last couple milleniums (mostly present day) so that doesnt make neither Frenchs nor Germans master of something. Actually that's the source of kinda problems, Europeans are aßpain for whole humanity with their colonialism mindset which we never did. You sucked all the resources of other nations, you feeded by their souls. to me this makes you guys nothing but thiefs. As long as it seems the rules of game changed our industrial development takes steps two at a time. China is a very good example for who has eyes. We have a damn good road map and we rely on it. Germany and France may be ahead of us in term of technology but still can someone translate this into German; "Boynuz kulağı geçer".
You think they are same, because they don't ask why? Ridiculous!

No, you didn't understand. He says both countries soldiers doesn't questions the given orders. They both accomplish the job.

Well, that's true for Turks. In Korea war when Turkish soldiers ammunition depleted, they fixed bayonets killed the Chinese, acquired their weapons and keep fighting. But i don't know Germans....

That's what i meant when i said German's have no passion/belief. I think they would just retreat when they got out of ammo, do the logical choose.
No, you didn't understand. He says both countries soldiers doesn't questions the given orders. They both accomplish the job.

Well, that's true for Turks. In Korea war when Turkish soldiers ammunition depleted, they fixed bayonets killed the Chinese, acquired their weapons and keep fighting. But i don't know Germans....

That's what i meant when i said German's have no passion/belief. I think they would just retreat when they got out of ammo, do the logical choose.

I agree with the people who said that soldiers are same everywhere in the sense that they do what the order is. But I can't help but to agree that Turks and Germans have different mentality. Turks are passionate and emotional people, this is a good thing in times of war, especially since martyrdom is really holy for us. One downside is maybe that the Turkish soldiers are more eager than Europeans to seek martyrdom while they could have retreated to fight another day with better results. On the other hand, as a person having lived in the Netherlands all my life, I can definitely say that the Dutch (can't say much about other Europeans) seriously lack patriotism or concepts such as martyrdom, so I wouldn't be surprised if they would surrender or retreat to fight another day quicklier. I always found this different mentality among people interesting.

ah, you just edited and added words in your last paragraph which i just wanted to add lol.
One downside is maybe that the Turkish soldiers are more eager than Europeans to seek martyrdom while they could have retreated to fight another day with better results.

I understand you mate. Our units also retreated and fought again. It's not like we always held the ground to the death. But if a order is given, they won't retreat no matter what.

In the example i have given in my previous post. We have been securing the Americans left flank while they were retreating. If we would retreat at that time they would be completely encircled and annihilated.
You think they are same, because they don't ask why? Ridiculous!

You don't need Germany? Maybe you think Milgem doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think, Anka doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think Altay or Firtina doesn't need an engine. Maybe you think your U-214 doesn't need an engine.

Maybe you don't understand what I am talking about with my master/student example. Little padavan! ;)

Nobody said we dont need germany, Germany is our biggest Trade Partner, and maybe we have strogenst relations with Germany inside EU.

Du solltest mal deine ''Herrenrasse'' Komplexe ablegen bevor hier postest.
(Und nein, damit will ich nicht sagen, dass du ein Nazi bist.)
be little bit realistic so maybe then you can earn some reputation, based on current facts we are not even closed to compare france and germany with turkey by any mean,

wanna compare it? both 3 car company from germany (benz bmw and audi) makes more money than whole turkey. (I am not even mentioning sports cars like porche etc)

turkey has LOOOOOOOOOONNNNG way to go. dont get cocky.
be little bit realistic so maybe then you can earn some reputation, based on current facts we are not even closed to compare france and germany with turkey by any mean,

wanna compare it? both 3 car company from germany (benz bmw and audi) makes more money than whole turkey. (I am not even mentioning sports cars like porche etc)

turkey has LOOOOOOOOOONNNNG way to go. dont get cocky.

Then compare chinese car companys with them.... oh wait. :ashamed:
Nobody said we dont need germany, Germany is our biggest Trade Partner, and maybe we have strogenst relations with Germany inside EU.

Du solltest mal deine ''Herrenrasse'' Komplexe ablegen bevor hier postest.
(Und nein, damit will ich nicht sagen, dass du ein Nazi bist.)

Es war eine Anektode von der ich sprach (Schüler/Meister), und die hier von einigen falsch verstanden wurde. Was ich meinte ist, wenn die Türkei ein gewisses level erreicht hat, stossen andere Länder hinzu um ihnen bei weiteren entwicklungen zu helfen. Ein völlig normaler Prozess. Das hat nix mit Herrenrasse zu tun.

I understand you mate. Our units also retreated and fought again. It's not like we always held the ground to the death. But if a order is given, they won't retreat no matter what.

In the example i have given in my previous post. We have been securing the Americans left flank while they were retreating. If we would retreat at that time they would be completely encircled and annihilated.

I heard about. Never said turkish soldier are not tough. So, back to topic ;)
Es war eine Anektode von der ich sprach (Schüler/Meister), und die hier von einigen falsch verstanden wurde. Was ich meinte ist, wenn die Türkei ein gewisses level erreicht hat, stossen andere Länder hinzu um ihnen bei weiteren entwicklungen zu helfen. Ein völlig normaler Prozess. Das hat nix mit Herrenrasse zu tun.

Ok, das mit Herrenrasse war übertrieben sry, aber niemand hat gesagt wir brauchen Deutschland nicht, darauf will ich hinaus.
Then compare chinese car companys with them.... oh wait. :ashamed:

"sana kim cinliyim dedi?"
just because i said something against turkey doesnt make me NOT turkish, I am as turkish as you are.
plus dont even compare china with turkey, maybe shitty but they have cars what about us? oh wait!!
Ok, das mit Herrenrasse war übertrieben sry, aber niemand hat gesagt wir brauchen Deutschland nicht, darauf will ich hinaus.

Wie viele Türken eigentlich Deutsch reden können ist schon was beachtliches und da sage einer wir sind nicht integriert:nana:

Mother F***** part is not intended to offend any one; i'm just sayinn... :laughcry:
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be little bit realistic so maybe then you can earn some reputation, based on current facts we are not even closed to compare france and germany with turkey by any mean,

wanna compare it? both 3 car company from germany (benz bmw and audi) makes more money than whole turkey. (I am not even mentioning sports cars like porche etc)

turkey has LOOOOOOOOOONNNNG way to go. dont get cocky.

Ohh sorry mr. All-know and what has BMW, Audi to do with Turkey:whistle:
People like you Want only to provoke.

We (Some members) Said only that we think that turkey doesnt Need france and Germany
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