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French Navy Plans To Dominate Above, On and Below the Seas

The current EU Military doctrine called for a unified command. Those EU member are actually pushing to cancel their own defences and have an Unified EU command force.

In Sweden, they down turn their 250,000 defence force in bid of creating a EU/Northern Europe Brigade (EUFOR or Norbat). The problem with European Government is they did not see defence as a top priority as they have been in a union of sort with alliance with the biggest Military on Earth, the United States. So, they would much rather spend their money on social problem instead of on the military. With EU on the head they don't spend enough money on defence, EU member alone wont increase their own budget accordingly

Mind you, EU combine have the Greatest GDP of the world, even more than America, they are not poor but they are not willing to spend 3 to 4% on Defence budget so instead you get a smaller force that designed to hold until a substantial US involvement can be arrived on time. Their military doctrine is much like the Canadian.

EU need to wake up and smell the coffee
Also,do you want me to talk about your "great victories" against India ?

Off topic but our "victories against" India are very different from the French victories. :p:
We fought a 7 times larger neighbour to stalemate.

I am a WW2 enthusiast, so i can say with confidence that French had superiority in EVERYTHING to Germans. They had larger number of soldiers. They had larger number of tanks. They also had superior quality of tanks, the german tanks could not even penetrate the Somua S35's armor with their obsolete Panzer IIIs. Yet they were able to beat them.
The current EU Military doctrine called for a unified command. Those EU member are actually pushing to cancel their own defences and have an Unified EU command force.

In Sweden, they down turn their 250,000 defence force in bid of creating a EU/Northern Europe Brigade (EUFOR or Norbat). The problem with European Government is they did not see defence as a top priority as they have been in a union of sort with alliance with the biggest Military on Earth, the United States. So, they would much rather spend their money on social problem instead of on the military. With EU on the head they don't spend enough money on defence, EU member alone wont increase their own budget accordingly

Mind you, EU combine have the Greatest GDP of the world, even more than America, they are not poor but they are not willing to spend 3 to 4% on Defence budget so instead you get a smaller force that designed to hold until a substantial US involvement can be arrived on time. Their military doctrine is much like the Canadian.

EU need to wake up and smell the coffee

Agreed on all points.
Off topic but our "victories against" India are very different from the French victories. :p:
We fought a 7 times larger neighbour to stalemate.

I am a WW2 enthusiast, so i can say with confidence that French had superiority in EVERYTHING to Germans. They had larger number of soldiers. They had larger number of tanks. They also had superior quality of tanks, the german tanks could not even penetrate the Somua S35's armor with their obsolete Panzer IIIs. Yet they were able to beat them.

Because the politicans were scums.
The past is the past. :)
Nowadays,did you see any french soldier captured or "surrendered" ? :lol:
Nowadays,French are better fighters than pakistanis. (I'm waiting for 3.000 pakistanis to come and insult me.)
Because the politicans were scums.
The past is the past. :)
Nowadays,did you see any french soldier captured or "surrendered" ? :lol:
Nowadays,French are better fighters than pakistanis. (I'm waiting for 3.000 pakistanis to come and insult me.)

Why even try to respond to a flame bait post ? WWII was over 70 years ago, mon ami. Since then Nazi Germany was pulverized into submission, and France has emerged as the greatest military power in continental Western Europe. Might I also add that France is a Nuclear Power that can glass any enemies of France.

French Navy's Triomphant Class

Mind you, EU combine have the Greatest GDP of the world, even more than America, they are not poor but they are not willing to spend 3 to 4% on Defence budget so instead you get a smaller force that designed to hold until a substantial US involvement can be arrived on time. Their military doctrine is much like the Canadian.

Combining EU's GDP like that is misleading. Lets not forget that EU is a very loose group of different countries. And the distribution of wealth is very uneven.Combining poorer European countries GDP with the likes of Germany gives the impression that "they are not poor" whereas they actually are. So spending 3-4% on defence might be bearable for some countries, its outright economic suicide for the others.

You are right about their military doctrine though, and i think its the smart choice. Reminds me of an annoyed American Defence secretary who complained about NATO's military capabilities just before retiring a few days later.
Why even try to respond to a flame bait post ? WWII was over 70 years ago, mon ami. Since then Nazi Germany was pulverized into submission, and France has emerged as the greatest military power in continental Western Europe. Might I also add that France is a Nuclear Power that can glass any enemies of France.

French Navy's Triomphant Class






french are weak and they always have been

Pakistan is better,frenchies are shits and pakistanis are richer/more beautiful/more strong etc...
Mind you, EU combine have the Greatest GDP of the world, even more than America, they are not poor but they are not willing to spend 3 to 4% on Defence budget so instead you get a smaller force that designed to hold until a substantial US involvement can be arrived on time. Their military doctrine is much like the Canadian.

EU need to wake up and smell the coffee

While i generally agree with what you've said, i also think that if you in some theory (more like fantasy) put all the major assets of EU militaries together and orientate them towards a single objective, that would be quite a formidable force. Once you start adding the numbers up it doesn't look that weak at all.
Although under a condition, if it is in reality like it is on paper, not like for example the recent articles from Germany that were speculating only 4 Typhoons were operational iirc.
Off topic but our "victories against" India are very different from the French victories. :p:
We fought a 7 times larger neighbour to stalemate.

I am a WW2 enthusiast, so i can say with confidence that French had superiority in EVERYTHING to Germans. They had larger number of soldiers. They had larger number of tanks. They also had superior quality of tanks, the german tanks could not even penetrate the Somua S35's armor with their obsolete Panzer IIIs. Yet they were able to beat them.

Bashing french military capability is a bad habit for some- the truth is the historical trend for the french is much more complex.If we look back -

The ancient age - The gauls were literally the scourge of europe.Defeated several roman armies,sacked rome!Rampaged accross europe looted greece and a part went and settled in modern day turkey(galatia).Defeated and conquered by the greatest army of the ancient age and one of its greatest generals- Rome under caesar after 10 yr struggle.

Middle ages - Spain collapsed under arab invasions.Muslim onslaught-the arab cavalry the best in the world then ,defeated and repulsed at Poitiers 732 ad by Charles martel.Basically saved western europe from islamic conquest.

1066 ad - William The conqueror leads essentially a french army from normandy and conquers england.Something no one has managed since.

100 yrs war with england - Has large part of its territory occupied by england.Suffers humiliating and devastating defeats to english longbowman armies at crecy,poitiers 1356 and agincourt 1415.But eventually Defeats england in the hundred years war after the rise of joan of arc.(war ends in 1453 with total conquest of english territories in france)

Valois- Habsburg Rivalry in Italy - France fights Austria and the spanish empire in a half century contest.The spanish at this time the greatest empire in the world and at the peak of their glory.Finally defeated at pavia 1525 by the power of spanish tercios-most feared infantry of the time.Loses its calims over italy but no french territory lost.

Wars of Louis xiv(1643-1704) - France is the superpower of europe under the sun king.Defeats the spanish tercios at Rocroi under Conde the great general in 1643.Till 1699 French expansion in all dierctions,holland,belgium,the rhine,spain,italy.All europe bands together to stop france but unable to do so effectively .Great french marshals- Conde,Turenne,Vauban and Luxembourg win many victories.

War of Spanish succession(1704-1714) - Catastrophe for louis and france.Turenne,conde,luxembourg dead by the time war begins.Faces the garnd coalition of europe led by new british army and dutch army under one of history's great commanders-Duke of marlborough plus another of history's great commanders Eugene of Savoy of austria(who btw totally destroyed the ottomans in the balkans).Big defeats at Turin to eugene,Ramilies,Oudenarde and Blenheim to marlborough-eugene together.Finally counterattacks at Denain(1714-eugene defeated) and bloodbath at malplaquet(1709),preventing allied invasion of french heartland .Overall loses the war badly but not conquered.

Seven years war 1750s - Another catastrophe for France.Under financial crisis.Defeated by Prussia's great commander Frederick in europe.Canada lost to british in america.

American Revolution - French revenge on the british.French regulars play key role in american victory.French navy defeats british navy to make british surrender at yorktown 1781 possible.French loss of canada returned by british loss of america.

Wars of the french Revolution(1792-1800) - Fights all of europe combined and to a standstill.Overruns holland and belgium and parts of italy.Rise of Napoleon.

Napoleon's wars(1800-1815) - France's greatest period of military glory.Basically defeats every single army on the continent multiple times over.Crushes prussia,austria multiple times,russian armies defeated several times.Greatest defeat in german history at jena 1806(until stalingrad)Enters every major european capital(madrid,paris,berlin,vienna,rome,warsaw)-only army in history to ever do so - takes 15 yrs,seven coalitions among other 4 world powers,royal navy,russian winter,spanish guerillas to finally defeat.

Crimean war and War of Italian Unification - Defeats the austrian army in war of italian unification.Defeats the russian armies in the crimean war.

Franco-prussian war 1871 - Suffers huge defeat to prussian army(that had already smashed austria) under moltke- a great commander.Replaced by germany as greatest european military power.

World war I - Despite being outnumbered(population 39 milion to german 70 million)halts the german army,fights it to standstill in four years of brutal fighting in battles like verdun and finally defeats it.Suffers the maximum casualities and takes the maximum burden of all the allied forces.(less than half of this german army was able to defeat russia and italy)

World war 2 - Suffers massive defeat to german blitzkrieg.Most remembered due to panzererotica mindset amongst military enthusiasts.What is forgotten - balkans,holland,belgium,norway,denmark were crushed similarly.Britain suffered defeat after defeat in north africa till 1942-43 and would have fallen in 1941 without englsih channel and RAF.Even russia was almost smashed by wehrmacht in 1941.

Vietnam - Dien phien Bu - Outnumbered isolated Garrison at Dien phien bu surrenders to vietcong after siege.Forgotten fact - Even superpower usa unable to defeat the vietcong after a decade long effort.

Summary - Only comment after seeing the whole picture,not just a singleevent.
While i generally agree with what you've said, i also think that if you in some theory (more like fantasy) put all the major assets of EU militaries together and orientate them towards a single objective, that would be quite a formidable force.

EU's combined military will be less effective than its parts seperately. They use different military equipment (leapords, Leclercs, Rafale, Tornado) so logistics will be nightmare. They also have different languages, so tactical communications will be hard. And not to forget that some of the commanders have been brought up learning different military doctrines, again reducing strategic effectiveness. I think instead of giving them a single objective, they might be better suited to performing multiple smaller objectives while acting independantly.

Summary - Only comment after seeing the whole picture,not just a singleevent.

If you have to go back 2000 years to really judge a nations military capability then Mongolia must have the best military in the world now.
EU's combined military will be less effective than its parts seperately. They use different military equipment (leapords, Leclercs, Rafale, Tornado) so logistics will be nightmare. They also have different languages, so tactical communications will be hard. And not to forget that some of the commanders have been brought up learning different military doctrines, again reducing strategic effectiveness. I think instead of giving them a single objective, they might be better suited to performing multiple smaller objectives while acting independantly.

This is why the battlegroup concept was made up for. It envolves around a concept of neighbouring countries that have cultural, linguistic, even procurement ties forming a fully functioning "army" that can work on the move with all assets. From the examples you quoted, Leopard is used in several countries, likewise Tornado....
Also, one of the benefits of having a proffesional army is the fact you can preselect people with English skills. Officer cadre especially, but most likely also normal soldiers.
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