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French Mag to Publish Cartoons of Prophet Mohammed

Thanks to the attacks ( renovations ) Christianity, especially common Christians are more broad minded and open to criticism. next and immediate change will be women priests, marriage and family life to priests, allowing condom to be used for family planning (though people already use and don't care about what the church says ), etc..

There's a distinction to be made here. It is fine to factually point out human rights deficiencies, and consistent focus will lead to reformation. Similar criticism of Muslim societies is perfectly valid, and actually welcome, considering the lackadaisical attitude of most Muslim governments towards human rights.

However, there is no justification for the hateful and vile attacks on Jesus himself that have come from so-called artists like Serrano, etc.
dont know why westren people have the cheapest mentality on earth. These people are curse on humanity... Dont mind next time if some people take a revenge by killing them..

Escalations are rarely one-sided affairs;

You get material banned from one portal, it's going to pop up in 20 others.

The more you threaten to unleash violence, the more people are going to vilify you and recommend retaliation in kind.

And if all this leads to coordinated attacks on the West by Muslims, the confrontation escalates with the Western governments stepping in with an operation ''Liberate Islamic Republic of XYZ" in the works.

True story.
Patience my fellow!

Let them draw whatever they want. And Allah will draw even the worse for them. He (Allah) is the Best-Planner.
before 9/11

The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History is a 1978 book by Michael H. Hart, reprinted in 1992 with revisions. It is a ranking of the 100 people who, according to Hart, most influenced human history.[1]
The first person on Hart's list is the Prophet of Islam Muhammad.[2] Hart asserted that Muhammad was "supremely successful" in both the religious and secular realms. He also believed that Muhammad's role in the development of Islam was far more influential than Jesus' collaboration in the development of Christianity. He attributes the development of Christianity to St. Paul, who played a pivotal role in its dissemination.
The 1992 revisions included the demotion of figures associated with Communism, such as Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong, and the introduction of Mikhail Gorbachev. Hart took sides in the Shakespearean authorship issue and substituted Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford for William Shakespeare. Hart also substituted Niels Bohr and Henri Becquerel with Ernest Rutherford, thus correcting an error in the first edition. Henry Ford was also promoted from the "Honorary Mentions" list, replacing Pablo Picasso. Finally, some of the rankings were re-ordered, although no one listed in the top ten changed position.
Hart wrote another book in 1999, entitled A View from the Year 3000,[3] voiced in the perspective of a person from that future year and ranking the most influential people in history. Roughly half of those entries are fictional people from 2000–3000, but the remainder are actual people. These were taken mostly from the 1992 edition, with some re-ranking of order..........

The 100 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity is a dead , defeated , humiliated faith ...specially in the West. Nobody gives a crap about Jesus or Bible or Christianity etc....On the other hand ...Islam is a vibrant , young , and more successful religion that is experience growth from its inception and still hasn't become "stable" ... Majority of Muslims are no way near as educated as Westerners are...Majority of Muslims are "young" too , residing in HOT climates... There are sooo many other factors too...Lastly , Jesus pics are allowed in Christianity while Muhammad (PBUH)'s depictions are not allowed... Add West vs Islam historical relation to all this...

Try to look all these factors and you'll understand why Muhammad's depictions aren't the same matter as Jesus' depictions are...

France has the largest Muslim population in the Europe....

What a retarded magazine.

Let me tell you.

Muhammad and Allah are Irrelevant to Non-Muslims and Non-Muslims don't care a Jack about them.

In Islam, Muslims are told that Muhammad is even Above your own Parents. But the issue is Muslims think that is also True for Non-Muslims.

Muslims should Stick up in their Minds that Nothing What Islam tells them on Kaffirs is Irrelevant and that should be Edited in Islam. :lol:

Don't be Shy and Let the World know What Islam is Truly and What Muslims are made to think by Islam:

Every child is born a muslim until his/her parents bring him up to be a non-muslim. ISLAM is the true nature of every human being as it is the religion(way of life) ordained by Allah(swt) for us. A child is masum (innocent) but his parents are not. Got the point.:)

Let me tell you.

Muhammad and Allah are Irrelevant to Non-Muslims and Non-Muslims don't care a Jack about them.
In Islam, Muslims are told that Muhammad is even Above your own Parents. But the issue is Muslims think that is also True for Non-Muslims.

Same goes for hindus gods and godesses, these are irrelevant for Muslims so does it mean we can show them in bad light?

plz tell me your honest reply if we draw ganesh as rapist, kali as bad character female, seeta as bad character female (i dont want to use words like prostitut.e and hooker here ) and draw their sketches in manner which depicts the above mentioned traits will you accept it and shrug your shoulders on a pretext that since these are irrelevent for Muslims hence they dont give a jack about them?

This was on the front page, dare not post whats on the last page. They better beef up security at
french embassy.:cheesy:


RIP Mr Publisher.
^^^Wtf? :rofl:

Islamic Fighters against Western Coalition Forces would be loving these moments....

More radicalization , more hate , more negativity between Islamic World and the West ... This translates into more manpower availability for Al Qaeda/Talibans , more anti-Westernism among Muslim youth , more funds , and more fighting...

That's what I've been yelling right from the beginning! "><
Same goes for hindus gods and godesses, these are irrelevant for Muslims so does it mean we can show them in bad light?

plz tell me your honest reply if we draw ganesh as rapist, kali as bad character female, seeta as bad character female (i dont want to use words like prostitut.e and hooker here ) and draw their sketches in manner which depicts the above mentioned traits will you accept it and shrug your shoulders on a pretext that since these are irrelevent for Muslims hence they dont give a jack about them?

Of course many will feel bad for a day ,week , month.. adn then move on.. not Kill the equivalent of Danish cartoonist and chant , Allah is Great. and Death to Non Hindus , Kill americans and go on and actually do it!!
as in my other post I posted some images of Hindu Gods/ess on slippers... did U EVER heard abt the backlash?? anyone died , arrested?
Just Live U life and do Ur duty to Ur god adn leave the punishment to him. Hes the judge , not a small Human being.


Can U see Earth in our Galaxy? and can U find Yourself or Me in it?
now... there are about 500 BILLION galaxies in the universe..
Did I loose U mate? :)
Exactly. And the Islamists' actions will energize the Western extremists, perpetuating the cycle.

I know these clowns think they are making some point about freedom of speech, but all they end up doing is empowering the extremists on all sides.

Don't agree at all. Freedom of speech is an essential freedom that should be allowed, no exceptions. The problem is the Islamic extremists, and giving them excuses that now they are justified to kill Westerners is beyond absurd.

Same goes for hindus gods and godesses, these are irrelevant for Muslims so does it mean we can show them in bad light?

plz tell me your honest reply if we draw ganesh as rapist, kali as bad character female, seeta as bad character female (i dont want to use words like prostitut.e and hooker here ) and draw their sketches in manner which depicts the above mentioned traits will you accept it and shrug your shoulders on a pretext that since these are irrelevent for Muslims hence they dont give a jack about them?

Yes I would. Don't know about others...
Same goes for hindus gods and godesses, these are irrelevant for Muslims so does it mean we can show them in bad light?

plz tell me your honest reply if we draw ganesh as rapist, kali as bad character female, seeta as bad character female (i dont want to use words like prostitut.e and hooker here ) and draw their sketches in manner which depicts the above mentioned traits will you accept it and shrug your shoulders on a pretext that since these are irrelevent for Muslims hence they dont give a jack about them?

When you Muslims say that Allah is the only True God and Rest are False Gods, there only you are disrespecting other Gods.

So You get Squashed there only.
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