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French Mag to Publish Cartoons of Prophet Mohammed

If Jesus can be cartooned,then why not Prophet Mohammed ?

P.S. Not all cartoons are derogatory.

Christianity is a dead , defeated , humiliated faith ...specially in the West. Nobody gives a crap about Jesus or Bible or Christianity etc....On the other hand ...Islam is a vibrant , young , and more successful religion that is experience growth from its inception and still hasn't become "stable" ... Majority of Muslims are no way near as educated as Westerners are...Majority of Muslims are "young" too , residing in HOT climates... There are sooo many other factors too...Lastly , Jesus pics are allowed in Christianity while Muhammad (PBUH)'s depictions are not allowed... Add West vs Islam historical relation to all this...

Try to look all these factors and you'll understand why Muhammad's depictions aren't the same matter as Jesus' depictions are...

France has the largest Muslim population in the Europe....

What a retarded magazine.
Christianity is a dead , defeated , humiliated faith ...specially in the West. Nobody gives a crap about Jesus or Bible or Christianity etc....On the other hand ...Islam is a vibrant , young , and more successful religion that is experience growth from its inception and still hasn't become "stable" ... Majority of Muslims are no way near as educated as Westerners are...Majority of Muslims are "young" too , residing in HOT climates... There are sooo many other factors too...Lastly , Jesus pics are allowed in Christianity while Muhammad (PBUH)'s depictions are not allowed... Add West vs Islam historical relation to all this...

Try to look all these factors and you'll understand why Muhammad's depictions aren't the same matter as Jesus' depictions are...

France has the largest Muslim population in the Europe....

What a retarded magazine.

Do you mean that Christianity went through the Age of Enlightenment [ Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] whereas Islam may not have passed through such a period yet?
The more Muslims react the more these people will needle you. Its like bullies in school, they always pick on kids who react the most.

Best not give them any attention.
The more Muslims react the more these people will needle you. Its like bullies in school, they always pick on kids who react the most.

Best not give them any attention.

Instead of being the nerds that ignore it, we are the others that pummel and punish the bully. Sorry, but it's in our nature.

The French are probably the most hated people on Earth.

I wish I was in France so I could knock out a couple of those snooty fucks.
Christianity is a dead , defeated , humiliated faith ...specially in the West. Nobody gives a crap about Jesus or Bible or Christianity etc....

Perhaps you should rephrase.

I assume what you meant was that Christianity has been attacked so relentlessly and vilely by hatemongers that many Christians have become numbed to the assaults. It doesn't mean they are not hurt by the attacks on their religion. Some Christians don't care; others do.
dont know why westren people have the cheapest mentality on earth. These people are curse on humanity... Dont mind next time if some people take a revenge by killing them..

O pls stop FFS. we(s asians) are not far behind either in comparison of having cheap mentality.
+ What is Ur defo. of cheap mentality.... ??

People lke U have a cheap mentality ... U take away lives away just because of the reason that they post mohammad cartoons?
Ur God will NOT be happy over killing people just over some drawings!!

P.S. -If U want to go by your logic of taking lives , Dont sulk when they take innocent Muslim lives away too by bombings and shootings..
Instead of being the nerds that ignore it, we are the others that pummel and punish the bully. Sorry, but it's in our nature.

The French are probably the most hated people on Earth.

I wish I was in France so I could knock out a couple of those snooty fucks.

Well if U really had the balls Im sure U have many French living in the United States? Even a french Embassy in US or Pakistan?
What have U done so far Rocky?
Instead of being the nerds that ignore it, we are the others that pummel and punish the bully. Sorry, but it's in our nature.

The French are probably the most hated people on Earth.

I wish I was in France so I could knock out a couple of those snooty fucks.

Yeah right. Around 100 people died in the protests last week. More than 95% were Muslims. Its counter productive. You guys should let your government do the talking, lodge strong protests, thats more effective then getting yourself killed or burning your public property down.
Perhaps you should rephrase.

I assume what you meant was that Christianity has been attacked so relentlessly and vilely by hatemongers that many Christians have become numbed to the assaults. It doesn't mean they are not hurt by the attacks on their religion. Some Christians don't care; others do.

Thanks to the attacks ( renovations ) Christianity, especially common Christians are more broad minded and open to criticism. next and immediate change will be women priests, marriage and family life to priests, allowing condom to be used for family planning (though people already use and don't care about what the church says ), etc..
Well if U really had the balls Im sure U have many French living in the United States? Even a french Embassy in US or Pakistan?
What have U done so far Rocky?

Why should I attack French nationals for extremist fringe view?

What do these people know about the sacredness of wataan or even their mothers'?

If someone insults my religion, I would give a befitting answer to them.

There is a fine line between free speech and direct provocation.

I cannot tolerate this type of behavior. There should be respect for people's beliefs.

Forget Rocky our wrath can be hundred times worse. We respect all and in return get provoked.
What do these people know about the sacredness of wataan or even their mothers'?

Who says only U and I know how to respect our mothers / nation/ sacredness?

If someone insults my religion, I would give a befitting answer to them.

Pen is MIGHTIER than the sword come to mind , and fight with ur head mate.

There is a fine line between free speech and direct provocation.
These `lines` are drawn individuals just to be used for personal sake , my opinion.

I cannot tolerate this type of behavior. There should be respect for people's beliefs.
100% agree. still Fight with Brains , Not with Hands. (- Chanakya ???)

Forget Rocky our wrath can be hundred times worse.
Wrath ? 100 times worse? Childish emotions, least to say , sorry.
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